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Visiting Scientist

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Visiting Scientists, as Visiting Professors and Visiting Researchers, are highly qualified experts and scholars, affiliated with a foreign University, Scientific Institution or Research Bodies, who are welcomed at the University of Trieste to carry out teaching and/or research activities, with the aim of strengthening the network of collaborations and exchanges with Institutes and Research Bodies of other countries.

Open Calls

It is now available the Call for 10 position of Visiting Professor from Research Institutions outside Italy for the academic year 2024/2025 2nd term and academic year 2025/2026 1st term.

The deadline for applications is 10th MARCH 2025 



Below are published the rankings of recently closed calls.

Stay longer than 3 months - activation of reception agreement procedure

Research grant recipients and post-doctoral scholarship recipients fall within the category of entry for scientific research.

Excluded, as they are entry for study, are those who enter Italy to obtain a specialisation school diploma, research doctorate, university master's degree, postgraduate course, regardless of whether they are carrying out research activities.

To be eligible for selection as a researcher, the interested party must send these documents to the Department for verification of the qualification:

  • the certificate of qualification, translated into Italian,
  • the declaration of value, issued by the Italian diplomatic-consular representation of the country in which the qualification was obtained

The timeframe for issuing the NULLA OSTA required for an entry visa in Italy depends on the individual Embassies/Consulates. The average time is around three to four months, depending on the country of origin).

Legal references
Art. 27 ter of Legislative Decree no. 286/98, introduced by Legislative Decree no. 17 of 9.1.2008

New Entry and Exit System (EES) in force from November 10th will require non-EU travellers to provide customs with their biometric data, such as fingerprints and facial scans.

The data will be stored in a database for three to five years together with passport data, the date of entry and exit from the Schengen area and, in case of deny, the reason for this decision. Entry will be denied to those who refuse to provide such data.

European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS), in force from May 2025, applies to non-EU citizens who do not need a visa, such as the United States, Canada and also the United Kingdom. ETIAS provides that, to enter in the Schengen area, non-EU citizens will have to request an electronic authorisation and pay 7 euros (free for people under 18 or over 70).

The authorization, which will allow travelers to stay in the Schengen area for 90 days in any 180-day period, will be valid for three years or until the passport expires and completing it will be mandatory.

L’ETA non è un visto, ma una previa autorizzazione (elettronica) a viaggiare verso il  Regno Unito riservata agli stranieri esentati dall’obbligo di visto, dunque anche ai cittadini dei Paesi Europei ad eccezione di britannici e irlandesi.

L’autorizzazione ETA è richiesta per soggiorni di breve durata (anche turistici)  ivi incluso il transito. Avrà un costo di 10 sterline (circa 12€) e una validità di 2 anni o fino alla scadenza del passaporto. 

L'ETA sarà obbligatoria a partire dal 2 Aprile 2025, ma sarà possibile richiederla tramite app o portale web dedicato dal 5 marzo 2025.

Per i cittadini extra-UE l’obbligo è a partire dall’8 gennaio 2025, con la possibilità di fare domanda a partire dal 27 novembre 2024.

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