A heartfelt farewell to Maurizio Fermeglia from all at UniTS Read more about A heartfelt farewell to Maurizio Fermeglia from all at UniTS Immagine fermeglia.jpg Data notizia Mon, 26/02/2024 - 12:00 Categoria notizia University Destinatari canale University Testo notizia We regret to inform readers of the sudden passing of Professor Maurizio Fermeglia, Professor of Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering at the Department of Engineering and Architecture, and former Rector of the University of Trieste. He sadly passed away yesterday, 25th February, due to an unexpected illness while hiking in Val Rosandra.Maurizio Fermeglia, who would have turned 69 in October, will universally be remembered as an exceptional and talented individual, who excelled and made a significant impact not only across a range of fields in academia but also in all areas into which he ventured.Having graduated in Chemical Engineering from the University of Trieste in 1979, he conducted research at the Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, from 1980 to 1981. He subsequently returned to UniTS in 1983 as a researcher, eventually becoming an associate professor in 1992 and a full professor in 2002.In addition to serving as Rector from 2013 to 2019, Professor Fermeglia held numerous managerial roles at the University of Trieste, including Head of Department and Director of the Doctoral School in Nanotechnologies. He also held various roles at a national level, including, most recently, as the National Coordinator of the Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering Group and as the President of the National Scientific Qualification (ASN) Committee for selections in his academic area.His scientific activity was both prolific and varied, with over 250 articles published in peer-reviewed international journals, over 200 presentations at international events (including dozens of invited, plenary, and keynote lectures), and the management of numerous national and European projects as a principal investigator. His research areas included experimental studies on phase diagrams and transport properties, theoretical studies on thermodynamic aspects of chemical engineering as well as process engineering, nanomaterials research, and database and computer network studies. Over the last two decades, he contributed to the development of multiscale molecular modelling with his work and vision. In recent years, he focused on Life Cycle Assessment, introducing the innovative idea of integrating and improving the data required for this technique using computer modelling.His entire scientific career was inspired and permeated by sustainability issues, particularly focusing on the sustainability of processes and systems in the field of energy transition. In addition to his research activities, he served as a consultant to the United Nations agencies UNIDO and UNEP.Professor Fermeglia was a passionate and highly esteemed lecturer in various chemical engineering courses, contributing to the education of several generations of professionals and consistently advocating for the importance of an interdisciplinary approach to education to tackle the challenges awaiting humanity in the future. He also engaged in extensive and highly regarded scientific communication and outreach activities, primarily in the field of sustainability, with dozens of talks, seminars, and conferences delivered to the general public, which were always characterised by his originality and vision. In 2010, he founded the Summer School on Energy, later dedicated to his ‘hero’ Giacomo Ciamician, the Trieste chemist who theorised harnessing the power of the sun for sustainable development in the early twentieth century.Regarding these topics especially, Maurizio Fermeglia was very active on various fronts of civic engagement, including his role as regional delegate of WWF, driven by the idea of using his academic expertise for the benefit of the community.Professor Fermeglia passed away while hiking in Val Rosandra. For him, being a native of Trieste, he was as at home in his ‘Valley’ as he was in the mountains. Outside of academia, he had a great passion for mountains and the spirit and discipline associated with them. Mountain activities often permeated his academic life. He was an alpinist, ski mountaineer and a member of the Italian Alpine Club (CAI) as well as being an instructor in these disciplines and participating in various mountaineering expeditions within Europe and beyond. He was also the head of the Alpine Rescue Service’s Trieste station, once again demonstrating his motivation and drive to selflessly offer his skills and knowledge for the service of others. In the profound loss felt by those who knew him, this is perhaps the most important lesson we can draw from Professor Fermeglia’s character and professional legacy.Professor Fermeglia's departure while on that trail has left a significant void not only within the academic community but also beyond. The University community wishes to extend our heartfelt condolences and deepest sympathies to Maurizio’s wife, son and daughter. Abstract Former Rector of the University of Trieste, he was professor of Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering at the Department of Engineering and Architecture Mostra nel diario Off
