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All students (freshmen) enrolled in scientific degree programs, potentially exposed to risks during laboratory activities (e.g., chemical risk, biological risk, etc.), are subject to Health Surveillance.

Health Surveillance activities can be summarized in two distinct pathways:

  1. Students attending their degree course at the "Department of Medical, Surgical and Health Sciences" undergo health surveillance during the first year and before starting internships.
  2. Students attending their degree course at "Departments other than Medical, Surgical and Health Sciences" which include degree programs where the curriculum involves access to laboratories (e.g., chemical, biological, etc.), must complete, at enrollment, a medical questionnaire aimed at detecting, through self-certification, any conditions that may make the student more susceptible to occupational risks, regulated by current legislation. Following the completion of the medical questionnaire, if the Occupational Health Physician deems it necessary, the student will undergo targeted assessments to provide them and the relevant Course Professor with indications for managing specific risks. Additionally, students are given the opportunity to consult the Occupational Health Physician to obtain information and measures to protect their health if they believe that the "work" activity may have personal contraindications.

The questionnaires form the basis of the individual health document, which is kept at the Occupational Health Physician's office and, if necessary, updated with any preventive and periodic checks, prepared for health surveillance purposes.

Department Directors are reminded that students employed continuously (e.g., as thesis students, interns, fellows, PhD students, etc.), for health surveillance procedures, must be treated on par with employees. Therefore, aspects of Health Surveillance should refer to the page dedicated to personnel.

For clarifications regarding situations that differ from the above description (agreements, conventions, contracts, etc.), please write to the email address

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