Contenuto Every academic year, the UniTS Prospective Student Support and School Liaison Office organises four Porte Aperte, the University's Open Days. The main event in October spans over three days, each of which focuses on an area of our first-level higher education offer. This is followed by the Open Days in January, on the Gorizia campus, focusing on bachelor's and single-cycle degree programmes based in Gorizia. In March, with the Spring Open Day, back on the Trieste campus, you will have a second opportunity to discover all the programmes you can enrol in after completing high school. If, on the other hand, you are already a university student, the right event for you is the one in April, dedicated to all master's degree programmes. Image Master's Degrees Open Day - 11 April 2025 Have a look at the programme for our Master's Degrees Open Day and register for the presentations you are interested in! Check out which presentations are going to be held in English.Registration is mandatory to participate. Main Building AAuditorium9.00 - 10.00Opening speech (in Italian)“E poi? Scegliere il futuro” by Andrea SegrèREGISTERSOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIESRoom to be defined10.15 - 11.00European policies for digital, ecological and social transitions (presentation in English)REGISTERREGISTER to participate online11.15 - 12.00Diplomazia e cooperazione internazionaleREGISTERREGISTER to participate online12.15 - 13.00Scienze del governo e politiche pubblicheREGISTERREGISTER to participate online13.15 - 14.00Political science - Integration and governance(pending Ministerial approval, presentation in English)REGISTERREGISTER to participate onlineRoom to be defined10.15 - 11.00Traduzione specialistica e interpretazione di conferenzaREGISTERREGISTER to participate online11.15 - 12.00Lingue, letterature straniere e turismo culturaleREGISTER12.15 - 13.00FilosofiaREGISTERRoom to be defined10.15 - 11.00Studi storici. Dall'antico al contemporaneoREGISTERREGISTER to participate online11.15 - 12.00Archeologia e culture dell'antichitàREGISTER12.15 - 13.00ItalianisticaREGISTERREGISTER to participate onlineRoom to be defined10.15 - 11.00Strategia, consulenza e logistica aziendaleREGISTERREGISTER to participate online11.15 - 12.00Economia, ambiente e sviluppo - Economics, enviroment and development (programme partially in English, presentation in Italian/English)REGISTERREGISTER to participate online12.15 - 13.00Marketing e managementREGISTERREGISTER to participate onlineRoom to be defined11.15 - 12.00Servizio sociale, politiche sociali, programmazione e gestione dei serviziREGISTERREGISTER to participate online12.15 - 13.00Coordinamento e gestione dei servizi educativi REGISTERREGISTER to participate online TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCERoom to be defined10.15 - 11.00Data science and artificial intelligence(presentation in English)REGISTERREGISTER to participate online11.15 - 12.00Mathematics (programme in English, presentation in Italian)REGISTERREGISTER to participate online12.15 - 13.00Scienze statistiche e attuarialiREGISTERREGISTER to participate onlineRoom to be defined10.15 - 11.00Ingegneria clinicaREGISTERREGISTER to participate online11.15 - 12.00Ingegneria dell'energia elettrica e dei sistemi[at 2.00 p.m. visit to the D-ETEF, C3_1.41 labs]REGISTERREGISTER to participate online12.15 - 13.00Engineering for the energy transition (presentation in English)[at 3.00 p.m. visit to the Energy storage, Enesys-Lab/Hydrogen Technologies Hub, Materials and Structures labs]REGISTERREGISTER to participate online13.15 - 14.00Computer engineering (presentation in English)REGISTERREGISTER to participate onlineRoom to be defined10.15 - 11.00Ingegneria civile (programme partially in English, presentation in Italian)REGISTERREGISTER to participate online11.15 - 12.00Ingegneria navaleREGISTER12.15 - 13.00Ingegneria meccanica (programme partially in English, presentation in Italian)REGISTERRoom to be defined10.15 - 11.00Chimica (programme partially in English, presentation in Italian)REGISTERREGISTER to participate online11.15 - 12.00Materials and chemical engineering for nano, bio, and sustainable technologies(programme partially in English, presentation in Italian)REGISTERREGISTER to participate online12.15 - 13.00Fisica[after the presentation and until 3.00 p,m, prospective students will meet the curriculum coordinators at the Department of Physics]REGISTERREGISTER to participate onlineRoom to be defined10.15 - 11.00Geophysics and geodata(presentation in English)REGISTERREGISTER to participate online11.15 - 12.00GeoscienzeREGISTERREGISTER to participate online12.15 - 13.00Ecologia e sostenibilità dei cambiamenti globali (programme partially in English, presentation in Italian)REGISTERREGISTER to participate online13.15 - 14.00Scienze per l'ambiente marino e costieroREGISTERREGISTER to participate online LIFE AND HEALTH SCIENCESRoom to be defined10.15 - 11.00Genomica funzionale (programme partially in English, presentation in Italian)REGISTER11.15 - 12.00Biotecnologie mediche e diagnosticheREGISTER12.15 - 13.00Neuroscience(presentation in English)REGISTERRoom to be defined10.15 - 11.45Psicologia clinica, dello sviluppo e neuropsicologiaREGISTERorREGISTER to participate onlinePsicologia sociale e cognitiva applicata(pending Ministerial approval)12.00 -12.45Scienze infermieristiche e ostetricheREGISTERREGISTER to participate online13.00 - 13.45Scienze riabilitative delle Professioni Sanitarie(pending Ministerial approval)REGISTERREGISTER to participate online Ultimo aggiornamento Orient yourself Why you should choose UniTS Remote orienting Open-day Visit us Summer Course Preparazione test area medico-sanitaria Are you a teacher?