Mare Sopra in full swing Read more about Mare Sopra in full swing Immagine WhatsApp Image 2024-08-19 at 16.24.32.jpeg Data notizia Mon, 19/08/2024 - 12:00 Categoria notizia University Press releases Research University and society Destinatari canale University Research Social Responsibility Destinatari target Society Testo notizia The Mare Sopra outreach project devised by the University of Trieste to raise public awareness of rising sea levels caused by global warming is now in full swing. With almost 100 kilometres of coastline, Friuli Venezia Giulia is particularly vulnerable to risks caused by coastal erosion and flooding that could threaten local communities and infrastructure. Rising sea levels in the region could jeopardise not only the environment but also many of the activities that gravitate towards coastal areas, such as fishing and tourism.In order to better understand the state of Friuli Venezia Giulia's coastline, researchers involved in the Mare Sopra project have recently begun monitoring the Trieste coastline with a special vehicle, a sort of kayak-pedalo-catamaran equipped with modern technology. In addition to the measurements that will be taken, these marine expeditions will be used to gather a vast collection of images and footage, making use of underwater cameras and drones. All updates and videos of upcoming activities will be made available on the Mare Sopra playlist on the University of Trieste's YouTube channel. At the end of the summer, the project will continue with further outreach activities on the beaches for schoolchildren and members of the public. The shooting of 360-degree spherical aerial videos captured by a drone is sure to be of particular interest. Images will be selected from underwater dives in order to create a high-resolution virtual tour.At the end of all these activities, the main coastal locations will be marked with two lines. A yellow line will mark where the sea will be in 2050 and a red line its level in 2100.Mare sopra is an interdisciplinary project conceived by Professor Stefano Furlani (UniTS), implemented with the collaboration of several partners and the contribution of the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia. It involves geomorphologists, sociologists and biologists from three university departments (Mathematics, Informatics and Geosciences; Political and Social Sciences; Life Sciences), as well as citizens, schools and associations. Abstract Monitoring of the Trieste coastline gets underway Mostra nel diario Off
Fast Radio Burst: in INAF – UniTS Nature study Read more about Fast Radio Burst: in INAF – UniTS Nature study Immagine INAF.jpg Data notizia Wed, 14/08/2024 - 12:00 Categoria notizia University Research Destinatari canale University Research International Destinatari target Society Testo notizia Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) are one of the most recent open mysteries in modern astrophysics: within milliseconds they release one of the highest amounts of energy observable in cosmic phenomena. Discovered just over a decade ago, these strong radio-band flashes come from mostly extragalactic sources, but their origin is still uncertain and many efforts are being made by the astrophysical community worldwide to try to understand the physical processes at their origin.In very few cases, the rapid flash that characterises fast radio bursts coincides with a persistent radio emission. New research led by the National Institute of Astrophysics (INAF) has recorded the weakest persistent radio emission ever detected so far for an FRB. It is FRB20201124A, a fast radio burst discovered in 2020, whose source is located about 1.3 billion light years away. In addition to the work of INAF researchers, the study sees the collaboration of UniTS (Roberta Tripodi), the University of Bologna, the University of Calabria, and the international participation of research institutes and universities in China, the United States, Spain and Germany.The observations, made possible by the world's most sensitive radio telescope, the Very Large Array (VLA) in the US, have verified the theoretical prediction that a plasma bubble is at the origin of the persistent radio emission of fast radio bursts. The results were published today in the journal Nature.The new work also helps to circumscribe the nature of the driving force behind these mysterious flashes. According to the new data, either a magnetar (strongly magnetised neutron star) or an X-ray binary with a very high accretion regime, i.e. a binary system formed by a neutron star or a black hole that accretes material from a companion star at a very high rate, would be at the basis of the phenomenon. It is in fact the winds produced by the magnetar, or the binary X system, that 'inflate' the plasma bubble that gives rise to the persistent radio emission. There is therefore a direct physical relationship between the FRB 'engine' and the bubble, which is located in its immediate vicinity.‘A nebular origin for the persistent radio emission of fast radio bursts’, by Gabriele Bruni, Luigi Piro, Yuan-Pei Yang, Salvatore Quai, Bing Zhang, Eliana Palazzi, Luciano Nicastro, Chiara Feruglio, Roberta Tripodi, Brendan O'Connor, Angela Gardini, Sandra Savaglio, Andrea Rossi, A. M. Nicuesa Guelbenzu, Rosita Paladino. Abstract The origin of the persistent emission observed in 'fast radio bursts' discovered: it is a plasma bubble Mostra nel diario On Periodo di permanenza in Magazine Mon, 19/08/2024 - 12:00 - Tue, 20/08/2024 - 12:00
