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Academic year 2024/25

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The new regulations allow simultaneous enrolment in two study courses.

You can apply for 2 courses at the same time if the following requirements are met:

  • the courses belong to different degree classes and differ in at least two thirds of their educational activities
  • they are not international courses leading to double, multiple or joint degrees with foreign universities
  • both courses do not have compulsory attendance. If one of the two is compulsorily attended, enrolment in the second course is permitted provided that it does not have compulsory attendance (except for laboratory and internship activities)

The application for enrolment in the second course is assessed by the relevant department. If the assessment is positive, and subject to the admission requirements and procedures laid down for the second course, you may proceed with your application for enrolment.

Registration deadlines for the second course at UniTS

Enrolment in a course of study at this university has to be made within the prescribed deadlines.

  • For open access courses, in the case of a second course of your choice, enrolment is possible after the deadline.
  • For courses with programmed access, enrolment has to be, in any case, carried out within the set deadlines, also if it is for the second course of your choice.

Simply enrolling in a competition for admission to a course of study does NOT constitute enrolment in the course itself.

Titolo card wrapper
What to do to enrol in a second degree course
Are you enrolled at another university and want to matriculate at UniTS as well?
Register as usual and fill in the relevant section during the procedure.
Are you already enrolled in UniTS and want to enrol in another course?
For the new course, register as usual and fill in the corresponding section during the procedure. For the course in which you are already enrolled, complete the additional declaration. Menu>Home>Additional Declaration Annual Enrolment
Are you enrolled at UniTS and you are/are you going to enrol at another university?
Log into the Online Student Secretariat (Esse3) and fill in the additional declaration. Menu>Home>Additional Declarations Annual Enrolment

Graduating Students

Are you an A.Y. 2023/2024 graduating student?
If you wish to enrol in a course for the 2024/2025 academic year, you will not be subject to the concurrent enrolment rule, so you do not need to send the additional declaration.

Are you an A.Y. 2024/2025 graduating studen?
If you wish to enrol in a course for the academic year 2024/2025, you must submit the additional declaration.

Legal references implementing simultaneous enrolment in two higher education courses.

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