Celestial Lights Earth Roots + Stelutis Alpinis
Opening tomorrow in Zuglio (Udine) Luci Celesti Radici Terrestri + Stelutis Alpinis, FVG's first astronomy-themed science festival, which will continue until 19th October 2024. The scientific contribution will be made by the Physics Department of the University of Trieste and the INAF-Trieste Astronomical Observatory, while the artistic direction is by the Amalgama Collective. Among the organisers is the Municipality of Arta Terme.
The initiative, created to investigate the relationship of human beings with the starry sky, which spans from the myths of antiquity to the most recent discoveries, will propose lectures, astronomical observations, installations, performances and workshops combining scientific and cultural aspects and local history. The next four months will also feature the theatrical and musical performances of the Amalgama Collective and a series of activities involving local associations. The programme includes meetings with UniTS lecturers, visits to historical and natural sites, immersive experiences with virtual reality visors, orienteering activities with the stars, art installations and performances. Participants will also be involved in an experiential teaching workshop organised by the Amalgama Collective, starting with Gianni Rodari's work ‘Via Lattea Quaraquarinci’, which will lead them to create stories and nursery rhymes. The works will then be collected together with drawings and thoughts of the children to form the Almanac of the New Poetic Astrophysics School. A rich and varied programme of free events will offer multiple approaches to the astronomical theme.
The University of Trieste, with the Department of Physics, is the lead partner in the project ‘Stelutis Alpinis. Let's discover the Cosmos from the Mountains of Carnia’, financed by the University through the Public and Social Commitment - Third Mission call, a new initiative of the University created to support with ad hoc funding projects that have an impact and a relationship with the community, in this case the regional one. The initiative complements Luci Celesti/Radici Terrestri, a festival funded by the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region in which the University participates as a partner and which has Alexandro Saro as its scientific director.
Saturday 8th June, 21:00, Zuglio, Polse di Côugnes
‘Is there life in the galaxy?’ lecture by Prof. Giovanni Vladilo. Followed by astronomical observation.
Sunday 9th June, 21:00, Rivalpo
‘Close Encounters with the Second Kind’ performance with artistic incursions, by the Amalgama Collective, Daniele D'Agaro and Marzio Tomada. The evening is held at Rivalpo, which celebrates the traditional Festa della Madonna on the morning of the same day.
Tuesday 25th June, 21:00, Valle, Social Centre
‘Three walks in the woods of stars’ lecture by Fabrizio Fiore, director INAF Trieste, artistic interventions by the Amalgama Collective.
Wednesday 26 June, 17:00, Zuglio
Municipal Archaeological Museum guided tour of the museum and the Roman forum.
Thursday 27th June to Saturday 29th June
Rivalpo, Zuglio Archaeological Museum, 14:00: opening of the festival's art installations.
Friday 28th June, 17:30, Zuglio
Archaeological Museum guided tour of the museum and the Roman forum.
Thursday 29th June
17:30. Rivalpo ‘Close Encounters with the Second Kind’ performance with artistic incursions by the Amalgama Collective.
21:00. Zuglio, Polse di Côugnes Astronomical observation at the observatory.
Saturday 13 July, 11:00, Rivalpo
'Food and wine walk' at the fair. Visit to exhibitor stands and tastings.
Saturday 10 August, 21:00, Zuglio, Polse di Côugnes
‘Star Maps Carved on a Protohistoric Stone: The First Astronomer?’ lecture by Prof. Paolo Molaro. Followed by astronomical observation.
Saturday 14 September, 21:00, Zuglio, Polse di Côugnes
‘The variable sky: Exploring the frontiers of contemporary astrophysics’ lecture by Prof. Francesco Longo. Followed by astronomical observation.
Saturday 19 October, 21:00, Zuglio, Polse di Côugnes
‘Journey to the dark side of the universe: from Einstein to Euclid’ lecture by Prof. Stefano Borgani, UniTS. Followed by astronomical observation
From Monday 14th to Friday 18th October: educational week for pupils and teachers of the schools of the Istituto Comprensivo Linussio - Matiz