DC Microgrids: UniTS speech at the University of South Carolina, a leading university in the industry Read more about DC Microgrids: UniTS speech at the University of South Carolina, a leading university in the industry Immagine CAROLINA.jpg Data notizia Mon, 12/08/2024 - 12:00 Categoria notizia University Research Destinatari canale University International Destinatari target Society Testo notizia Happy Birthday UniTS also from the USA!The D-ETEF laboratories’ research group from the Department of Engineering and Architecture have taken part in the sixth edition of the ‘International Conference on DC Microgrids’ organised by the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, with a delegation consisting of Giorgio Sulligoi, Daniele Bosich and Andrea Alessia Tavagnutti, lecturers and researchers in electrical energy systems at our University.The conference took place in Columbia (SC), at the University of South Carolina, a leading university for real-time studies and simulations on integrated, flexible and hybrid AC/DC electrical systems.Prof. Sulligoi, who gave a keynote speech entitled ‘DC grids and ships: technological trends, proof of concepts, integrated ship design’, said: ‘The invitation to participate as a keynote speaker came from Professors Enrico Santi, general chair, and Roger Dougal, general co-chair, key figures in the field whom I had the good fortune to meet at several IEEE conferences during my PhD. Receiving an invitation from them to give a plenary session speech after twenty years of work in the field made me particularly honoured. It is an achievement which is the result of the work of the entire D-ETEF laboratories’ research team. Joining me in the proceedings were my colleagues Prof. Daniele Bosich, a specialist in the DC microgrids sector and track chair of the conference on Circuit Breakers and Protections, and Dr. Andrea Alessia Tavagnutti, who has just taken up her post at our university and was part of the PhD programme in Industrial and Information Engineering at MIT Boston, doing research in the specific field of DC microgrid storage. I would also like to thank our University for grasping the importance of having competitive laboratories to carry out power tests and trials on industrial-scale electrical systems, contributing to the renovation of spaces and achieving state-of-the-art infrastructures'.The keynote speech took place on 8th August, so the UniTS team was able to publicly wish our University a happy 100th birthday! Pictured: Prof. Giorgio Sulligoi and Enrico Santi, General Chairman of ICDCM Mostra nel diario On Periodo di permanenza in Magazine Mon, 19/08/2024 - 12:00 - Tue, 20/08/2024 - 12:00
Converting greenhouse gases into green fuels: the ‘dream reaction’ from a scientific perspective Read more about Converting greenhouse gases into green fuels: the ‘dream reaction’ from a scientific perspective Immagine Progetto senza titolo (96).jpg Data notizia Mon, 05/08/2024 - 12:00 Categoria notizia University ateneo Press releases Research Destinatari canale University Research Destinatari target Graduates Business and Institutions Society Testo notizia Achieving the ‘dream reaction’, the long sought-after reaction that makes it possible to convert greenhouse gases into green fuels, is no longer just a dream, but a real scientific perspective encouraged by the results of a study that has brought together the main research bodies and universities in Friuli Venezia Giulia.The Istituto Officina dei materiali of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR-IOM), the University of Udine, the University of Trieste, Elettra Sincrotrone and Area Science Park have implemented a synergy that has formed a broad and interdisciplinary research group: collaboration on the project has enabled the development of a technology for the preparation of innovative catalysts capable of promoting the transformation of methane, a potent greenhouse gas that negatively affects the energy balance of our planet by favouring global warming. The methodology identified concerned, in particular, the possibility of directly converting methane into methanol, a valuable ally in the energy transition process, by means of a new low-cost material based on Cerium and Copper, whose catalytic properties were explored thanks to state-of-the-art techniques available at the region's universities and research centres. ‘The possibility of synthesising innovative materials at low cost has been investigated, avoiding the use of additional solvents and time-consuming steps in the preparation phase: this technology simply exploits the mechanical force that modifies the structure of the starting material and makes it more efficient in transforming methane into other molecules,’ explain Silvia Mauri, a researcher at CNR-Istituto Officina dei Materiali and Rudy Calligaro, a researcher at the University of Udine, both authors of the work. ‘The result was twofold: on the one hand having identified a promising material for the catalysis process, and on the other hand having implemented our knowledge of the mechanisms underlying the effectiveness of these materials. This has been possible thanks to the use of advanced techniques using synchrotron light, together with the computing power available today. This will make it easier and faster from now on to further improve the design and use of these catalysts.'The study therefore has important implications on supporting the process of the energy transition imposed by the consequences of global warming: ‘Methane is a precious resource and its exploitation represents a major challenge in heterogeneous catalysis: this is why the scientific community around the world is concentrating its efforts on the search for new materials that facilitate its transformation processes into products that can be used in a more sustainable way,’ adds Luca Braglia from Area Science Park. 