The UniTS Physics Department at Columbia University in New York Read more about The UniTS Physics Department at Columbia University in New York Immagine columbia.jpg Data notizia Thu, 18/04/2024 - 12:00 Categoria notizia University University and society Destinatari canale University International Destinatari target Business and Institutions Society Testo notizia The workshop "Quantum science and technology: where we are, where we are headed" and the public event "Living in a quantum world" have both been organised for 18th and 19th April at the Italian Academy of Columbia University in New York by the UniTS Physics Department.Organised on the University of Trieste's 100th anniversary, the events bear witness to the excellence achieved by the University of Trieste in the field of one of the most strategic areas of science today.The two events will feature talks by some of the leading experts in quantum subjects, and are organised by Prof. Angelo Bassi, Prof. Fabio Benatti, Prof. Alberto Morgante (Former Fellow and current member of the Executive Committee of the Italian Academy, Columbia University), Prof. Francesco Scazza and Prof. Andrea Trombettoni.In particular, the workshop open to the academic community will present innovations and the future of research in the field of quantum science and technology Quantum Science & Technology: where we are, where we are headed - qmts.The panel discussion will explore the scientific, philosophical and social implications of quantum physics and quantum technologies, and is open to the public. It will feature the reflections of Katiuscia Cassemiro, Chief Editor of PRX Quantum - American Physical Society (APS Physics), Anna Grassellino, Director of the SQMS (Superconducting Quantum Materials and Systems) Center at Fermilab, Philip Kim, Professor of Physics and of Applied Physics, Harvard University and Robert Konik, Chair of the Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science Division, Brookhaven National Laboratory. Robert Henderson, journalist for The Wall Street Journal, will moderate.The Italian Academy ( is a world-leading research centre in the humanities and sciences, founded in 1991 based on an agreement between Columbia University and the Italian Republic. Its main commitment is to promote innovative interdisciplinary studies. The Honorary President is the President of the Italian Republic.Sponsors of the two meetings are, in addition to the University of Trieste, The Italian Academy for Advanced Studies in America, National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN), National Research Council (CNR). Abstract Workshop e tavola rotonda con alcuni dei maggiori esperti mondiali Mostra nel diario Off
BeSENSHome: Sensors in sensitive environments. Inclusive spaces which accommodate the needs of those with cognitive disabilities Read more about BeSENSHome: Sensors in sensitive environments. Inclusive spaces which accommodate the needs of those with cognitive disabilities Immagine Besenshome 2024 img.jpg Data notizia Thu, 18/04/2024 - 12:00 Categoria notizia University ateneo Press releases Research University and society Destinatari canale University Study Research Social Responsibility International Destinatari target Enrolled students Society Testo notizia Now that the Italy-Austria Interreg project SENSHOME has come to an end, the University of Trieste has obtained new funding from the European Union, enabling the university to continue its studies. The funding will strengthen research and innovation and help to introduce advanced technology, more know-how and the best practices regarding architecture for people with cognitive disabilities.This is the specific objective of the new Italy-Austria Interreg project "BeSENSHome: Sensors in sensitive environments. Inclusive spaces which accommodate the needs of those with cognitive disabilities".As part of the BeSENSHome project, advanced systems and smart sensor networks will be specially installed into residences, day-care centres, workplaces and facilities hosting people with neurocognitive disabilities, in order to enhance environmental comfort for occupants. To achieve this innovative goal, these systems must be customisable in order to accommodate the needs of the residents, providing individuals with the maximum level of agency possible over their built environment. Thanks to artificial intelligence coupled with the sensor network, the environment will be able to learn the preferences or requirements of the occupant, identifying stressful triggers and adjusting environmental conditions. It will also be able to alert assistants if intervention is needed, pre-emptively preventing any potentially dangerous conditions from arising. The insertion of these sensor networks into people’s environments will be