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25 March 2025 , 9:30 am - 1:30 pm
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University of Trieste, Department of Engineering and Architecture

Laboratory of Integrated Design of Architecture and the Built Environment - RRR LAB

a.y. 2024-2025

Within the RRR LAB (Laboratory of Integrated Design of Architecture and the Built Environment) of the Degree Course in Architecture of the University of Trieste, on Tuesday 25 March 2025, from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at Room 401 of the Gorizia University Pole, via Alviano 18, the ‘Study Day on Solar Design “WE ARE ALL CHILDREN OF THE SUN”’, curated by Thomas Bisiani and Adriano Venudo, will be held.


Introduction: Adriano Venudo

3FiRES Italy-China bilateral project.

Thermo-mechanical aspects and ongoing investigations for bipv in fire

Chiara Bedon

We are all children of the sun”. A brief history of solar design: how the new solar architecture began, evolved and morphed?

Adriano Venudo

The myth of the sun between art and architecture

Michela Lupieri

Seeking for reinterpretations: re-grounding solar energy

Mariacristina D’Oria

Three “dimensions” of solar architectures: design strategies and integration

Thomas Bisiani

Ten case studies for an “Atlas of the Architecture of the Sun”

Elisabetta Nascig

Conclusions: Thomas Bisiani

This conference returns part of the outcome of an interdisciplinary research work conducted over the past year by the ‘RE.So.LAR’ research unit of the UNITS Department of Engineering and Architecture. This research is part of the broader context of the international research project 3FiRES (Research on BIPV Photovoltaic Facades for Fire Spread Mechanisms, Structural Failures and Resilience Improvement Methodologies), coordinated by prof. Chiara Bedon and funded by the MUR. The 3FiRES project sees the collaboration between the University of Trieste and the University of Science and Technology of China, in an interdisciplinary and international context.

The day will be opened by a talk by prof. Chiara Bedon, who will illustrate the thermo-mechanical aspects and ongoing investigations of BIPV applications in fire contexts, central themes of the 3FiRES project. The design, implementation and optimisation of BIPV systems typically require a multidisciplinary approach and multifunctional analysis, especially in unfavourable operating conditions or accidental events. This introductory talk will give an overview of the project's activities and new strategies for analysing the fire response of building-integrated photovoltaic façades.

Following this, the day will explore Solar Design as a possible new ‘way’ and approach to architectural and landscape design integrated with BIPV technologies. The analysis of BIPV solutions and solar architecture in general requires technical expertise from both the engineering and architectural side, including mechanical and thermo-mechanical aspects, electrical and structural engineering, architectural design as well as contextual and landscape aspects. The day will explore Solar Design in the field of architectural and landscape design with talks by Adriano Venudo on the history of solar design, Michela Lupieri on the myth of the sun between art and architecture, Mariacristina D'Oria on the most contemporary and experimental reinterpretations of solar energy, Thomas Bisiani on the different ‘dimensions’ and strategies for integrating solar energy in architecture, and Elisabetta Nascig on ten case studies for an ‘atlas’ of solar architecture. We will discuss how solar energy can evolve from a simple plant equipment to a characterising element of architectural and landscape design, the bearer of new aesthetic languages and together with functional qualities. This decisive and innovative aspect will be addressed as solar energy has become an integral part of the building fabric and more generally of the architectural and urban phenomenon as a sustainable alternative and an opportunity for new horizons in design.

The study day is proposed as an opportunity to reflect on the usefulness and necessity of an integrated approach that overcomes the disciplinary divisions between architecture and engineering. The integration of BIPV technologies is not only a technical issue, but deeply invests the design culture, opening new frontiers for design methods and tools. Understanding failure mechanisms, predicting thermal shocks, and developing standardised testing methodologies are activities that require close collaboration between engineering expertise and architectural and landscape design sensibilities. The aim is to explore innovations in this specific and new field in order to nurture the design culture by developing safer, more reliable and aesthetically integrated BIPV solutions capable of responding to the challenges posed by climate emergency and energy transition issues.

For information: 
