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PhD Programme in 

Personalized Medicine and Innovative Therapies

Length: 3 years
Organizing university: University of Trieste
Official language: English
Credits: 20
Admission: by selection 
Application deadline: 13 June 2024 01:00 pm (CEST)

PhD Programme

Organizing Department

Call for applications

In this section you will find competition notices.

Board of Examiners

In this section you will find the Board of Examiners of the competition.

Assessments and shortlist

In this section you will find the competition assessments and shortlist.

  • Inflammation and immunity
  • Genetics and pathophysiology of organs and systems
  • Precision medicine for maternal and child health
  • New diagnostic and pharmacological approaches and innovative therapies
  • Population studies and big data
  • Biomaterials

The PhD in Personalized Medicine and Innovative Therapies offers interdisciplinary university education and, whenever possible, international, in the field of translational clinical and biomedical sciences. In particular, the PhD aims to train highly qualified professionals capable of developing and applying new knowledge and technologies in the field of personalized medicine and innovative therapies, conducting translational research in clinical, epidemiological, genetic and molecular fields, and collaborating with research institutions, companies, and healthcare institutions for the development of new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches.

The educational activities are carried out through research activities under the supervision of members of the Academic Board. The Programme covers the following topics: precision medicine in maternal and child health, new diagnostic approaches, pharmacological and innovative therapies, population studies and big data, inflammation and immunity, genetics and pathophysiology of organs and systems, biomaterials, translational cardiology and pulmonology.

In addition to research activities, the educational activities of the PhD include teaching through lectures and seminars, mainly concentrated in a week in spring, summer, and autumn. The spring educational activity is held by members of the Academic Board while the autumn activity is held by speakers and external professors of international relevance.

In order to promote internationalization, a goal of both the PhD School and the University, the lectures are taught in English and staying in a foreign institution for at least 6 months during the research activity is strongly encouraged. Obtaining the Doctor Europeus title and co-tutoring with foreign institutions also contributes to this objective.

The educational activity aims to prepare highly qualified researchers who will represent, in the near future, the core of universities, IRCCS (Italian Institutes for Research and Care), other research institutes and biomedical industries.

The Clinical Epidemiological pathway aims to train researchers in the biological and medical fields capable of conducting clinical trials and evaluating innovative diagnostic and therapeutic pathways, validating new guidelines. Additionally, it aims to train researchers in the epidemiological and relational fields, capable of identifying people's needs, conducting epidemiological surveys and assessing the health effects of preventive measures.

The Genetic Molecular pathway aims to train qualified professionals in various fields of research (basic and applied), diagnostics and personalized therapies, capable of communicating and interacting with clinical environments, with the goal of aligning their expertise with healthcare needs.

The PhD in Personalized Medicine and Innovative Therapies trains highly specialized professionals who, thanks to the multidisciplinarity of the skills involved, the high level of theoretical-practical training and the collaborative relationships with prestigious national and international institutions and companies operating in the sector, will be able to find employment opportunities both in specialized medical and molecular biological fields, as well as in educational and relational fields. 

The main areas of employment include:

-Clinical facilities with a particular focus on research (university hospitals, IRCCS)
-Public and private biomedical research institutes
Institutes and organizations conducting research in the social sector (consulting firms, schools, etc.)
-Companies operating in the biomedical sector
-Ethics committees
In addition to the possibility of employment in public and private healthcare and research facilities, both nationally and internationally, PhD students may be employed in hospitals and institutions in the region, thus fulfilling an important aim of third-level education, which is to provide highly qualified personnel to the area where the University is located.

Paolo Gasparini - Coordinator

Phone: 040 3785275

Department of Medicine, Surgery and Health Sciences
Ospedale di Cattinara - Strada di Fiume 447 - 34149 Trieste

Gabriele Stocco - Deputy Coordinator

Telefono: 040 3785362

Department of Medicine, Surgery and Health Sciences
Ospedale di Cattinara - Strada di Fiume 447 - 34149 Trieste

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