implemented to the finest detail to ensure optimal integration into existing contexts. To achieve these goals and make the system as useful and user-friendly as possible, a collaborative research and design approach will be adopted throughout the project.The developed system will then be put to the test, implementing the technologies discreetly and unobtrusively in environments where neurodivergent people and their family members/caregivers need support in their daily lives.This support will be enhanced by the study of architectural solutions for the spaces. For example, the appropriate choice of materials for furniture and upholstery, lights and light dimming devices will facilitate sight, tactility and comfort within the various environments. The chosen spaces will also be investigated from an acoustic, visual and thermo-hygrometric point of view. This is both in order to optimise the operation of environmental sensors and to study their appropriate positioning to ensure privacy, increase autonomy, and render everyday environments more inclusive and safe.The UniTS scientific coordinator is Giuseppina Scavuzzo, Associate Professor in Architectural and Urban Composition, Coordinator of the Architectural Studies Course of the Department of Engineering and Architecture of the University of Trieste.Project partners include: Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (lead partner), the University of Trieste, Kärnten University of Applied Sciences, Eureka system s.r.l., Fondazione Progettoautismo FVG onlus, MCI Management Center Innsbruck GmbH. BeSENSHome Abstract Mostra nel diario Off
Honorary degree to Sergio Mattarella and Borut Pahor Read more about Honorary degree to Sergio Mattarella and Borut Pahor Immagine 20240412_Mattarella Pahor LHC_014.jpg Data notizia Fri, 12/04/2024 - 12:00 Categoria notizia University Press releases University and society Destinatari canale University Social Responsibility Destinatari target Enrolled students Society Testo notizia The University of Trieste today awarded the honorary Master’s Degree in Law to the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella and to Borut Pahor, former President of the Republic of Slovenia, two personalities who are contributing to writing the history of the Adriatic border.The motivation for the double award is, in fact, the policy of reconciliation pursued by the two Presidents, which has made the eastern border area, scarred by the wounds of 20th century history, an example of cooperation between peoples bound by their common membership to the European Union.This is the motivation: ‘Sergio Mattarella and Borut Pahor courageously repudiated the narrow perspective of nationalistic egoism to pursue instead a policy of reconciliation, based on the creation and consolidation of spaces and symbols dedicated to collective memory, as the foundation of authentic peace among peoples. These two statesmen interpreted the love for their homelands with high European values at heart, helping to transform the Adriatic border from a territory afflicted by harsh ethnic and cultural conflict to a space of dialogue, cooperation and friendship, in the common awareness of human rights and in the light of democratic freedoms.The text of the motivation was read out in Italian by Prof. Gian Paolo Dolso, Head of the Department of Legal, Language, Interpretation and Translation Sciences (IUSLIT) of the University of Trieste, which proposed the double awarding of honorary degrees. The Slovenian version was entrusted to Professor Tereza Pertot.Professors Davide Rossi and Fabio Spitaleri read out the two laudations.‘Our University’s task is to build bridges, not walls; to make a concrete contribution to the social, cultural and ethical growth of new generations,’ explained Roberto Di Lenarda, Rector of the University of Trieste. ‘In a historical moment like this one, marked by war scenarios, universities are open to everyone, they are inclusive, they protect and support above all the weakest among us, but universities must also be granted autonomy in choosing their collaborators to produce science and develop human and social culture.’