'This fundamental study identifies a new class of catalysts prepared in an economically and environmentally more sustainable way. It also confirms how the simultaneous use of several advanced techniques and interdisciplinary skills is necessary to identify and develop new materials and technologies to support the ecological transition.’ Carlo Federico Pauletti, PhD student in Physics at the University of Trieste, was also part of the working group: ‘I contributed to the project by creating a computer model representing the catalyst synthesised by Piero Torelli's group (CNR-IOM), and then studying its behaviour through numerical simulations. What emerged from our study is, in agreement with the experimental results, a promising activity with regard to the direct conversion of methane into methanol, due to the particular nano-structural characteristics of the material, also observed in the experiments. The wide variety of techniques, both experimental and theoretical, used in the study of this system constitutes a considerable added value according to the UniTS doctoral student: ‘It has greatly improved our understanding of this reaction and the material used, and the great variety of approaches has made the work very stimulating, thanks to the continuous comparison with researchers from all the institutions involved,’ comments Pauletti.The research, which demonstrates Italy's leading role in tackling the crucial challenge of the green transition and new materials, shows how cooperation between regional top scientific institutions brings results of great impact. The results of this collaboration have been described in the US scientific journal ‘Small’, published by Wiley, which also dedicated a cover page to the study. Abstract Importanti risultati pubblicati in uno studio in collaborazione tra enti di ricerca del FVG. Nel team anche un dottorando in Fisica di UniTS Mostra nel diario Off
Decarbonising the steel industry in Italy: a UniTS and WWF study Read more about Decarbonising the steel industry in Italy: a UniTS and WWF study Immagine Progetto senza titolo (95).jpg Data notizia Thu, 01/08/2024 - 12:00 Categoria notizia University ateneo Research Destinatari canale University Social Responsibility Destinatari target Society Testo notizia The Interdepartmental Centre for Energy, Environment, and Transport “Giacomo Ciamician” of the University of Trieste has published, in collaboration with WWF Italy, the report entitled ‘The Steel Sector in Italy: Criticalities and Opportunities’: the innovative study explores the sustainability prospects of the Italian steel sector, highlighting current challenges and possible future scenarios.The scientific contribution proposes a systemic view of the steel industrial sector, divided into several sections analysing global, European and Italian steel production, associated greenhouse gas emissions and decarbonisation opportunities related not only to environmental, but also to economic and social aspects. The work is primarily aimed at companies and institutions driving the transition to climate neutrality targets by 2050, considering the interests of organised civil society and trade unions. Innovative elements of the study include the quantitative and qualitative analysis of steel production, with a focus on the different production processes, including the electric arc furnace (EAF), the integrated steel mill (BF-BOF) and direct reduced iron (DRI) plants, short- and long-term decarbonisation strategies, with a focus on emerging technologies and renewable energies, and economic and employment assessments of transition scenarios towards more sustainable production.The University of Trieste research team includes Andrea Mio from the Department of Engineering and Architecture (DIA), Romeo Danielis from the Department of Economics, Business, Mathematics and Statistics 'Bruno de Finetti' (DEAMS) and Giovanni Carrosio from the Department of Political and Social Sciences (DiSPeS). The UniTS team worked closely with WWF Italy to develop a detailed and multidisciplinary analysis of the sector. The project was supervised by Mariagrazia Midulla of WWF Italy, ensuring that the recommendations were aligned with environmental best practices.'This report,' says Andrea Mio, who scientifically coordinated the study, 'represents an important step towards greater sustainability of the steel sector in Italy. The proposed strategies aim to reduce CO₂ emissions and promote the use of renewable energy, thus contributing to national and European climate goals.’The study outlines three decarbonisation scenarios (Conservative, Prospective and Desirable), each with different environmental, economic and employment implications. The scenarios provide a comprehensive picture of possible developments, highlighting the benefits of a transition to low-carbon technologies.The overall assessment of the decarbonisation scenarios presented by the researchers highlights some key considerations. From an environmental perspective, reducing CO2 emissions must be one of the main objectives. Among the different