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Past events


Tue, May 14 2024, 4 - 5:30pm
Vai a Architectural innovation and urban development
Architectural innovation and urban development
In Gorizia Seminar on Operational Research in Architecture
Tue, May 14 2024, 4 - 6pm
Vai a The importance of geophysics in understanding the dynamics of the terrestrial arctic due to warmer climate
The importance of geophysics in understanding the dynamics of the terrestrial arctic due to warmer climate
Seminario di Geofisica organizzato dal MIGe
Tue, May 14 2024, 11:30am - 12:30pm
Vai a Bridging Reserving and Business Steering using AI Assistance
Bridging Reserving and Business Steering using AI Assistance
DEAMS seminar as part of the initiative "Knowing the industry: actuarial students meet actuaries"
Mon, May 13 2024, 2 - 6pm
Vai a Seminari @Business Lounge: Il valore dietro l'immagine
Seminari @Business Lounge: Il valore dietro l'immagine
Eventi presso la sede CLab, nell'Ex Ospedale Militare
Sat, May 11 2024, 4:30 - 8pm
Vai a "Velonotte" at the borders
"Velonotte" at the borders
Cultural pedaling between Gorizia and Nova Gorica
Sat, May 11 2024, 9am - 1pm
Vai a Aspetti giuridico civilistici dopo la Riforma dello Sport
Aspetti giuridico civilistici dopo la Riforma dello Sport
Appuntamento del ciclo sui Dialoghi del Terzo Settore sulle conseguenze della L.191/23 per associazioni e società sportive dilettantistiche
Fri, May 10 2024, 3:30 - 10:30pm
Vai a Rose Libri Musica Vino 2024: Tribute to Gaetano Kanizsa
Rose Libri Musica Vino 2024: Tribute to Gaetano Kanizsa
Appointment every Friday from May 3 to 31 at San Giovanni Park
Fri, May 10 2024, 3 - 4pm
Vai a Salvatore Scoca and the Royal University of Economic and Commercial Studies of Trieste - The Research and Teaching of Financial Science and Financial Law
Salvatore Scoca and the Royal University of Economic and Commercial Studies of Trieste - The Research and Teaching of Financial Science and Financial Law
DISPES event at the Cacciaguerra Acts Hall
Fri, May 10 2024, 9am - Sat, May 11 2024, 12:30pm
Vai a SEMINAR THREE. Interdisciplinarity. Characters of research in architectural design
SEMINAR THREE. Interdisciplinarity. Characters of research in architectural design
National conference of researchers in architectural design at Rogers Station
Thu, May 9 2024, 6 - 8pm
Vai a MARE SOPRA: docufilm e dibattito sul futuro delle coste
MARE SOPRA: docufilm e dibattito sul futuro delle coste
Avvio del progetto di divulgazione al Teatro Miela
Thu, May 9 2024, 5:30 - 7pm
Vai a A lesson in road safety
A lesson in road safety
CdS event at Venezian Hall, left wing of the central campus building
Thu, May 9 2024, 5 - 6pm
Vai a A Rediscovered Treasure. Bandits and Caravans on the Carso in the Middle Ages
A Rediscovered Treasure. Bandits and Caravans on the Carso in the Middle Ages
Opening of the Exhibition at the Museum of Antiquities “J.J. Winckelmann”