‘Science is produced by doing research, and this involves both cooperation and competition with other universities and research bodies. Together, we progress hand in hand, supporting the most advanced minds and souls, even in suffering societies,’ the Rector continued, calling for a balanced and rational management of the tension that agitates Italian universities.The ceremony began in the University’s Main Hall, in the presence of the University Rector, the academic community, civil, military, diplomatic and religious authorities, and students.Set in the broader context of the enlargement of the European Union to the Western Balkans and the political and diplomatic action carried out by the two Heads of State and their predecessors Giorgio Napolitano and Danilo Turk, today’s celebration confirms the role of the University of Trieste as a place of exchange and dialogue and constitutes a new opportunity for the two Presidents to meet, showing a solid relationship that has continued even after Pahor’s term of office ended.Over the years, in fact, there have been numerous initiatives involving Mattarella and Pahor, such as the ceremony ‘Europe as a place for overcoming conflicts’ on the centenary of the union of Gorizia with Italy on 26 October 2016 and the meeting on 21 October 2021 to celebrate the joint designation of Gorizia and Nova Gorica as ‘European Capital of Culture 2025’, a recognition destined to increase the sense of union of the two cities, which were divided by barbed wire until thirty years ago.Also to be remembered as a fundamental moment in the new season of relations between Italy and Slovenia, a model of cooperation for the European continent, is the bilateral meeting in Trieste on 13th July 2020, with the Presidents’ homage to the sites symbolic of the tragedies of totalitarianism.This is not the first time that the University of Trieste has conferred an honorary degree to a President of the Republic: we remember Luigi Einaudi on 4 November 1954, on the occasion of Trieste’s return under Italian sovereignty, and Antonio Segni in 1963, on the threshold of the establishment and launch of the Special Statute Region.The ceremony was enriched by the performance of the Italian, Slovenian and European anthems by the Choir and Orchestra of the University of Trieste, conducted by Riccardo Cossi.At the end of the ceremony, the University’s centenary anthem ‘Sorprendi la sorte’, with lyrics by Marcela Serli, was also performed. 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Pallacanestro Trieste: 14 April game to celebrate the UniTS Centenary! Read more about Pallacanestro Trieste: 14 April game to celebrate the UniTS Centenary! Immagine mascotte_UniTS.jpg Data notizia Mon, 08/04/2024 - 12:00 Categoria notizia University University and society Destinatari canale University Social Responsibility Destinatari target Society Testo notizia The Allianz Pallacanestro Trieste game on Sunday 14 April at 18:00 against Urania Milano will celebrate the UniTS Centenary. The LEDs on the sidelines and the Palatrieste wall will display colours and images chosen to celebrate this historic anniversary.Even the court flooring will be customised to remind basketball fans that sport and study go hand in hand. This union of sport and study will also be underlined by the presentation of a special game jersey to Rector Roberto Di Lenarda by the General Manager of Pallacanestro Trieste, Michael Arcieri.‘This year we are celebrating an anniversary that has great significance for the University and for the entire city of Trieste,’ comments Michael Arcieri. ‘Our partnership is a tribute to the shared values of education and sport, and we are proud to contribute to such an important celebration. We are pleased to announce that the match against Urania Milano at PalaTrieste will really showcase this partnership.’‘We believe that passion for sport as a player or even as a supporter is a sign of vitality and enthusiasm that, in the case of our students, helps them face the challenges of study, work and life,’ adds Roberto Di Lenarda. ‘We are happy to paint PalaTrieste’s home court with the colours of our centenary and invite all sportsmen and women to participate in our initiatives dedicated to this historic anniversary.’ Mostra nel diario Off
World Endometriosis Day: UniTS wants to raise awareness Read more about World Endometriosis Day: UniTS wants to raise awareness Immagine WhatsApp Image 2024-03-25 at 3.37.33 PM.jpeg Data notizia Thu, 28/03/2024 - 12:00 Categoria notizia University University and society Destinatari canale University Social Responsibility Destinatari target Society Testo notizia 28th March marks World Endometriosis Day, established in 2014 to draw attention to a disease that, in some cases, can be highly incapacitating for those who live with it. Worldwide, approximately 190 million adults and adolescents assigned female at birth (between 2 and 10% of the general female population) are affected by endometriosis during their reproductive years, although some may suffer from it beyond the menopause. In Italy, 10-15% of fertile women are affected by endometriosis: the condition affects approximately 30-50% of people with difficulty conceiving. There are at least 3 million confirmed diagnoses.The peak occurs between the ages of 25 and 35, but the condition can also appear in younger age groups. The diagnosis often comes after a long and costly struggle, most often