Contenuto Image The University provides support to professors and researchers in the activities concerning patent licensing, intellectual property valorisation and the creation of new spin-off companies. Furthermore, it oversees research activities and third party service provisions for external companies and institutions, as well as the liaisons with the financial and entrepreneurial world surrounding the technology transfer of academic research results.Go through the guidelines for patent licensing and spin off/spin out and start up of the University of Trieste: Allegati Document Guidelines on patents, spin-offs e start-ups CALL FOR IDEAS TO FUND PROJECTS You can find online the "CALL FOR IDEAS" to fund project ideas developed by professors and researchers of the University that can actually impact the market and the companies of the area, developed within the PNRR project “iNEST. Interconnected Nord-Est Innovation Ecosystem”.The call consists of two separated phases.the first phase, in which the companies were meant to propose research trajectories, ended on September 15th 2024 at 2PM;the second phase, in which research groups consisting of professors and researchers of the University are meant to send their own project ideas, consistently with the research trajectories proposed by the companies, will take place between October 1st and November 1st 2024.To receive information about the call it is possible to contact the Tech Transfer Office at official ranking for the second phase of the call is now online, available here below with the other call documents. Allegati Document DR Bando Call for ideas Document Allegato 1 per le imprese Document Allegato 2 per i gruppi di ricerca Document Graduatoria Call for Ideas fase 1, imprese Document Graduatoria Call for Ideas fase 2, progetti CALL FOR FUNDING OF PROOF OF CONCEPT (PoC) projects The CALL FOR FUNDING OF PROOF OF CONCEPT (PoC) projects is online, with the aim of selecting two of the University's patent titles and increasing their TRL (Technology Readiness Level).Considering the challenge that Italian universities face in effectively transferring their patents to the production system, it is essential to bring inventions to a level of development that arouses the tangible interest of companies or pushes the researcher to found a spin-off. This call, funded by the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region through Regional Law 2/2011, art. 4, paragraph 2, letters a), b), c) and d bis) - "Funding to the regional university system", has the ultimate objective of increasing the impact of university technologies through pre-industrial development activities of the Proof of Concept type.Interested parties, i.e. inventors of eligible patents, must send their project proposals only and exclusively to the address by 26.03.2024 using the form for the submission of the project proposal. Allegati Document Bando POC 2024 Document Modello presentazione progetto PoC Ranking Cards Patent Licensing The University manages the licensing of patents, chiefly through the stipulation of licence agreements. Go to Patents Spin-Offs The University supports new entrepreneurial initiatives in the form of spin-offs. Go to Spin-Offs Start-Ups The start-ups of the University of Trieste are entrepreneurial initiatives whose shares are normally not owned by the university, created by young people emerging from its academical enivornment. Go to Start-Ups Business Relations The University works as liaison in the development of an active academical presence in tech transfer activities with other institutions as well as companies. Go to Business Relations Contatti Titolo Contacts Ufficio Trasferimento tecnologico e partecipazioni E-mail: Ultimo aggiornamento Social Responsibility Culture and Society Business and Innovation Patents Spin-offs Start-ups Business and Technology Transfer CLab International Cooperation Sustainability Quick links Call to action Career service for businesses Doctoral research and businesses Learn more Call to action Call ANVUR-VQR 2020-2024 Documents and Regulations Allegati Document University Guidelines for Public and Social Engagement