The iNE(S)T-working meeting in Vicenza Read more about The iNE(S)T-working meeting in Vicenza Immagine digital twin.jpg Data notizia Thu, 15/02/2024 - 12:00 Categoria notizia University University and society Destinatari canale University Social Responsibility Destinatari target Business and Institutions Society Testo notizia The iNE(S)T-working meeting has recently been held in Vicenza at the local campus of the university of Verona. The event was attended by 300 researchers involved in iNEST (Interconnected Nord-Est Innovation Ecosystem) and was funded 110 million euro by the Italian National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP)., iNEST promotes innovation in North-East Italy in multiple ways through research groups coordinated by the 9 universities of the three north-eastern regions. These groups relate to: mountain environments, health and lifestyle, sustainable manufacturing, architecture for sustainable cities, sustainable living and working environments, tourism, culture and the creative industries, agrifood, marine and river environments and digital models.The University of Trieste is coordinating the innovation activities addressed to maritime, marine and inland water systems, which will eventually lead to the development of a digital twin for the sustainable management of the Northern Adriatic Sea, with contributions from various disciplines (biology, geology, physics, chemistry, ship design, spatial planning, IT, administration management) and great expertise from the Italian National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics, the North Adriatic Sea Port Authority, the technology park ‘Polo Tecnologico Alto Adriatico’ and the Universities of Padova, Trento, IUAV and Ca' Foscari of Venice. In 2023 iNEST strengthened its activities, recruiting more than 250 young researchers and creating a truly collaborative network among people, institutions and companies in this area. The quality of the research carried out, the high value of the teams and collaborations that have been set up, and the involvement of over 300 companies in the presentation of innovative projects for the region are all testimony to the strength of the North-East Innovation Ecosystem. According to Prof. Bonollo, Professor at the University of Padua and President of the iNEST Consortium, the meeting in Vicenza is a very important opportunity to take stock of iNEST's activities, through thematic comparisons and insights into the future scenarios that open up for the Consortium. It is also an opportunity to demonstrate that the universities in this region are able to form a close-knit, motivated and never-before-seen 'orchestra'. Abstract The University of Trieste is coordinating the innovation activities addressed to maritime, marine and inland water systems Mostra nel diario Off
UniTS with Transform4Europe for M’illumino di meno Read more about UniTS with Transform4Europe for M’illumino di meno Immagine Progetto senza titolo (1).png Data notizia Fri, 16/02/2024 - 12:00 Categoria notizia University University and society Destinatari canale University Social Responsibility International Destinatari target International Students - Degree Seekers Society Testo notizia M'illumino di Meno, the switch off campaign organised by Rai Radio2 through its popular show Caterpillar, has since last year become the Italian National Day of Saving Energy and Sustainable Lifestyles, celebrated every 16th February.The name of the campaign, which literally means ‘I fill myself with less light’, evokes in the Italian reader a famous line from the poem Mattina (morning) by Giuseppe Ungaretti: M’illumino d’immenso (immensity fills me with light). In 2024, this campaign celebrates its 20th edition. This year’s theme is ‘No borders’, an invitation is to switch off borders by seeking international alliances!UniTS joins in the campaign by involving the partner universities of Transform4Europe, the university alliance that brings together Saarland University (Germany), the University of Alicante (Spain), Estonian Academy of Arts, University of Silesia - Katowice (Poland), Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski (Bulgaria), Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania), Catholic University of Portugal, University of Primorska (Slovenia) and Jean Monnet University (France).To raise awareness of saving energy, the University main building will dim the lights illuminating its façade from the evening of 16th February and throughout the weekend. Abstract To raise awareness of saving energy, the University main building will dim the lights illuminating its façade throughout the weekend Link Official campaign webpage Mostra nel diario Off
Honorary Master's Degree in Civil Engineering to Andrea Zampa Read more about Honorary Master's Degree in Civil Engineering to Andrea Zampa Immagine Progetto senza titolo (59).jpg Data notizia Mon, 12/02/2024 - 12:00 Categoria notizia University Press releases Destinatari canale University Testo notizia The University of Trieste today conferred an Honorary Master's Degree in Civil Engineering to Andrea Zampa.The degree was conferred ‘for his significant contribution provided by experimental research and in the development of modern strategies based on the use of composite materials aimed at reducing the seismic vulnerability of existing masonry buildings.’‘The prestigious accolade from the University of Trieste goes to me, but above all it concerns an entrepreneurial reality that has done and continues to do great work with the university,’ says Andrea Zampa. ‘A commitment that transforms thought and research into patents, products, methods, and systems that have an impact on regulations and the market, creating added value and wealth for the entire country system.’ Andrea Zampa is founding partner, president and technical director of Fibre Net SpA and Fibre Net Holding, a group that deals with the design, development and production of products and systems in fibre-reinforced composite materials, used in the building, energy, transport and industrial sectors. Thanks to his experience in the field of composite materials, in the early 2000s he conceived and engineered an innovative Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) product that is now widely used for structural reinforcement and seismic improvement of buildings and infrastructures. During his professional career, he has collaborated in numerous research and development activities with universities, laboratories and institutes all over the world with the aim of designing new products by applying state-of-the-art technologies and solutions. Today Zampa is a board member of professional associations and working groups of the CNR (National Research Council) and RILEM (International Union of Laboratories and Experts in Construction Materials, Systems and Structures).Andrea Zampa's speech of acceptance is entitled: 'An experience in industrial research for the structural improvement of buildings: from concept to product standard'.Present at the ceremony were Valter Sergo, Vice Rector of the University of Trieste, Paolo Gallina, Head of the Department of Engineering and Architecture, who gave the introductory speech, and Massimiliano Gei, full professor at the Department of Engineering and Architecture, who gave the laudation. Mostra nel diario Off
Women and Girls in Science: how UniTS champions its importance Read more about Women and Girls in Science: how UniTS champions its importance Immagine Progetto senza titolo (58).jpg Data notizia Fri, 09/02/2024 - 12:00 Categoria notizia University Destinatari canale University Destinatari target Society Testo notizia Sunday 11th February is the worldwide celebration of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, established by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015. On this anniversary, the University of Trieste will join the global community in promoting the equal participation of women and girls in scientific fields of study and work. Despite the progress of recent years, the gender gap remains, particularly in so-called STEM fields. Globally, women represent only 28% of researchers and 35% of graduates in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. In Italy, the situation is only slightly better, with 33% of researchers being female along with 41% of graduates.According to Eurostat data, women employed in scientific fields are a minority throughout Europe, at around 41%. In Italy, the figure stands at 34%, with 400,000 female scientists and engineers, almost half that of their male colleagues (760 thousand). Another critical element concerns the wage gap, which still persists today. Worldwide, women earn on average 20% less than men employed in STEM fields. In Italy, the gap is 15%. However, signs of change can be seen. The number of women pursuing scientific careers is steadily increasing, albeit at different rates depending on the disciplines. In Italy, for example, the pecentage of women among PhDs in computer engineering has risen from 17% in 2000 to 33% in 2020.The University of Trieste believes that gender equality in science is fundamental for the development of society and the scientific community. It also renews its commitment to take every action possible to promote inclusive environments for all 'women in science' and to raise awareness of how women and girls can contribute to the scientific and technological progress of society. Abstract Despite the progress of recent years, the gender gap remains, particularly in STEM fields Mostra nel diario Off
The University main building will be illuminated in red for the National Memorial Day of the Exiles and Foibe Read more about The University main building will be illuminated in red for the National Memorial Day of the Exiles and Foibe Immagine 16-9.png Data notizia Fri, 09/02/2024 - 12:00 Categoria notizia University Destinatari canale University Destinatari target Society Testo notizia On 10 February, the University of Trieste will join in the commemoration events organised for the National Memorial Day of the Exiles and Foibe, established to preserve and renew the memory of the victims of the foibe massacres and the exodus of Istrians and Dalmatians after World War II, within the complex story of the Italian eastern border.In recent decades, the University of Trieste, has distinguished itself for the development of a strand of historical research focussing on the violence and persecution that occurred along the Adriatic border before and after World War II. This is with particular thanks to the academic rigour of Professor Raoul Pupo who has carefully reconstructed and analysed events within the period.In recent years, interest in the eastern border has grown. As a result, studies concerning the border have contributed to an increased understanding of the events that affected the Julian-Dalmatian populations. Thorough and nuanced research in this area is essential if we are to avoid simplifications and the consequent risks of dangerous instrumentalization.Research activity into events at the eastern border has also involved a comparison between Italian and Slovenian historiography and has made it possible to give space to the memory of the Istrian, Fiuman and Dalmatian diaspora community publicly where such space was previously denied. In this way, we continue to work towards the completion of a reconciliation process aimed at overcoming the conflicts of the 20th century.Twenty years after the institution of the National Memorial Day of the Exiles and Foibe, we want to stress the importance of knowledge and respect for memory in order to consolidate a culture of peace, strengthen the European spirit and build the future together.The path ahead is clearly shown in the image of the Presidents of the Italian Republic, Sergio Mattarella, and of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, immortalised hand in hand during an official visit to the foiba of Basovizza in July 2020.The Maine Building of University of Trieste will be illuminated with the tricolour on the evenings of 9, 10 and 11 February. Abstract In this National Memorial Day we want to stress the importance of knowledge and respect for memory in order to consolidate a culture of peace, strengthen the European spirit and build the future together Mostra nel diario Off