experienced with serious psychological repercussions.The Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinic of the Department of Medical, Surgical and Health Sciences conducts a great deal of research on the disease in collaboration with various facilities of the University of Trieste, the IRCCS Burlo Garofolo and other Italian and foreign research bodies.A study was recently published in an important scientific journal in which the presence of many metals of environmental derivation in endometriosis tissue was demonstrated, which could contribute to the development of the disease. Study by Pascolo, L.; Pachetti, M.; Camillo, A.; Cernogoraz, A.; Rizzardi, C.; Mikus, K.V.; Zanconati, F.; Salome, M.; Suarez, V.T.; Romano, F.; Zito G., Gianoncelli A., Ricci G. Detention and mapping of iron and toxic environmental elements in human ovarian endometriosis: A suggested combined role. Science of the Total Environment 2023, 864, 161028. Abstract A study by UniTS and Burlo Garofolo was recently published Mostra nel diario Off
Conservation of forest fauna: the launch of a project in the Julian Prealps Natural Park, coordinated by the University of Trieste Read more about Conservation of forest fauna: the launch of a project in the Julian Prealps Natural Park, coordinated by the University of Trieste Immagine gatto_selvatico.jpg Data notizia Wed, 27/03/2024 - 12:00 Categoria notizia University Press releases Research University and society Destinatari canale University Research Destinatari target Society Testo notizia From Maine (USA) and tested for the first time in Italy and Europe, the new monitoring system allows the identification of the so-called ‘umbrella species for monitoring’, making it possible to simultaneously track other species thus maximising the effectiveness of their observation and control. The concept of umbrella species has long been known in conservation biology, but is being readapted in this case for monitoring purposes. The creator of the protocol is Alessio Mortelliti, associate professor of Ecology in the Department of Life Sciences of the University of Trieste, and first associate professor in Wildlife Habitat Conservation at the University of Maine.Under its coordination, the University of Trieste and the Julian Prealps Natural Park, who are already engaged in a study on the behaviour of micromammals, will collaborate as partners in the project Optimal Monitoring of Mammals. This project was won on the call for the National Biodiversity Future Center, one of the five national centres dedicated to frontier research, funded by NextGenerationEU, Ministry of Universities and Research and NRRP.Launching in April 2024 and scheduled to end in December 2025, the project aims to develop a mammal monitoring system within the park and surrounding areas, spanning 100 km2 of extraordinary biodiversity and located in Friuli Venezia Giulia on the border with Slovenia. It was also recognised in 2009 as a cross-border protected area by the EUROPARC Federation. Specifically, the project has two highly innovative objectives at national and international level. The first is to identify the protocol with the most cost-effective ratio for a specific management purpose and budget, which is also adaptable according to variable economic availability and aim of the institution. The second goal is to identify the so-called umbrella species. Alessio Mortelliti, associate professor of Ecology at the Department of Life Sciences at the University of Trieste explains, ‘Identifying umbrella species means identifying species on which to focus our effort, but at the same time ensuring that other species will be included in the monitoring. This approach is therefore an excellent tool to minimise the cost of monitoring while maximising the number of species covered. For example, monitoring the wild cat by means of phototraps makes it possible to simultaneously monitor other species, such as martens, roe deer and foxes.’The data, collected in two field campaigns using traps, nest tubes and phototraps (the first during spring/summer 2024, the second in spring/summer 2025), will be used for the development of protocols and statistical analysis able to detect significant trends in the decline of umbrella species. As another distinctive feature of the project, a number of citizen scientists, i.e. pupils of local primary and secondary schools, will participate in the sampling activities as part of the environmental education activities promoted annually by the Park, accompanied and supported by the students of the course in Ecology of Global Changes of the University of Trieste. Additionally, in order to ensure sustainability in the medium to long term and remain achievable in relative autonomy, the project includes various training activities for Park staff on field techniques, the acquisition and management of data, and the identification of species. The protocol is also structured to allow for its replication in other protected areas characterised by similar forest types, and to export the results related to umbrella species in different contexts.