21 March 2025 , 9:30 am - 4 pm Testo evento On Friday 21 March 2025, the ‘Spring Open Doors’ event will take place at the University of Trieste, on the Campus in Piazzale Europa 1, Trieste.The event will kick off at 9.30 a.m. with the opening ceremony and welcome greetings at the Aula Magna, in the central building A of the University campus in Piazzale Europa, and will then move on to various classrooms, as scheduled. Each student will then be able to go to the classroom indicated for the presentation of the training area of their interest.In the afternoon, at 2.30 p.m., information will be given on how to access courses, fees and student benefits by the University Orientation Service.During the open day it will also be possible to visit the campus accompanied by student tutors.Choosing a university location means, first and foremost, informing oneself about the scientific facilities present, the quality of the education on offer, and the efficiency of the services provided to students. Spring Open Doors is intended to help future freshmen make a conscious and well-considered choice of the university where they wish to study in order to obtain a degree that has real value, i.e. one that can be spent professionally.The REGISTRATION form is now active HERE Registration is compulsory.Contact: Orientamento E-mail: orientamento@units.it