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The Legislative Decree 81/08, especially in article 37, specifies that the employer must provide workers with adequate training in health and safety matters. The methods of training, the minimum contents, and the duration of the courses are established in the Agreement between the State and the Regions of 21/12/2011. This mandatory training path for workers includes a general module and a specific one. In general, the number of hours for general and specific training (excluding practical training) has the following minimum total duration:

  • Low-risk activities: 8 hours (4 general + 4 specific)
  • Medium-risk activities: 12 hours (4 general + 8 specific)
  • High-risk activities: 16 hours (4 general + 12 specific)

Within the University context, the training path (general training + specific training) is provided not only to all Teaching and Administrative Technical staff but also to all Students. For this training, a five-year update is planned, with a minimum duration of 6 hours for all three identified risk levels above.

For technical support or inquiries regarding the course delivery platform, please contact the Head of the Facilities and Safety Department at the email address:

Titolo card wrapper
General and Specific Form
General Training
Addressed to all workers. Permanent requirement.
aula magna edificio H3
Specific Training LOW Risk
Addressed to workers engaged in office activities, classrooms with the use of video terminals.
aula magna dipartimento di medicina
Specific Training MEDIUM Risk
Directed at workers involved in laboratory activities of any kind or in activities carried out occasionally outside the University.
Studenti in aula
Specific Training HIGH Risk
Directed at workers engaged in activities within healthcare areas, or using carcinogenic substances, or exposed to ionizing radiation.
Titolo card wrapper
Update form
Chart analysis
Update Specific Training LOW-MEDIUM-HIGH risk
Mandatory five-yearly update for all risk categories.
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