scenarios outlined, the desirable one envisages a significant decrease in emissions through the adoption of innovative technologies and the use of renewable energies.From an economic perspective, the investments required for the transition to more sustainable production are considerable, but the long-term benefits, including energy cost savings and improvements in the competitiveness of the sector, are significant.As far as employment effects are concerned, the transition to more sustainable steel production will lead to substantial changes, with likely growth in sectors related to renewable energy production and innovative plant maintenance.Some technical details of the three scenariosConservative Scenario: this is a business-as-usual scenario and envisages rather limited corrective actions, mainly related to the capture and reuse of CO₂ produced through existing technologies (BF-BOF and EAF). The overall reduction in emissions by 2050 will be -10.02 MtonCO₂ (-53.37% compared to 2022). Annual investments will be € 1.478 billion, with an estimated LCOP of € 612.76/tonne and an employment level of 42,600 in the steel sector and about 4,000 in the renewables sector.Prospective Scenario: DRI (Direct Reduced Iron) technology is introduced here using natural gas and biomethane with CO₂ capture. The reduction in emissions will be -12.735 MtonCO₂ (-67.85% compared to 2022). As in the previous case, CO2 capture is necessary for decarbonising this scenario. However, its implementation requires very stringent conditions to be conducted in a sustainable manner, conditions that are presented in the report. Annual investments will be € 1.845 billion, with an estimated LCOP of € 607.28/tonne and an employment level of 39,400 in the steel sector and about 5,000 in the renewables sector.Desirable Scenario: this scenario envisages the use of DRI technology based on green hydrogen and renewable sources coupled to the national energy mix. The overall emission reduction will be -12.735 MtonCO₂ (-67.84% compared to 2022), without introducing CO2 capture and with a potential further reduction linked to the progressive decarbonisation of the national energy sector. Annual investments will amount to € 1.386 billion, with an estimated LCOP of € 621.61/tonne and an employment level of 39,400 in the steel sector and more than 12,000 in the renewables sector.In MemoriamThe authors also wished to honour the memory of Maurizio Fermeglia, full professor of Principles of Chemical Engineering and former Rector of the University of Trieste, who was passionate about environmental sustainability issues, a WWF collaborator and the association's delegate in Friuli Venezia Giulia. ‘Maurizio contributed to the initial development of the work and helped us to combine scientific rigour with a climate and environmental vision in this report. He is greatly missed by all of us, and we want to honour him and remember him also on this occasion,’ reads the report's dedication. Il report completo è disponibile sul sito del WWF Italia Abstract The Interdepartmental Centre 'Ciamician' outlines three scenarios with their environmental, economic and employment implications Mostra nel diario Off
UniTS 100th Anniversary: PhD Innovation Awards are launched Read more about UniTS 100th Anniversary: PhD Innovation Awards are launched Immagine Progetto senza titolo (94).jpg Data notizia Wed, 31/07/2024 - 12:00 Categoria notizia University ateneo Research Destinatari canale University Research Destinatari target Graduates International Students - Degree Seekers Testo notizia To mark the 100th Anniversity of its founding, the University of Trieste is establishing the ‘PhD Innovation Awards’ to reward the best PhD theses submitted as part of the third-level courses held at UniTS.For this purpose, 15,000 euros have been allocated, allowing for five prizes of three thousand euros each. The competition is aimed at PhD graduates who passed their final exams between 1st January 2023 and 30th June 2024. It will focus on a thesis that stood out for its innovation. Applications must be submitted online with University log in details by 13:00 on 29th August 2024.The initiative aims to recognise the excellence and innovation of those who represent the future of research.‘Investing in young researchers and promoting their cultural and professional growth is one of the most important objectives of our University.’ says prof. Alessandro Baraldi, Deputy Rector for scientific research and doctorates. ‘With the prizes we are awarding, we want to enhance ideas, originality and creativity, which are at the foundation of the knowledge and innovation we are celebrating with the 100th anniversary of UniTS.If in recent years we have promoted access to the highest level of university education by increasing the number of PhD scholarships, now, through this initiative, we also wish to celebrate their achievements at the end of the process, which reflect the enormous commitment of our PhD students.'The applications will be assessed in a first phase by a University panel who will select the ten best theses. The finalists will participate in a seminar of experts in the field of innovation who will then decide the final ranking and the awarding of the five prizes.The award ceremony will take place at an event entitled ‘PhDs, authors of the future of knowledge’, planned for November 2024, at which the competition winners will present the results of their doctoral thesis research.All information about the competition is available in the relevant Call for Applications. Abstract Five awards to recognise and enhance the innovative scientific contribution of PhDs. Applications by 29 AugustA 24-hour study space will always be guaranteed Mostra nel diario Off
