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UniTS in band A

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The University of Trieste has been awarded a score of 7.61 (MEGLIO INSERIRE “su 10”? - verificare) by the Evaluation Experts Commission (CEV) of the National Agency for the Evaluation of the University System and Research (ANVUR), placing it in the highest rating band: "A-Very Positive."

Quality Policy

Aligned with the principles and values outlined in its Statute and strategic guidelines, the University of Trieste has formulated a Quality Policy. This policy aims to ensure the continuous improvement of its scientific research, education, knowledge transfer activities, and supporting services. 

University's Quality Assurance System

The Quality Assurance System (SAQ) is the set of processes and responsibilities adopted by the University to ensure that the objectives formalized in the Quality Policy are realized through: 

  • the awareness of each actor in the system of his or her tasks and their competent and timely performance
  • effective service and properly documented actions
  • the evaluation of the results achieved through the analysis of appropriate indicators and stakeholder satisfaction


Self-evaluation and improvement

Indicators for monitoring

The dissemination of indicators for monitoring is mainly aimed at fostering reflection, both at the level of the University and at the level of Departments and Courses of Study, on the degree of achievement of their objectives. 

Within the Quality Assurance System, reference is mainly made to the indicators identified by ANVUR. With specific regard to teaching, the Quality Presidium has implemented measures to provide Coordinators of Courses of Study with a set of indicators related to students' academic paths. This is aimed at monitoring the performance of courses, including a comparison with the outcomes of similar courses at the national level. 

About Research, the Research Evaluation Commission (CVR) has the task of defining and periodically updating standards, parameters and criteria for the analysis and evaluation of the University's scientific activity, consistent with the criteria used at the national and international level, and to provide the results to the University's governing bodies, in order to guide strategies in the field of scientific research. 

Stakeholder satisfaction

In recent years, the University of Trieste has undertaken a path of self-evaluation that has set itself the goal of also analyzing its ability to respond to the needs of its various stakeholders, first and foremost the students. The measurement of stakeholder satisfaction levels is carried out through the administration of specific questionnaires. The main expected results of the evaluation of what emerges from the surveys are:  

- complete the activity of monitoring the quality of training and services, systematically identifying their strengths and weaknesses in relation to the expectations and needs of each 

- identify appropriate actions to improve critical points emerging from the questionnaires.

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