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PhD Programme in 

Earth science, fluid-dynamics and mathematics. Interactions and methods

Length: 3 years
Organizing university: University of Trieste
Official language: English
Credits: 20
Admission: by selection 
Application deadline PNRR: 22 July 2024 01:00 pm (CEST)

PhD Programme

Organizing Department

  • Environmental fluid mechanics, fluid mechanics in industrial and technological processes, and in biological systems
  • Solid and fluid earth geophysics and geology
  • Mathematical methods and modeling in fluid mechanics and in geophysics, differential equations, optimization and inverse problems: qualitative, computational, and numerical aspects of mathematics
  • Development and use of Data Science techniques, both for the construction of statistical big-data black-box models and for the analysis of complex models by using machine learning methods

The PhD project encompasses the three disciplines of Earth Science, Fluid Dynamics and Mathematics, which have strong interactions especially in the methodologies of analysis that are developed in the three research fields.
In the field of Earth Science, advanced investigation methods are developed in the geological, geophysical, atmospheric, oceanographic and climatological fields.
Applications to the study of composition, structure, stratigraphy, evolution and dynamics of the planet are considered, with reference to the reduction of natural risks, the retrieval of geo-resources and the description of atmospheric processes and climate change.
In Fluid Dynamics, processes involving the study of the motion and properties of transport, diffusion, dispersion and mixing of fluids in environmental processes, as well as their interaction with solid elements, are addressed.
The laws on which these disciplines are based are expressed through mathematical models of considerable complexity, the study of which requires the use of advanced analytical and numerical methods and represents a research field of great relevance.
Mathematics pervades the entire program, playing a central and unifying role.

The PhD Programme aims at advanced training at the state of the art level in international research in the various interacting fields of Earth System Science (ERC panel PE10), Fluid Dynamics, Mathematics, Scientific Computing and Data Science.
The course promotes theoretical-applicative preparation through the scientific study of issues developed within the research activity of the Departments and scientific structures involved.
There are possible training periods abroad in highly qualified research structures in the various scientific fields of interest of the doctorate, as well as periods in important companies with high technological content, which require skills for the modeling and analysis of complex systems. like those arising in the industrial field.
Doctors in this PhD Programme have the skills required to undertake various professional careers in the field of research, teaching and industrial use of innovative technologies in the various sectors of interest of the doctorate.
It has always been aim of the doctoral course to open important collaborations with academic institutions, research institutions and with recognized industrial companies, both national and international.

The Programme of this PhD aims to prepare students for various careers in the fields of research, teaching and industrial use of high technologies in the areas of earth sciences, fluid mechanics, and applied mathematics. Throughout their doctoral studies, students will be in contact with various local and international institutions and will gain significant experience in both theoretical and applied analysis of problems originating from the aforementioned disciplines. Moreover, they will develop familiarity and expertise in using the most advanced tools (both modeling, computational, and experimental) for the analysis of complex physical systems, which will be highly useful for future activities in public or private research centers or in companies with high technological content. The PhD School EIFM, of which the present course is the evolution, has collaborated with departments of various Research and Service Entities (ARPA-FVG, ISMAR-CNR, ENEA, INGV) as well as with INOGS and ICTP, and with industries present in the territory (Electrolux). The scholarships funded by these entities, and their presence itself, arise from the need for these entities to have highly specialized personnel in the topics addressed in the PhD Programme. Some of the students in this course will therefore naturally find post-doctoral contracts or employment opportunities at these institutions.


Stefano Maset - Coordinator

Phone: 040 5582675

Department of Mathematics, Informatics and Geosciences
Via Valerio 12/1 - 34127, Trieste

Paolo Novati - Deputy Coordinator

Telefono: 040 5582643

Department of Mathematics, Informatics and Geosciences
Via Valerio 12/1 - 34127, Trieste

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