Contenuto Image If you have just finished the third or fourth year of high school, discover the UniTS Summer Training Modules, short free courses with university lectures lasting about a week in July and September. They are an important opportunity to experience university life though face-to-face or online classes, interacting with our lecturers and researchers - you can choose the courses according to your interests, whether scientific, technological or humanistic.If your high school has an agreement with our University, by participating in 80% of the lessons and the final test you will also receive a certificate recognising the Modules as Pathways for Transversal Skills and Guidance (PCTO). Registration is compulsory and open while places are available!It is not possible to register for more than one Module per session.To unregister if you can no longer participate, please contact us by writing to to free up your place. Check out the programme for the July and September sessions A sustainability-themed aperitif is planned for 3 September at the Luciano Fonda College of Merit. We will publish more information and open registrations in early summer (places will be limited)! Ultimo aggiornamento Orient yourself Why you should choose UniTS Remote orienting Open-day Visit us Summer Course Vedi tutti i Moduli Preparazione test area medico-sanitaria Are you a teacher? Scopri se il tuo Istituto ha già una Convenzione PCTO con il nostro Ateneo, o in alternativa come attivarne una. Call to action Convenzioni PCTO