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Past events


Tue, Jun 11 2024, 4 - 5:30pm
Vai a Weak and Strong sustainability
Weak and Strong sustainability
Lectio magistralis by Prof. Paul Ekins of UCL University College London
Tue, Jun 11 2024, 2 - 6pm
Vai a Literature that inspires marketing: from Shakespeare to Kerouac, Propp to Calvin
Literature that inspires marketing: from Shakespeare to Kerouac, Propp to Calvin
Seminar of the @BusinessLounge cycle at CLab, in Former Military Hospital
Sat, Jun 8 2024, 12 - 1:30pm
Vai a Health Humanities open badge 2024: "Autonomy or what relationship for the care pathway?"
Health Humanities open badge 2024: "Autonomy or what relationship for the care pathway?"
Closing open lecture in the Aula Magna of Montfort Street
Fri, Jun 7 2024, 4 - 5pm
Vai a Mathematics Olympiad 2024: Awards Ceremony
Mathematics Olympiad 2024: Awards Ceremony
Preceded by the lecture "The Mathematics of Phase Transitions"
Fri, Jun 7 2024, 2 - 4:30pm
Vai a UniTS contro il cancro
UniTS contro il cancro
L'edizione 2024 dell'evento di UniTS dedicato ai progressi sui fronti della ricerca e della prevenzione nell’ambito della lotta ai tumori vedrà un importante ruolo degli studenti
Thu, Jun 6 2024, 5 - 6:30pm
Vai a Trieste, a Border City?
Trieste, a Border City?
Lecture and screening of the mini-documentary "Umar"
Thu, Jun 6 2024, 2:30 - 3:30pm
Vai a Embark on Your AI Journey: Discover the ADSAI Open Day 2024!
Embark on Your AI Journey: Discover the ADSAI Open Day 2024!
Thu, Jun 6 2024, 2:30 - 3:30pm
Vai a ENI's GEMS Master's Presentation
ENI's GEMS Master's Presentation
Event at Classroom A in the Department of Physics, Building F
Wed, Jun 5 2024, 9:15am - 5pm
Vai a Job Fair 2024
Job Fair 2024
AI Student Society event at the Urban Center in Corso Cavour
Tue, Jun 4 2024, 9pm - Thu, Jun 6 2024, 11pm
Vai a "UniTeatro 2024" review: three days of free performances
"UniTeatro 2024" review: three days of free performances
Tenth edition organized by Cut Trieste at the Biology Amphitheater
Tue, Jun 4 2024, 2:30 - 6pm
Vai a Affordable rents: a possible goal?
Affordable rents: a possible goal?
DIA event at the Urban Centre in Corso Cavour
Fri, May 31 2024, 6pm - Sat, Jun 1 2024, 10:30pm
Vai a Abitare HUB: Dialoghi fra intelligenze artificiali e naturali + Maratona AI
Abitare HUB: Dialoghi fra intelligenze artificiali e naturali + Maratona AI
Due giornate di eventi in Stazione Rogers