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The "Documento Unico di Valutazione dei Rischi Interferenziali" (DUVRI), also known as the Interference Risk Assessment Document, is a document summarizing the measures to be adopted to eliminate or minimize potential risks arising from interference caused by activities carried out by contractor companies within the areas under the University's jurisdiction. In the University context and generally for public contracts, the responsibility for preparing the DUVRI lies with the RUP (Responsible for the Procedure), as once appointed, they assume the preventive obligations regarding health and safety on behalf of the client in order to comply with Article 26 of Legislative Decree 81/08.

It is highlighted that in order to comply with legal obligations, a preliminary assessment must be made to determine whether the DUVRI needs to be prepared (applicability check using the DUVRI flowchart). If affirmative, it must be drafted preliminarily by the client so that the contractor is aware of the potential interference risks and all the preventive and protective measures to be implemented to reduce the level of risk. It is emphasized that current regulations stipulate that the drafting of the DUVRI is the responsibility of the client and not the contractor (the company holding the contract for works, services, or supplies). In any case, the contractor, in relation to the risks posed by its activities, must integrate this document, including all the preventive and protective measures envisaged, thus allowing the client to identify all potential interference risks in detail. Additionally, the contractor must provide all documentation attesting to the technical and professional suitability required by regulations.

The Prevention and Protection Service has developed and made available, through various university structures, a template DUVRI model that can be downloaded from the "Documentation and Forms" section.

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