‘There is a passing of the baton and a transfer of know-how between the University of Trieste and the Julian Prealps Natural Park. The protocol is to be understood as a real investment for the institution. It is applied research, a model that becomes professional practice in the field’, continues Alessio Mortelliti, ‘The involvement of schools and the local community is also fundamental, so that they may feel part of this great ecosystem and become increasingly informed, conscious and empowered.’President of the Park Annalisa Di Lenardo expressed satisfaction with the funding obtained, and emphasises that, ‘the project is significant for the area due to its innovation and capacity to create a network between a research institute, a managing body of a protected area and the local community. The data collected will increase the knowledge available to administrations and citizens in order to raise awareness of the importance of protecting biodiversity and its proper management.’Alessio Mortelliti has twenty years of experience in the development of monitoring protocols and is co-author of some of the Ispra monitoring protocols. He has developed others for the state of Maine (USA), the Regional Agency of Lazio Parks (formerly ARP), the Selva del Lamone Nature Reserve and the monitoring of babirusa (Sus celebensis) in Indonesia. In the past, he has conducted numerous courses specifically focused on field techniques and the analysis of monitoring data in numerous countries, including Italy, Austria, the United States, Indonesia, Tunisia and Mauritania. Abstract The new monitoring system allows the identification of the so-called "umbrella species" for monitoring Mostra nel diario Off
Second semester at AIRCampus Read more about Second semester at AIRCampus Immagine AIRCAMPUS.jpg Data notizia Tue, 26/03/2024 - 12:00 Categoria notizia University University and society Destinatari canale University Social Responsibility Destinatari target Enrolled students Society Testo notizia AIRCampus is a project by the Italian National Cancer Association (AIRC) Foundation's project dedicated to university students to raise awareness of cancer.For the 2023-2024 academic year, UniTS has organised lectures on topics related to the Foundation's work which are also of interest to students from various degree courses.Join us for the second semester. Each lecture lasts about 2 hours, during which both an Italian National Cancer Association (AIRC) expert such as a researcher, manager, nonprofit expert, or testimonialand a UniTS lecturer will speak.This is a unique opportunity for students to explore topics in line with their study plans, and to listen to the testimonies of professionals with concrete examples and a multidisciplinary approach to the subject.PROGRAMME27 March, 11:00 – 13:00Baciocchi Hall, Androna Baciocchi 4, TriesteSTEM, health and active citizenship in primary schools: AIRC's pathway in schoolsInvited speaker: Cristina Zorzoli, AIRC Educational Projects CoordinatorHosting UniTS lecturer: Barbara BocchiStudents from General Education within the Bachelor’s Degree in Primary Education 29 April, 10.30 Room F, Building G, Piazzale Europa CampusMedical Imaging Techniques and Applications to the BrainInvited speaker: Paola Scifo, AIRC researcher at the San Raffaele Hospital, MilanHosting UniTS lecturer: Valentina Zaccolo, Paolo Camerini and Renato LongoStudents from Introduction to Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics and Introduction to the Physics of Matter within the Bachelor’s Degree in Physics2 May, 14:00OnlineMicrobiota, immunity and tumoursInvited speaker: Maria Rescigno, AIRC researcher and full professor of General Pathology at Humanitas UniversityHosting UniTS lectuer: Fiamma MantovaniStudents from Cancer Biology within the Bachelor’s Degree in Functional Genomics and Medical and Diagnostic Biotechnology8 May, 14.30 - 16.30Morin Hall, H2bis Building, Via A. Valerio 12/1Artificial intelligence for genomics and personalised medicine in myelodysplastic syndromes and myeloproliferative neoplasmsInvited speaker: Gastone Castellani, AIRC researcher at the University of BolognaHosting UniTS lecturer: Giulio CaravagnaAll undergraduate students from Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics, Scientific and data-intensive computing, Data science and artificial intelligence, Statistics and Informatics for business, finance and insurance Abstract Lectures organised to raise awareness of cancer Mostra nel diario Off
