Contenuto Working Groups of the RUS - Network of Universities for Sustainable Development This page has been temporarily translated using AI. A revised translation by the University Language Centre (CLA) will be uploaded soon.The University of Trieste participates, with its referees, in the various working groups (WGs) of the RUS - Rete delle università per lo sviluppo sostenibile(Network of Universities for Sustainable Development), in order to contribute to the dissemination of the culture and good practices of sustainability declined in the various thematic areas in the WGs. Image University contact person: prof. Gianluigi GallentiClimate Change working group: Prof. Giovanni Bacaro Food working group: Prof. Paolo Bogoni Education working group: Prof. Gianluigi Gallenti, Prof. Matteo Carzedda Energy working group: Prof. Mauro Reini Inclusion and Social Justice working group: Prof. Ilaria Garofolo Mobility working group: Prof. Giovanni Longo Resources and Waste working group: Prof. Paolo Bevilacqua University for Industry working group: Prof. Paola Rossi AReTS Project - Water Network of Trieste Image The AReTS - Acqua di Rete di Trieste project, provided forthe installation by the University of 30 micro-filtered water dispensers at the main sitesan awareness-raising campaign on the conscious use of water resources, in collaboration with the Municipality of Trieste, which has installed its own water house near the campus in Piazzale Europathe distribution to freshmen of reusable water bottles with a low carbon footprint.The project aims to encourage users to drink mains water and at the same time reduce the invasive and excessive use of plastic. The water dispensers are part of the green corner set-up, together with a battery of recycling bins, intended to be points of awareness on environmental sustainability issues on responsible consumption. M’illumino di meno Image The University of Trieste joins the annual 'M'illumino di meno' (I use less light) initiative, a day for energy saving and sustainable lifestyles, sponsored by the European Parliament and the Presidency of the Republic, which involves temporarily switching off some non-essential lights and electrical devices. Sustainable Development Festival Image The University of Trieste contributes with its own initiatives to the Festival of Sustainable Development. The Festival is a major event to raise awareness and cultural-political elaboration, spread all over the country, annually organised by the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development (ASVIS), a non-profit organisation that brings together in a network more than 300 subjects committed to the implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Climbing for Climate Image The Climbing for Climate (CFC) initiative is organised by the RUS- Network of Universities for Sustainable Development in collaboration with the CAI-Italian Alpine Club. CFC also stands for ChloroFluorocarbons, chemical compounds containing chlorine, fluorine and carbon, which, being partly responsible for the depletion of the ozone layer in the stratosphere, and having a high greenhouse effect were banned from production following the Montreal Protocol of 1987.This was the first time that nations agreed to defend the earth's climate. Climbing for Climate commits participating institutions to fight global warming by training students, promoting research aimed at the sustainable development of our planet and raising public awareness.The University of Trieste also joins the initiative annually by co-organising an event in the region. Energy saving and renewable energy Image Within the framework of energy objectives, the University of Trieste has undertaken in recent years a number of initiatives such as:participation in the SECAP project, "Support for energy and climate adaptation policies" (Interreg Italy-Slovenia 2018-2022) which aimed at the development of activities, methodologies, support tools for the migration from SEAP (Sustainable Energy Action Plan) to SEAP (Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan) in a cross-border perspectiveparticipation in the Interreg Italy-Slovenia "MUSE" Project, financed by the European Community, which envisages a series of actions on energy-efficient sustainable mobility. As part of the project, the University has installed a charging station for electric vehicles and bicycles, made available to the academic community. The charging station is powered by an integrated photovoltaic system, located on the roof of the building next to the station, with a storage system that allows the accumulation of solar energy, which is then used as needed for chargingthe development of photovoltaic systems for the self-production of renewable energythe drafting of best practices for energy saving. Ultimo aggiornamento Last update: 01-26-2024 Social Responsibility Culture and Society Business and Innovation Innovators Community Lab International Cooperation Sustainability Sustainable UniTS Call to action Learn more about sustainable UniTS