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Free guided tours of the UniTS centenary exhibition

For its centenary celebrations, the University of Trieste has organised the exhibition ‘1924-2024 - A Century in the History of the University of Trieste. Images and documents’. The exhibition has been proposed and coordinated by the University Museum System and organised in collaboration with the Municipality of Trieste and thanks to the contribution of the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia. It tells the story, architecture and art of the University and is hosted at the Bastione Fiorito of the San Giusto Castle.

From 1 September to 10 November 2024 it will be possible to book a free guided tour for high school students, with the Castle entrance fee reduced to €1.00 per student.

For more information and to book:

Presentations in schools

The Prospective Student Support and School Liaison staff of the University of Trieste are available to organise free presentations at schools as well.

During these sessions, informational material about UniTS will be distributed, and the staff will be available to answer questions, provide clarifications about university life and address any curiosities.

Paths for Transversal Skills and Guidance (PCTO)

The Paths for Transversal Skills and Guidance (PCTO) involve classroom training and work experience within companies and organizations for students in the last three years of high school, aiming to provide them with direct knowledge and experience. The goal of this programme is to bridge the gap between the skills required by the job market and the students' school preparation, with a total duration of 210 hours for Professional Institutes, 150 hours for Technical Institutes, and 90 hours for High Schools.

Every year the University of Trieste offers opportunities for Paths for Transversal Skills and Guidance through the Summer Training Modules (in Italian only), lasting 20 or 30 hours and targeting students who have completed the third or fourth year of school, subject to the signing of a specific school-University PCTO agreement.

Activate a PCTO agreement with our University

After completing the form, the Prospective Student Support and School Liaison Office will send the agreement to the Institute via certified email (PEC). The agreement must then be digitally signed by the School Head Teacher and returned via PEC to the address

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