Iris Zalaudek among international leaders in dermatology Read more about Iris Zalaudek among international leaders in dermatology Immagine Progetto senza titolo (93).jpg Data notizia Mon, 29/07/2024 - 12:00 Categoria notizia University ateneo Research Destinatari canale University Research Testo notizia Iris Zalaudek, Full Professor of Cutaneous and Venereal Diseases and Head of the Specialisation School in Dermatology, has received the prestigious Certificate of Appreciation Awards in the International Leadership of Dermatology.The recognition is awarded by the International League of Dermatological Societies (ILDS), which brings together 215 different scientific societies from 103 countries worldwide, with the aim of promoting strategic leadership at an international level in the field of medicine dealing with skin and cutaneous adnexa diseases.The UniTS lecturer, who is also Head of the Clinical Dermatology Department and STD Centre of the ASUGI (local health service), was recognised for her significant contribution to the promotion of international dermatology, with a positive impact on global health policies and practices, promoting cross-border research, education and empowerment of dermatologists, their societies and the public.Professor Zalaudek was the first female President of the International Society of Dermoscopy (2016-2021) and was named among the 50 most influential women in dermatology in 2021.On the occasion of this award, we asked our lecturer for a contribution describing the state of the art and the most important challenges of international dermatology within healthcare systems.Dermatology - a multidisciplinary branch More than 2,000 skin and mucosal diseases demonstrate the diversity of dermatology. It is a speciality that interfaces with many other disciplines, dealing with the physiology and pathology of the skin and mucous membranes, tumour diseases, chronic inflammatory diseases and autoimmune dermatoses, ageing processes, infections, allergies and other environmental diseases. Skin diseases affect all age groups and genders. Chronic diseases, such as atopic dermatitis or psoriasis, are very common and require lifelong treatment. Dermatology, like many other specialities, is experiencing a real revolution in medical therapies: more and more new, innovative and effective drugs are arriving for the treatment of skin tumours and inflammatory diseases. Biologics, small molecules, immunotherapies and immuno-check-point inhibitors, JAK-inhibitors, etc. have expanded the landscape of personalised dermatology. Dermatology - a constantly changing disciplineDermatological research is the prerequisite for acquiring new knowledge, the clinical application of which is used for the diagnosis and treatment of patients. An active national and international exchange (conferences, associations and guideline work) makes it possible to share research results and to develop new research questions and approaches. The quality of dermatological treatment is fundamentally based on guidelines that are regularly reviewed and updated. In a constantly ageing society, prevention and early diagnosis, as well as early treatment concepts with innovative therapies, such as 'proactive instead of reactive therapy', need to be incorporated more than ever in order to change the course of the disease, prevent comorbidities and reduce or avoid side effects, also in terms of healthcare system funding.Dermatology - challenges for the futureAn ageing society poses major challenges to the health care system: the number of elderly people in need of care and the chronically ill will increase with significant repercussions and pressure on funding. More prevention, multi-professionality and good interaction between the health professions are needed. Clinics are already facing great challenges due to staff shortages. Efforts are being made to counter this, but forecasts for the next five to six years predict further deterioration. The skin, however, is also a model organ that is particularly suitable for digital medicine because it is easily accessible. Apps and artificial intelligence are already components of digital support for diagnostics and therapy. Digital health apps, systematic digital networking of data in research (big data), diagnostic devices and teledermatology have the potential to improve comprehensive dermatological care and thus avoid waiting times. Although digitisation cannot replace personal contact with a doctor in all cases, it offers people with skin changes a real opportunity to consult a specialist/app, without having to wait months. Abstract The DSM lecturer received the Certificate of Appreciation Awards of the International League of Dermatological Societies, which unites 215 societies from 103 different countries Mostra nel diario Off
