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loghi UE, MUR e Italia Domani

National Recovery and Resilience Plan - NRRP

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The National Recovery and Resilience Plan - NRRP, approved by the European Council on 13 July 2021, has been implemented through the European Recovery Plan Next Generation EU, of which our country is one of the main beneficiaries in absolute terms.

The National Recovery and Resilience Plan consists of 16 components divided into 6 missions:

- Mission 1: Digitalisation, Innovation, Competitiveness, Culture and Tourism 
- Mission 2: Green revolution and ecological transition 
- Mission 3: Sustainable Mobility Infrastructure 
- Mission 4: Education and Research 
- Mission 5: Inclusion and Cohesion 
- Mission 6: Health

The main PNRR projects in which the University of Trieste is involved fall under Mission 4: Education and Research, which is divided into the components
M4C1: Enhancing the supply of education services: from kindergartens to universities
M4C2: From research to enterprise

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