Data notizia 26 August 2024 Immagine Image Testo notizia It is with great sadness that the University of Trieste learnt of the untimely death of Professor Teresa Tonchia on 15th August, an esteemed colleague and lecturer in the Department of Political and Social Sciences.Teresa Tronchia taught Women’s History to undergraduate students of Political Science and Administration and remained committed to studying the relationship between genders, disputing harmful feminine stereotypes, and furthering the social and political recognition of the role of women.Her commitment to women's issues, however, was not confined to the classroom and a record of this dedication is to be found (among other examples) in her involvement as a referee in 2017 for the tenth edition of the ‘Society, Politics and Cinema’ seminar series organised for the University entitled ‘The Power of Women’.Her attention to different modes of communication and to modes of representation in cinema is reflected in her contributions to the volumes Lo spettro della fine. Pensare l'Apocalisse tra filosofia e cinema (Mimesis 2016) and L'enigma del potere. L'immaginario politico nel cinema (Mimesis 2020), of which she was also editor.The whole University remembers her kindness with affection and sincerely shares in the grief of her family.