UniTS researchers discover a new crustacean in Antarctica Read more about UniTS researchers discover a new crustacean in Antarctica Immagine Progetto senza titolo (90).jpg Data notizia Wed, 24/07/2024 - 12:00 Categoria notizia University ateneo Press releases Research Destinatari canale University Research Destinatari target Society Testo notizia An international team of researchers coordinated by the University of Trieste has discovered a new species of Antarctic shrimp – the Orchomenella rinamontiae – a crustacean belonging to the order of amphipods, identified in the vicinity of the Mario Zucchelli Italian Antarctic Station by Piero Giulianini, zoologist and professor at the University of Trieste’s Department of Life Sciences, during the 33rd Italian Antarctic Expedition in Terra Nova Bay.The event opens up new avenues for research and represents a significant step forward for a deeper understanding of marine life and biodiversity in the most remote and inhospitable regions of the planet: knowledge of Antarctic marine communities and the species that make them up is, in fact, of fundamental importance for monitoring global changes due to human activities.‘The initial aim of the research was to verify the responses of an Antarctic shrimp species to warming seas. However, morphological and genetic analyses revealed that some of the samples belonged to a previously undescribed species,’ explains Piero Giulianini, zoologist and professor of the Department of Life Sciences at the University of Trieste. ‘The new species belongs to a dominant and endemic group in Antarctic waters, scavenger shrimps that play a key role in marine communities, consuming and dispersing food of all sizes. Like a litmus test, monitoring the abundance and diversity of these shrimps will allow us to understand the ongoing anthropogenic impacts on these delicate ecosystems: human impact on the environment, in fact, negatively affects marine communities, hampering their diversity and complexity. But not only that, in our laboratories we will also conduct analyses to study how the newly identified species responds to ocean warming,’ the professor concludes.For the morphological analysis, the researchers used an innovative and advanced imaging technique, X-ray microtomography, which allowed them to obtain high-resolution three-dimensional images of the new species, offering the advantage of digitally examining the sample without introducing artefacts and distortions due to manipulation.The discovery not only enriches the catalogue of Antarctic marine species, but also underlines the importance of combining physical and genetic analyses for species classification, through technologically advanced tools such as microtomography, which could revolutionise the way biological samples are studied and classified. As image resolution continues to improve and equipment costs decrease, microtomography could soon become a standard technique in biodiversity research, greatly accelerating the process of species discovery, description and classification.The name chosen to describe the new shrimp, Orchomenella rinamontiae, is a tribute by the research group to the zoologist Rina Monti, who in 1907 became the first Italian woman to hold a professorship at the University of Sassari, and celebrates her pioneering contribution to zoology in academia.The study involved the Applied Zoology and Applied Genomics research groups of the University of Trieste (Piero Giulianini, Samuele Greco, Elisa D’Agostino, Marco Gerdol, Alberto Pallavicini, Chiara Manfrin) with the contribution of two experts in the field of Antarctic shrimp classification: Claude de Broyer of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences and Ed Hendrycks of the Canadian Museum of Nature. A physicist and a zoologist from the University of Calabria (Sandro Donato and Anita Giglio) participated in the analysis of X-ray microtomography data performed at Sincrotrone Elettra in Trieste.*******************************************************************Full study published in Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society ‘A new Antarctic species of Orchomenella G.O. Sars, 1890 (Amphipoda: Lysianassoidea: Tryphosidae): is phase-contrast micro-tomography a mature technique for digital holotypes?’Piero G. Giulianini1, Claude De Broyer2, Ed A. Hendrycks3, Samuele Greco1, Elisa D’Agostino1, Sandro Donato4,5,6, Anita Giglio7, Marco Gerdol1, Alberto Pallavicini1, Chiara Manfrin11Department of Life Sciences, University of Trieste, Trieste, Italy2Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Bruxelles, Belgium3Canadian Museum of Nature, Research and Collections, Ottawa, Canada4Department of Physics, University of Calabria, Cosenza, Italy5Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Division of Frascati, Frascati, Rome, Italy6Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste SCpA, in AREA Science Park, Basovizza, Trieste, Italy7Department of Biology, Ecology and Earth Science, University of Calabria, Cosenza, Italy Abstract The international study used an innovative imaging technique. Monitoring the new species will reveal the anthropogenic impact on biodiversity and marine ecosystems Mostra nel diario Off Video notizia