Registration open for FameLab Trieste 2024 Read more about Registration open for FameLab Trieste 2024 Immagine Famelab2023_TRIESTE-RGB_1200x628px-data_ese2.jpg Data notizia Mon, 05/02/2024 - 12:00 Categoria notizia University Research University and society Destinatari canale University Social Responsibility Destinatari target Enrolled students Graduates Society Testo notizia FameLab, the science communication talent show, is returning to Trieste. The local selection for the international contest will take place next Friday 5th April from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Luttazzi Hall (Magazzino 26, Porto vecchio). As always, the challenge will be to describe a research topic in a clear and engaging way in just 3 minutes to an audience of non-experts, without the aid of projections, graphics or videos. Applications must be filled in online by Thursday 28th March 2024.Contestants from both STEM or medical fields and the humanities (Anthropology, Archaeology, Economics, Philosophy, Geography, Law, Linguistics, Literature, Psychology, Political Science, Sociology, History and Art History) are eligible.The local selection is organised by Science Centre Immaginario Scientifico, the University of Trieste, the University of Udine, the International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA) and the Municipality of Trieste, as part of the ‘Trieste City of Knowledge’ Memorandum of Understanding. The people ranked first and second in the local selection will receive a cash prize, take part in an international masterclass to be held in Perugia in June, and then in the national final scheduled for September and October. The winner of FameLab Italia 2024 will gain access to the FameLab International final, scheduled in November, where they will face other competitors from all over the world.A free training session has been planned for all the Trieste competitors to better prepare for the challenge. The meeting, organised by FameLab Italia, will take place remotely on the Zoom platform on 21st March 2024, (4pm-8pm). All eligible researchers interested in joining FameLab can participate, even if they haven’t registered yet. For more info on registration, please write to info@immaginarioscientifico.it Abstract Applications must be filled by Thursday 28th March 2024 Documenti allegati Document REGOLAMENTO Document RULES Mostra nel diario Off
The University main building will be illuminated in blue and orange on World Cancer Day Read more about The University main building will be illuminated in blue and orange on World Cancer Day Immagine cancer.jpg Data notizia Fri, 02/02/2024 - 12:00 Categoria notizia University University and society Destinatari canale University Social Responsibility Destinatari target Society Testo notizia The University main building will be illuminated in blue and orange on World Cancer Day, celebrated on 4th February.The event aims to raise awareness of the disease and to educate people on its prevention. The theme chosen for the 2024 edition is 'Close the Care Gap - Everyone deserves access to cancer care'.Half of the world's population lacks access to essential health services and, when it comes to cancer, many are denied basic treatment. Internationally, people seeking cancer care face several barriers: insufficient income or education, geographic location and discrimination based on ethnicity, race, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability and lifestyle. The most disadvantaged groups are also more likely to be exposed to a range of other risk factors, such as smoking, an unhealthy diet or environmental triggers. This is an equality gap, which costs lives.2023 Italian data.The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in Lyon and the European Network of Cancer Registries (ENCR) estimate that in 2023 there were 395,000 new diagnoses.: 208,000 in men and 187,000 in women. In the last 3 years, there has been a further increase of more than 18,400 cases. These figures illustrate a growing trend and raise questions for which there are presently no comprehensive answers. In 2023, the most frequent cancers were breast cancer (55,900), rectal cancer (50,500), lung cancer (44,000), prostate cancer (41,100) and bladder cancer (29,700). Healthy lifestyles are an important defence against the disease. 40% of cases could be avoided by eliminating or reducing risk factors such as smoking, obesity, alcohol and physical inactivity. A cross-sectional approach is therefore needed, by implementing prevention through healthy lifestyle, early diagnosis and participation in screening programmes. Abstract The theme chosen for the 2024 edition is 'Close the Care Gap - Everyone deserves access to cancer care' Mostra nel diario Off