Presented the #100UniTS Corsa dei Castelli Read more about Presented the #100UniTS Corsa dei Castelli Immagine BRU_3281.jpg Data notizia Mon, 25/03/2024 - 12:00 Categoria notizia University Press releases University and society Destinatari canale University Social Responsibility Destinatari target Society Testo notizia The #100UniTS Corsa dei Castelli (Castle-to-Castle race), was presented today (Monday 25th March) in a press conference at the Cammarata Hall of the University of Trieste. It is a 10 km road running event approved by FIDAL and organised by Promorun for Sunday 20th October 2024. Promorun marks a new and very important partnership with the University of Trieste, which this year celebrates a century of research, excellence, creativity and human ingenuity to which a sporting event has now been added.UniTS will be well represented in the 2024 Corsa dei Castelli: medals and race T-shirts will bear its 100th anniversary logo alongside splashes of the anniversary’s official colour, a vibrant cherry red.By holding events that have consistently represented a flagship in technical quality, environmental care, social issues and economic impact, Promorun has proven itself more than worthy of the trust proudly extended by many institutions, now including the historic University of Trieste, thus continuing to cultivate a two-way relationship between Promorun and the Friuli Venezia Giulia region. THE 100th ANNIVERSARY - ‘In the programme that the University is dedicating to Trieste and its visitors, we absolutely needed great sporting event,’ emphasises Rector Roberto Di Lenarda. ‘On 20th October, the UniTS community will take to the track with the public and top-level athletes, in order to collectively celebrate its first one hundred years. I invite everyone to visit to discover this and other unmissable events.'THE RACES – A snapshot of Trieste, starting from the Miramare Castle and arriving at the Castle of San Giusto (the city's patron saint), along a route that displays the city in all its architectural, scenic and cultural richness. The first 8 km riepilogo will be run at full throttle before entering the city and reaching the stunning Piazza Unità, where the last kilometre known as 'The Wall' will begin, finishing at the San Giusto Castle. A day for everyone, two additional races have been organised: the Non-Competitive Ten, a side event for which no membership card or sports medical certificate are required, and the 8 km Family Run, which will finish in Piazza Unità, and for whom the renewal of the charity project for the Burlo Garofolo Foundation is already in the pipeline. Many UniTS students and staff are expected to celebrate the University's 100th anniversary with a day of sport and wellbeing. After the success of the first edition, the International Road Race Running Match u.23 10k will take place once again and will see participation from U23 athletes from foreign federations, enriching the international cohort.THE HISTORY - Since the first edition, the event has had a technical focus of the highest quality thanks to people of great international calibre, such as Ezekiel Kemboi, Sammy Kipngetich, Hagos Gebrhiwet,Birhanu Balew and Muktar Edris. Over the years, Promorun has broadened its focus to amateurs, conceiving and realising the Family Run first and then the Non-Competitive Ten. Both these successes run alongside fundraising for local health organisations and side projects involving the world of education. Promorun's tradition of renewing the event every year has not stopped there. In 2023, the 1st International Road Race Running Match U.23 10k began, and saw the participation of European national teams.SPORT AND TOURISM - Sport and tourism: the winning combination of the present and the future. The association Promorun is committed to promoting theregion, which is still little-known due to its geographical location at the edge of the Italy’s Boot. Promorun wants to turn the event into an opportunity to unveil the scenic beauty of the Adriatic Sea, the mountainous headland of the Karst, the city’s rich history involving numerous gruelling battles, the artistic expression resulting from the fusion of cultural influences, and the regional food and wine tradition.REGISTRATION - Registration is open on the website ( Next rate change on 30th May. Registration for the Family Run 8 km is open on the website. Special promo: two adults accompanying a child under 16 for €9.00. Club Promo with a minimum of 10 participants. Children and young people aged 18 or younger participate free of charge.Info:; info@promorun.itSpeakers at the press conference included Roberto Di Lenarda, Rector of the University of Trieste, Fabio Scoccimarro, Regional Councillor for Environmental Protection, Energy and Sustainable Development, Pierpaolo Roberti, Regional Councillor for Local Authorities, Public Function, Security and Immigration, Caterina de Gavardo, Municipal Councillor for Citizens' Security Policies, Erika Dessabo, Friuli Venezia Giulia Coordinator of Sport and Health, Ernesto Mari, CONI delegate for the Province of Trieste (representing Giorgio Brandolin, President of CONI FVG), Silvia Gianardi, President of Promorun and Michele Gamba, former Italian national team athlete and Technical Director of the competition.Photo: Michele Gamba, Roberto Di Lenarda and Silvia Gianardi Mostra nel diario Off
