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CONFAP - Brazilian PhD students mobility programme

CONFAP - the Conselho Nacional das Fundações Estaduais de Amparo à Pesquisa is a non-profit organisation, whose aim is to support scientific and technological research and innovation in Brazil and whose purpose is to foster, through scholarships, the mobility of young researchers at Doctorate, Master (dissertation research) and Post Doc level between the network of participating Italian Higher Education Institutions and Brazilian Universities/Institutions in the Brazilian states. It consists of 27 State Research Funding Agencies, the FAPs, one for each Brazilian state.

The Italian network is coordinated by the University of Bologna, which acts as coordinator and technical secretariat of the programme. There are 17 participating Italian universities.

In 2017, the first Italian national project, MCI - Mobility CONFAP was launched, ending in 2021.

In September 2023, the second project, Mobility CONFAP-ITALY II (MCI II) was launched. The University of Trieste will host three Brazilian post-docs in its departments.

The call opens on 17th February 2025 and will close 25th April 2025.

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