VILLAGE GO2025! Read more about VILLAGE GO2025! Immagine Mostra VILLAGGIO GO2025 img.jpg Data notizia Tue, 30/01/2024 - 12:00 Categoria notizia University Press releases Destinatari canale University Testo notizia University of Trieste, Department of Engineering and ArchitectureDEGREE COURSE IN ARCHITECTURELaboratory of Architecture and Construction Integrated Design – RRR LabVillageGo2025! Workshop Exhibition. Prefigurations for Gorizia - Nova Gorica European Capital of Culture 2025Curated by: Luigi Di Dato, Alessio Bortot, Thomas Bisiani, Sonia Prestamburgo, Adriano VenudoWhen: 19th January 2024 – 16th February 2024 (during building opening hours)Where: Room 401, 4th floor, via Alviano 18, Gorizia Campus, 34170 GoriziaThe VILLAGE GO2025! Workshop was held last week as part of the Integrated Design Laboratory - RRR Lab for the degree course in Architecture at the University of Trieste. During the workshop, students produced a masterplan and projects for Gorizia - Nova Gorica European Capital of Culture 2025.The students, guided by teachers and experts of national and international renown, worked on four possible prefigurations for an “urban village” in the cross-border urban system Gorizia and Nova Gorica. This urban village will welcome visitors to and host events and activities at the European Capital of Culture event. The four urban prefigurations were developed in the form of a masterplan and placed on a large-scale model of the two cities. The prefigurations propose architectural solutions for 21 specific sites across three themes (guest reception, entertainment and shows) and are displayed in 21 illustrative panels which detail the architectural and functional solutions. The solutions developed by students look to the future while maintaining a focused and systematic approach.The projects consider not only the present, i.e. the preparation of an 'event-city', but also the future, the post-event, or rather, what will be left after the event and what effects this will have on the future of Gorizia and Nova Gorica. The possible implications for the city, its architecture, infrastructure, landscape and the re-use and valorisation of its existing heritage were discussed in a public event dedicated to technical debate and theoretical reflection. In attendance were lecturers from the UNITS Laboratory based in Gorizia (Thomas Bisiani, Alessio Bortot, Luigi Di Dato, Sonia Prestamburgo and Adriano Venudo), professors from the Milan Polytechnic University (Elvio Manganaro), the University of Naples Federico II (Alberto Calderoni) and representatives of various local authorities directly involved in the organisation of the Capital of Culture 2025 event (Municipality of Gorizia, Order of Engineers of Gorizia, Order of Architects of Gorizia and EGTC).The designs from the workshop are displayed in an exhibition in via Alviano 18, room 401, Gorizia Campus. The exhibition is open to visitors until 16 February 2024.For more information, please write to:avenudo@units.ittbisiani@units.it Abstract Exhibition of the outcomes of the workshop on projects for the VillageGo2025! for Gorizia - Nova Gorica European Capital of Culture 2025 Documenti allegati Document Locandina Document Locandina EN Mostra nel diario Off
Launch of the Study "22-EU-DIG-5G-SITACOR” for a CAM based 5G corridor between Italy and Slovenia Read more about Launch of the Study "22-EU-DIG-5G-SITACOR” for a CAM based 5G corridor between Italy and Slovenia Immagine 5G.png Data notizia Tue, 30/01/2024 - 12:00 Categoria notizia University Research University and society Destinatari canale University Research Social Responsibility Destinatari target Society Testo notizia The feasibility study for 5G-SITACOR - the CAM-based 5G corridor between Italy and Slovenia - has officially launched.The project is part of the EU programme CEF (Connecting Europe Facility) and, more specifically, the CEF-DIG-2022-5GCORRIDORS programme, which funds growth, employment and competitiveness through investments in infrastructure located in key areas among EU countries. CEF is coordinated by HADEA, the European Health and Digital Executive Agency.The study will last 6 months (until July 2024) and will include the analysis of existing arterial roads and telecommunications infrastructure, as well as assessments of the investments needed to achieve CAM 5G coverage in the corridor between Italy and Slovenia. The ultimate goal of the study is to define the parameters necessary for the subsequent implementation of an infrastructure dedicated to the development of smart digital services for territories and communities, to be applied to businesses, schools, hospitals, cities, and highways.The border area between Italy and Slovenia is one of the 5G corridors identified - by the EU - for enhanced coverage and connectivity, being the crossroads of several routes (national, regional and local), serving both rail and port infrastructure and being, at the same time, an area with many obstacles such as mountains and road tunnels. The 5G-SITACOR project was entrusted by the EU to a pool of diverse and complementary entities: the Friuli Venezia-Giulia Region (project coordinator); the Port of Koper; ANAS and DARS (Italian and Slovenian highway operators); Retelit and Telekom Slovenia (telecommunications operators); the University of Trieste; and the University of Ljubljana.The cost of the study is €600K, with the EU funding over €300K through grants. Abstract The study will last until July 2024 and will include the analysis of existing arterial roads and telecommunications infrastructure, as well as assessments of the investments needed to achieve CAM 5G coverage in the corridor between Italy and Slovenia Mostra nel diario Off