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pancia di donna incinta con casco da cantiere

The protection of pregnant women is governed by Legislative Decree No. 151 as well as specific articles of Legislative Decree 81/2008.

There are specific exclusions from work activities, such as strenuous work, the use of ionizing radiation, hazardous, and unhealthy tasks. Furthermore, pregnant women cannot be assigned to lifting or carrying weights, including handling with carts or unloading goods.

The specific and detailed list of prohibited activities is listed in Attachments A-B-C-D of Legislative Decree 151/01, visible at the bottom of the page.

The obligations of the worker, the employer, the Occupational Health Physician, and the relevant offices are summarized in the appropriate procedure with the respective request form, downloadable under the "Documentation and Forms" section.

This procedure also provides guidance on initial communication phases as well as for Flexibility.

For specific information beyond safety aspects, such as abstaining from work, flexibility (Legislative Decree 151/01), reference should be made to the relevant personnel office according to the contractual type. In the case of students or equivalents, reference should be made to the Department where the study program is conducted.

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