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  • All documents must be legalised or have an Apostille (except for those issued by Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Ireland, Germany, Hungary, Latvia, and Estonia).
  • All diplomas and certificates issued in languages other than Italian or English must be translated into Italian or English.
  • There is no need for a declaration of value (dichiarazione di valore) issued by the Italian diplomatic representations abroad.
  • All original documents must be delivered according to the instructions given by the relevant office during the evaluation.
  • For degree programmes with competitive admission you will have to submit all required documents within the deadlines set in the relevant call for applications. For degree programmes with non-competitive admission you will have to submit all documents before completing your enrolment.

General documents

You must submit these documents regardless of your chosen course:

  • a valid ID document (front & back)
  • your residence permit (permesso di soggiorno - only for non-EU citizens with a permanent address in Italy)

Does my qualification allow me enrol in an Italian degree course?

> If you obtained your qualification in one of the countries party to the Lisbon Convention
You can verify its correspondence with any Italian qualifications using ARDI - Automatic Recognition Database Italia, an automatic, free platform. See the full list of participating countries

By indicating your country and the type and level of your education, the system will show any corresponding Italian qualifications and its level of correspondence with your own.

If your qualification does not have a corresponding Italian equivalent, you cannot use it to enrol to an Italian degree course.

> If you obtained your qualification in another Country
Send us the documentation and we will evaluate your qualification. If it is eligible, you can apply for enrolment.

Course-related documents

Depending on the degree course you want to enrol in, you must submit the following documents:

For bachelor's (1st cycle) and integrated master's degrees (Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology, Law, Architecture, Primary Education):

  • High-school diploma or equivalent qualification obtained after at least 12 years of schooling, providing access to university degree courses in home country similar to that chosen in Italy;
  • in special cases, a CIMEA statement of comparability of the qualification may be requested. Click to request a statement of comparability;
  • certificate of university eligibility, if required for university admission in the country where the qualification was obtained (e.g. YKS in Turkey);
  • document certifying that you have passed all exams required for the first one or two years of your university degree course, if you obtained your high school diploma after only 11 or 10 years of schooling respectively;
  • if you request a recognition of your academic career, i.e. a credit transfer for the exams you passed at another university:
    • official transcript of records listing the exams you passed and their marks (and possibly the number of credits awarded/hours of taught lectures);
    • an official course description describing the subjects you studied within each course. Course descriptions written in English do not require translation into Italian. For some courses, descriptions are also accepted in other languages. Check the accepted languages;
  • If you enrol in a degree course taught in Italian: any B2-level Italian proficiency certificates or higher (CELI, CILS, PLIDA, CLIQ).
  • NB: these qualifications allow you to continue your studies in Italy if you obtained them after a successful two-year period in the foreign education system.

For master's degree courses (2nd cycle):

  • bachelor’s degree or equivalent qualification providing access to university degree courses in home country similar to that chosen in Italy;
  • if you obtained your bachelor’s degree in an EU Member State, Diploma Supplement issued by the foreign university;
  • official transcript of records listing the exams you passed and their marks (and possibly the number of credits awarded/hours of taught lectures). Where the list of exams is included in the Diploma Supplement, you don’t need to provide a transcript of records;
  • in special cases, a CIMEA statement of comparability of the qualification may be requested. Click to request a statement of comparability;
  • an official course description describing the subjects you studied within each course. Course descriptions must be issued by the university who provided the courses. Mere print-outs from the Internet will not be accepted. Course Descriptions written in English do not require translation into Italian. For some courses, descriptions are also accepted in other languages. Check the accepted languages;
  • If you enrol in a degree course taught in Italian: any B2-level Italian proficiency certificates or higher (CELI, CILS, PLIDA, CLIQ).
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