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The University of Trieste for Sustainability

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The University of Trieste makes its contribution to the achievement of the goals of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development through its governance, organisational and administrative activities, through its teaching and research activities and through the public and social engagement of Third Mission

An important organisational role is played in relation to the various dimensions of sustainability

  • by the various Collaborators and Delegates of the Rector, in particular the Delegates for Sustainability, for Policies for the Inclusion of Special Needs, for Working Conditions, Health and Safety of Workers; the Collaborators for Third Mission and Scientific Dissemination, for Building and Energy; the Waste Manager and the Mobility Manager
  • by the CUG-"Comitato unico di garanzia per le pari opportunità, la valorizzazione del benessere di chi lavora e contro le discriminazioni" (Single guarantee committee for equal opportunities, the enhancement of the well-being of those at work and against discrimination)
  • by the Disability and Specific Learning Disorders Service (DSA), by the Trust Advisor".

The University of Trieste Strategic Plan 2023-2026, confirms and reinforces the relevance of the sustainability principles and criteria that the University of Trieste has set for itself, in its strategic vision, development objectives and priority areas of intervention.

Sustainability Report

The University annually publishes its "Integrated Social Report", consisting of the "Social Performance Indicators" and the "Sustainability Report", with the aim of reporting on the economic, social and environmental impacts linked to its activities, as well as illustrating its commitment to contributing to the construction of a sustainable development model, in full compliance with the University's social responsibility.

The document highlights how the University's activities contribute to achieving the 17 goals of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Sustainability Ranking

The University of Trieste participates in the Green Metric Ranking which aims, by addressing universities worldwide, to emphasise sustainability and environmental issues; particular attention is paid to the dimensions of climate change, water, energy and waste management, mobility, education and research.

The educational activity not only prepares young people for the world of work, but at the same time performs the social function of educating the new generations in sustainable behaviour, forming responsible citizens.

The University of Trieste contributes to this objective through its degree courses, master's degrees, doctorates and, in general, post-graduate programmes, as well as through the activities of the CIRD - Interdepartmental Centre for Educational Research. To this end, the University is increasingly offering innovative and interdisciplinary teaching and training courses, with a growing focus on sustainability issues. Of particular interest are

  • the Master's Degree Courses in "Ecology and Sustainability of Global Changes" and "Sciences for the Marine and Coastal Environment" (realised in agreement with the National Institute of Oceanography and Geophysics)
  • the inter-university first-level Master's degree in "Circular Economy. Integrated waste cycle".
  • the 2nd Level Master's Degree in "Sustainable Blue Economy" organised in collaboration with the OGS - National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics
  • the PhD in "Circular Economy
  • the participation in the T4EU-Transform4Europe project, financed by the European Commission as part of an ambitious project to design a European University characterised by sustainability, common governance structures and shared services, with an important involvement of territories and macro-regions
  • the "Giacomo Ciamician" Summer School on Energy organised by the Interdepartmental Centre for Energy, Environment and Transport "Giacomo Ciamician".

University research activity is geared towards creating a transdisciplinary space for finding answers and solutions to future challenges, with the aim of contributing to the environmental, economic and social sustainabilitỳ of the community.

The University of Trieste pursues this objective through its ten departmental structures, interdepartmental centres, participation in inter-university centres, spin-offs and start-ups in the technology transfer system.

The research projects, agreements and collaboration networks activated, scientific publications (ArTS) and patents registered testify to an increasing focus on sustainability issues.

The University of Trieste contributes on sustainability issues to the development and welfare of society through dialogue and collaboration with public bodies, businesses and various social realities, through the involvement of the various university components.

In this context, in 2017 the University joined the Network of Universities for Sustainable Development (Rus), the first experience of coordination and sharing between all Italian universities committed to the issues of environmental sustainability and social responsibility.

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