3.300 young people at Spring Open Day! Read more about 3.300 young people at Spring Open Day! Immagine IMG_0582.jpg Data notizia Fri, 22/03/2024 - 12:00 Categoria notizia University University and society Destinatari canale University Social Responsibility Services Destinatari target Prospective students Enrolled students Society Testo notizia A total of 3,270 students have registered for Spring Open Day and are attending the presentations of the UniTS bachelor’s and master's degree courses.Most of them come from Friuli Venezia Giulia (in particular Pordenone and Udine) and Veneto (Treviso, Venice, Belluno, Vicenza, Padua and Verona).There were also many sign-ups from Trento, Bolzano, Brescia, Bergamo, Sondrio, Milan, Mantua, Turin, Biella, Genoa, Bologna, Modena, Ferrara, Rimini, Ravenna, Pistoia, Prato, Arezzo, Rome, Latina, Ancona, Macerata, Ascoli Piceno, L'Aquila, Urbino, Naples, Caltanissetta and Catania.As always, there were numerous registrations from Slovenia and Croatia (Piran, Nova Gorica, Portorož, Izola, Koper, Rijeka, Zagreb), Prague and Budapest. This year there were also a few entries from Ethiopia, Gambia, Pakistan and the Ivory Coast.Between presentations, the students can also take a guided tour of the Piazzale Europa Campus. These tours are held every half hour, with a meeting point in front of the Prospective Student Support and School Liaison Office, in the atrium of the left wing.In the afternoon, there will also be a meeting by the Prospective Student Support Staff with ‘Instructions for use’, where they’ll discuss university life, accommodation, fees and facilities.At the end of the activities chosen for the day, participants can collect their certificate of attendance from one of the desks in the atrium of the Main Building (left wing), upon presentation of an identity document. Abstract High attendance from abroad Mostra nel diario Off
Universities Unveiled: messages from President Mattarella and Minister Bernini Read more about Universities Unveiled: messages from President Mattarella and Minister Bernini Immagine Progetto senza titolo (63).jpg Data notizia Wed, 20/03/2024 - 12:00 Categoria notizia University University and society Destinatari canale University Destinatari target Society Testo notizia On the occasion of the first Universities Day, the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, and the Minister of Universities and Research, Anna Maria Bernini, addressed messages of greeting to the academic communities, which today are engaged in the celebrations of the annual event.LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC SERGIO MATTARELLAI extend my warmest greetings to all participants in the 'Universities Unveiled' event held to celebrate the first National Universities Day, established by the Conference of Italian University Rectors.'Unveiling Universities' means highlighting the crucial role played by universities in the cultural education of young people and, therefore, in the development of the Republic.It means strengthening the bonds between centres of culture and research and the community, contributing to the dissemination of knowledge, participation in public life, and reinforcing social cohesion.It means being able to look to the future.The promotion of the development of culture and scientific research, a fundamental principle enshrined in the Constitution, finds in the invaluable work of the universities a privileged driver for the growth of human capital, the true strength of the country.Today, by opening to the public the structures, monumental complexes and museums in which they are located, universities seize the opportunity to showcase their mission, enhancing their very identity.All universities are to be praised for their work and we wish that they will continue to be, as they have been over the centuries, a factor of cohesion and innovation. VIDEO MESSAGE FROM THE MINISTER FOR UNIVERSITIES AND SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH ANNA MARIA BERNINI (in Italian) Abstract The President of the Republic and the Minister of Universities and Scientific Research spoke to celebrate the first Universities Day, established by CRUI Mostra nel diario Off