Climate change: six UniTS contributions in the 2024 edition of “Signals from the climate in FVG” Read more about Climate change: six UniTS contributions in the 2024 edition of “Signals from the climate in FVG” Immagine Progetto senza titolo (87).jpg Data notizia Fri, 19/07/2024 - 12:00 Categoria notizia University ateneo Research University and society Destinatari canale University Research Social Responsibility Destinatari target Society Testo notizia The 2024 edition of ’Signals from the climate in FVG’, the popular publication realised by the technical-scientific working group Climate FVG set up by the regional administration in 2022 and coordinated by Arpa FVG, is freely available. This work, available online on Arpa's website, aims to inform the regional population – and all public and private stakeholders – about climate change, its effects and the actions that can be taken to tackle it in our region. At the same time, the publication also makes it possible to link the local dimension with the global one, through articles that broaden our view to what is happening on a wider scale.‘Signals from the climate’ is therefore not a report on the state of the climate in Friuli Venezia Giulia, but rather a description of the situation, how important it is to become aware of it and act, and how society, public administration and the scientific world are already acting.The ‘magazine’ collects more than 40 articles by 67 authors working at the FVG Climate Group entities: Region, ARPA FVG, University of Trieste, University of Udine, ICTP, OGS and CNR with the two institutes of marine and polar sciences.The year 2023 was the third hottest year ever recorded in the region: the atmosphere and the sea reached above-average temperatures for many months and extreme events of considerable intensity affected several areas of the region. This year, the story begins of the signs of climate change that we detect in our territory and that translate into diverse effects on the various natural systems and productive sectors, calling us to 'act for the climate'. Experts from the various fields – climatologists, geologists, oceanographers, biologists, agronomists, economists, engineers, architects, environmental, public administration and health professionals – from our region accompany the reader on a journey of knowledge that starts in our mountains and winds its way ideally following the flow of water across the plains, to the lagoon and the sea. Returning to the mainland, the articles explore the effects of climate change on plants and animals, both in their natural state and in the agricultural sector.This issue also concludes with some examples of actions taken by public bodies, primarily the FVG Region, for climate change mitigation and adaptation. This edition also hosts a remembrance of Maurizio Fermeglia, former Rector of UniTS who passed away last February, and one of his last popular contributions. A total of six articles are signed by researchers from the Department of Engineering and Architecture and the Department of Life Sciences at the University of Trieste. Mountains and Climate Change: A Fragile Balance in a Vulnerable Environment (p.43)Maurizio Fermeglia (DIA) with a preface by Sabrina Pricl (DIA)The effects of climate change are particularly evident in the mountains, a very vulnerable environment where even 'small' increases in temperature have amplified effects and can compromise the delicate balance that revolves around 0 °C. The consequences are significant, from melting glaciers and permafrost to impacts on ecosystems and mountain activities. Important changes are already being felt by mountain users: hikers, mountaineers, skiers and ski mountaineers.Freshwaters: Changing Perspective to Cope with a Changing Climate (p.89)Elisabetta Pizzul, Marco Bertoli (DSV)Freshwater ecosystems are particularly vulnerable to changes in the environment and climate. A change in the way we perceive and manage them is necessary not only to preserve them, but also to enable them to perform those functions that are effective natural solutions to cope with climate change as well.Transformation of Reclamation Landscapes and New Friuli Deserts in a Framework of Changing Agricultural and Climatic Patterns (p.105)Thomas Bisiani, Adriano Venudo (DIA)The drainage of the Friuli-Isontine plain has shaped the landscape, creating a hydrographic network that today performs important ecological functions. This environmental, historical and cultural heritage is now threatened by new agricultural models and irrigation efficiency methods adopted to cope with climate change. A balance must be found between the needs of agriculture, the environment and the landscape to stem a veritable 'desertification' of the land.Courageous Mice: The Role of Small Mammals in the Adaptation of Oak and Beech Trees to Climate Change (p.153)Alessio Mortelliti (DSV)Up to 90 per cent of plants in an ecosystem may depend on animals for the dispersal of their seeds, as is the case for oaks and beeches, ecologically and economically important trees in Friuli Venezia Giulia. Small mammals, such as mice and voles, perform this vital function in complex and fascinating ways, and some research shows that certain individuals are particularly important in this process.Climate Change and Well-Being: Summer Temperatures in Living Spaces (p.195)Marco Manzan, Atlas Ramezani (DIA)High temperatures, especially when associated with high humidity, can be dangerous for people, especially the most frail. In order to act to protect them, with a view to climate equity, it is important to assess this phenomenon in homes, especially those without air conditioning systems. A UniTS study analysed indoor conditions of comfort and stress in a multi-family building, considering the current and future climate and also the effect of electric fans. Building and Climate Change: Designing Structures More Resistant to Extreme Events (p. 203) Chiara Bedon (DIA)With global warming, the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events is generally increasing. Many building components and systems, designed to withstand conventional weather events, are deficient for extreme phenomena, such as those recently recorded in FVG. New attention will be needed to adapt building systems, and in particular their most vulnerable components, to make them more resistant to the most intense weather events. Abstract In the dissemination magazine coordinated by Arpa FVG also an article by the recently deceased Prof. Maurizio Fermeglia Mostra nel diario On Periodo di permanenza in Magazine Mon, 22/07/2024 - 12:00 - Wed, 31/07/2024 - 12:00
