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Academic year 2024/25

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Activated courses can be found in the course catalogue by accessing the study programme to which the course belongs (and then on Study Plans).

You may enrol in single courses up to a maximum of 36 credits (CFUs) per academic year.
If the course you have chosen is divided into several "Didactic Units" (modules), you must take the entirety of the CFUs offered.

Credits acquired from single courses may be recognised for subsequent enrolment in a course of study (but not for gaining access to years beyond the first) or to supplement your study plan (e.g. to enrol in a Master's degree).

You can enrol on individual courses if:

  • you have already graduated
  • you are enrolled at another university
  • you have a high school qualification eligible for admission to a university course of study
> International students
If you are an International student, visa applicant and/or with a foreign qualification, you will have to follow a specific procedure.
> UniTS students
If you are already enrolled at this university, you must add them to your study plan as supernumerary courses.

For A.Y. 2024/25, applications can be submitted from 5 August 2024 to 21 March 2025.

  • Register and log in to the Online Student Secretariat (Esse3)
  • Start the enrolment procedure  
    1. fill in the fields and upload the required documents
    2. pay the virtual tax stamp of € 16.00. Wait for confirmation from the Admissions Office. The procedure may take a few days.
  • Pay the fee, if applicable. You will find the payment details in the Online Student Secretariat (Esse3).  
    The fee is € 40.00 per CFU.  
    Sissa doctoral students and those who must acquire cfu for access to a master's degree are exempt from the fee.

How to enrol

For courses that are part of courses of study with a planned number of students, you must first obtain authorisation to attend ('nullaosta').

General info

You cannot sit exams before the end of the course, even if you do not attend it. 
Registration for examinations is through the Online Student Secretariat, for dates please consult the teaching calendar published on the Departments' websites.

Examinations may only be taken on the dates scheduled for the academic year in which the application is submitted. Once the last useful session has elapsed, enrolment will automatically lapse: you will still be able to reapply in subsequent academic years.

The exam sessions for the A.Y. 2024/25 are as follows:

  • First session: from November 2024 to March 2025
  • Second session: from April 2025 to August 2025
  • Third session: from September 2025 to October 2025
  • Extraordinary session: from November 2025 to March 2026

For enrolment in individual courses for access to a Master's degree course

If you apply for enrolment in individual courses that have been defined as a prerequisite for admission to an a.y. 2024/25 degree programme:

  • you must sit the exams by 31 march 2025 
  • you are exempt from attending courses, so you may sit the relevant exams even before the end of the course itself: you will have to wait for the opening of the examination sessions of the a.y. 2024/25
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Tuition fees must be paid exclusively using the pagoPA payment platform.
Other payment methods are not permitted.

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