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Check the list of courses admitting visa applicants and the number of places available.
If your chosen degree course is not on the list, it means that there are no places available.

Bachelor's Degree in International Relations and Diplomatic Studies
Number of places: 10
Bachelor's Degree in Political and Administrative Sciences
Number of places: 10
Master’s Degree in Government and Public Policy
Number of places: 6
Master’s Degree in Diplomacy and International Cooperation
Number of places: 6
Bachelor's Degree in Chemistry
Number of places: 2
Master’s Degree in Chemistry
Number of places: 5
Integrated Master’s Degree in Pharmacy
Number of places: 4
Integrated Master’s Degree in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technologies
Number of places: 2
Integrated Master’s Degree in Law
Number of places: 20, of which 2 are reserved for the Marco Polo programme
Bachelor's Degree in Applied Interlinguistic Communication
Number of places: English: 2; French: 2; Spanish: 1; German: 1
Master’s Degree in Specialised Translation and Conference Interpreting
Number of places: 10, of which 1 is reserved for the Marco Polo programme
Integrated Master’s Degree in Architecture
Number of places: 3
Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Engineering
Number of places: 50, of which 1 is reserved for the Marco Polo programme
Bachelor's Degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering
Number of places: 44, of which 1 is reserved for the Marco Polo programme
Bachelor's Degree in Electronic and Computer Engineering
Number of places: 50, of which 1 is reserved for the Marco Polo programme
Bachelor's Degree in Naval Engineering
Number of places: 50, of which 1 is reserved for the Marco Polo programme
Master’s Degree in Materials and Chemical Engineering for Nano-, Bio-, and Sustainable Technologies
Number of places: 20
Master’s Degree in Clinical Engineering
Number of places: 20
Master’s Degree in Civil Engineering
Number of places: 20
Master’s Degree in Electrical Energy and Systems Engineering
Number of places: 20
Master’s Degree in Computer Engineering
Number of places: 20
Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering
Number of places: 20
Master’s Degree in Naval Engineering
Number of places: 20
Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics
Number of places: 5
Bachelor's Degree in Geology
Number of places: 5
Bachelor's Degree in Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics
Number of places: 10
Master’s Degree in Mathematics
Number of places: 10
Master’s Degree in Geoscience
Number of places: 10
Master’s Degree in Geophysics and Geodata
Number of places: 15
Master’s Degree in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
Number of places: 15
Master’s Degree in Scientific and Data Intensive Computing
Number of places: 15
Bachelor's Degree in Biological Science and Technologies
Number of places: 2
Bachelor's Degree in Science and Technology for the Environment and Nature
Number of places: 8, of which 1 is reserved for the Marco Polo programme
Bachelor's Degree in Psychology
Number of places: 8, of which 2 is reserved for the Marco Polo programme
Master’s Degree in Functional Genomics
Number of places: 8, of which 2 is reserved for the Marco Polo programme
Master’s Degree in Neuroscience
Number of places: 15, of which 2 is reserved for the Marco Polo programme
Master’s Degree in Ecology and Sustainability of Global Changes
Number of places: 8, of which 2 are reserved for the Marco Polo programme
Master’s Degree in Medical and Diagnostic Biotechnologies
Number of places: 8, of which 2 are reserved for the Marco Polo programme
Master’s Degree in Marine Sciences and Coastal Environment Studies
Number of places: 8, of which 2 are reserved for the Marco Polo programme
Master’s Degree in Psychology
Number of places: 8, of which 2 are reserved for the Marco Polo programme
Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration and Management Curriculum in Business Management (gestione aziendale)
Number of places: 20
Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration and Management Curriculum in Business Administration and Auditing
Number of places: 15
Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration and Management Curriculum in Business and Management
Number of places: 100
Bachelor's Degree in International Economics and Financial Markets Curriculum International Economics
Number of places: 20
Bachelor's Degree in International Economics and Financial Markets Curriculum in Economics and Financial Markets
Number of places: 100
Bachelor's Degree in Statistics and Information Technology for Business, Finance and Insurance
Number of places: 10
Master’s Degree in Economics, Environment and Development
Number of places: 20
Master’s Degree in Strategy, Consultancy and Business Logistics. Curriculum in Administration, Strategic Auditing and Professional Consultancy
Number of places: 20
Master’s Degree in Strategy, Consultancy and Business Logistics. Curriculum in Business Strategy, Consulting and Logistics
Number of places: 20
Master’s Degree in Marketing and Management Curriculum in Marketing
Number of places: 20
Master’s Degree in Marketing and Management Curriculum in Management
Number of places: 20
Master’s Degree in Statistics and Actuarial Science
Number of places: 12
Bachelor's Degree in History and Philosophy
Number of places: 30
Bachelor's Degree in Humanities
Number of places: 30
Bachelor's Degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures
Number of places: 30
Bachelor's Degree in Social Work
Number of places: 5
Bachelor's Degree in Education
Number of places: 10
Master’s Degree in Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultural and Literary Tourism
Number of places: 18
Master’s Degree in History from Antiquity to Today
Number of places: 10
Master’s Degree in Social Work, Social Policy, Service Planning and Management in Social Services
Number of places: 5
Master’s Degree in Philosophy
Number of places: 7
Master’s Degree in Management of Educational Services
Number of places: 5
Master’s Degree in Primary Education
Number of places: 10
Master’s Degree in Physics
Number of places: 3


Reallocations are for students who have passed an admission test, but have not been ranked high enough for entry to the degree course. They allow the student to submit another application for either enrolment on the same degree course at another university, a degree course with non-competitive admission at the same university, or another degree course at another university.

Vacancies for each degree course are published after the enrolment deadline in October.


To request a reallocation, you must fill in the relevant form and send it to

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