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The University of Trieste promotes transparency, participation, and constructive dialogue with the community through the use of Social Media.


The social media accounts of the University of Trieste are used to:

  1. Inform about the activities and functioning of the University.
  2. Facilitate access to services.
  3. Share research results.
  4. Communicate outreach and research initiatives and events involving the University.
  5. Collect comments, reports, questions, criticisms, and suggestions.


The accounts may produce original content under the Creative Commons CC BYND 3.0 license. Such content can be freely reproduced with clear reference to the original channel. The University may initiate specific social campaigns to listen to the voice of its fans/followers and create content together with them. The University of Trieste may highlight information and content provided by users, respecting copyright laws and obtaining permission from the content owner. The University may promote some content with sponsored posts/tweets, streamlining costs compared to other types of advertising. Users may choose to hide sponsored content. The University of Trieste may share content and messages from third parties if deemed of public interest and utility. While the University strives to verify the accuracy and reliability of this content, the Administration assumes no responsibility for any incorrect or outdated information. User comments and posts represent the opinions of individuals and not those of the University. The University cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of what is posted on its channels by third parties. Any advertisements placed alongside content on social network pages are not under the control of the University but are managed independently by the social networks.


Everyone has the right to intervene and express their opinion. Comments on posts are important feedback for the institution and are encouraged. Each person is responsible for what they write and publish. The University of Trieste's accounts do not have pre-moderation, but posts and comments that violate the conditions outlined here will be removed. Insults, vulgarities, or behaviors that undermine personal dignity, the rights of minors, and the principles of freedom and equality will not be tolerated. The following actions will be moderated and may be hidden:

  1. Off-topic comments.
  2. Comments or posts presenting sensitive data.
  3. Repeated interventions.
  4. Comments and posts intended to disrupt the discussion or offend channel administrators.
  5. Spam.
  6. Commercial promotions.

For those who violate these conditions or the platform's policies, the SMT reserves the right to block the user's account, report them to the platform administrators, and possibly to law enforcement.

Specific actions include:

  1. The publication of discriminatory content based on gender, ethnicity, language, religious beliefs, political opinions, sexual orientation, age, personal and social conditions will result in content removal; repeated violations will lead to a user block.
  2. The publication of content with insults, obscenities, indecency, or threats, or that instigates illegal or violent activities or harms the reputation of individuals, the image of the University, or other institutions will result in content removal; repeated violations will lead to a user block.
  3. The publication of political, commercial, or advertising content that is deceptive or violates the rights of third parties will result in content removal.
  4. The publication of content in a language that administrators cannot fully understand will result in content removal.
  5. The publication of illegal and illicit content will result in content removal, user blocking, and reporting to the relevant law enforcement agencies.


The processing of users' personal data complies with current regulations and the policies in use on the platforms used. Data shared by users through private messages to channel managers will be treated in accordance with Italian privacy laws.


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