5G development between Italy and Slovenia: UniTS' contribution to communication security Read more about 5G development between Italy and Slovenia: UniTS' contribution to communication security Immagine Innov@units_senza scritte.jpg Data notizia Tue, 16/07/2024 - 12:00 Categoria notizia University ateneo Research Destinatari canale University Research International Destinatari target Business and Institutions Testo notizia The University of Trieste hosted, in the Main Hall of Building D (Piazzale Europa Campus), the closing event of the 5G-SITACOR project, which conducted a feasibility study for the implementation of 5G along cross-border sections of the Mediterranean and Baltic-Adriatic TEN-T corridors between Italy and Slovenia.The study was coordinated by the Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia, in collaboration with the University of Trieste, University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), DARS (Slovenia), Telekom Slovenije (Slovenia), Anas (Italy), Autostrade Alto Adriatico (Italy), Retelit (Italy) and Luka Koper (Slovenia) with the objective of evaluating and defining the best ways to exploit the potential of 5G technology (higher throughput, lower latency and higher reliability) in different areas for the development of linear infrastructure such as Connected and Automated Mobility (CAM) and road safety in the identified areas.The event was attended by political representatives from the Ministry for Digital Transformation of the Republic of Slovenia and the Department of Property, State Property, General Services and Information Systems of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, as well as a technical contribution from the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy.The study, preparatory to the participation of the FVG Region in the next call of the European Commission, analysed the state of the art, with geographical analysis, of the road network and telecommunication infrastructures, whose collected information allowed to develop the second part of the work. In fact, it was possible to define the parameters necessary for the creation of an infrastructure dedicated to the development of smart digital and services for territories and communities, evaluating the best ways to apply 5G network technology for the development of linear infrastructures, such as connected and automated mobility and road safety, along 275km of motorway between Friuli Venezia Giulia and Slovenia. In detail, the motorways covered by the study include over 200km of the Mediterranean corridor and the Baltic-Adriatic corridor, and over 60km of additional motorways as secondary routes in case of critical events. The main sections are: Udine Nord-Palmanova (27km), Latisana-Fernetti and Fernetti-Sežana (102km), Fernetti-Sezana-Divača (16km), Fernetti-Koper via Trieste (36km), Koper- Divača-Postojna (57km) and Villesse-Gorizia-Nova Gorica-Razdrto (62km).The University of Trieste, as part of the project, was responsible for studying the safety requirements of the infrastructure, in particular how they can be enhanced through the use of quantum technologies. One of the most promising uses of 5G is the possibility of enabling autonomous driving, for which it is necessary to exchange a large amount of information (presence of other vehicles, road conditions, road signs, and so on and so forth.) and secure communications between all the elements of the infrastructure.The working group co-ordinated by Prof. Angelo Bassi, full professor of Theoretical Physics, has developed an architecture based on quantum communication to ensure the safe exchange of information between moving vehicles and their control centres.The University of Trieste, which for several years has been running an important programme for the development of these innovative technologies, has a cutting-edge laboratory for the development of quantum communication, which has been set up with the support of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region.In this regard, UniTS is also participating in the creation of a quantum network on fibre optics that will connect the three regional universities: the network will be managed by LightNet, one of the spearheads of our region in the field of communications infrastructure. Plans for the future are to connect this infrastructure to the rest of the country and neighbouring countries, including Slovenia. 'The 5G Sitacor project,' Bassi concludes, 'paves the way for the realisation of a digital infrastructure that will benefit economic operators and citizens. In the academic field, I would like to emphasise the start of an important collaboration between the University of Trieste and the University of Ljubljana on a strategic issue for the area'. Abstract The 5G-Sitacor project, coordinated by the FVG Region, was brought to a close at the University of Trieste. Prof. Angelo Bassi presented the work carried out by the University Mostra nel diario On Periodo di permanenza in Magazine Mon, 22/07/2024 - 12:00 - Wed, 31/07/2024 - 12:00