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PhD Programme in 

Civil-Environmental Engineering and Architecture

Length: 3 years
Organizing university: University of Trieste
Official language: Italian
Credits: 20
Admission: by selection 
Application deadline PNRR: 22 July 2024 01:00 pm (CEST)

PhD Programme 

Organizing Department

Board of Examiners

In this section you will find the Board of Examiners of the competition.

  • CURRICULUM: Architecture
  1. Theories and methodologies of architectural composition
  2. Studies and design of the city, landscape, territory
  3. Methods and forms of architectural and urban design
  4. Instruments and techniques of survey and representation of architecture and environment
  5. Economic evaluation of the natural and built environment in architectural design and urban planning
  6. Technological project and sustainability


  • CURRICULUM:  Civil-environmental engineering
  1. Structural and construction engineering
  2. Hydraulic and infrastructure engineering
  3. Survey for architecture and civil engineering
  4. Economic evaluation of the natural and built environment in design and planning



The PhD Programme aims to train researchers with in-depth scientific preparation and an applied design culture, able to develop innovative knowledge and investigative methodologies and to carry out high-qualified research with appropriate technical-scientific skills in public or private institutions. The PhD Programme consists of two curricula: one in Architecture, which includes the fields of technical architecture, architectural and urban composition, drawing and urban planning; and one in Civil-Environmental Engineering, which encompasses disciplines such as hydraulics, roads, railways and airports, topography and cartography, construction techniques, technical architecture, and appraisal. The topics addressed in the Architecture curriculum focus on theories and methods of architectural composition, the study and design of cities, landscapes and territories, architectural and urban design methods and forms, surveying and representation techniques of architecture and the environment, economic evaluation of the natural and built environment in design and planning, technological design and environmental sustainability. Topics included within the Civil-Environmental Engineering curriculum are: structural and construction engineering, hydraulic engineering and infrastructure, surveying of architectural and civil engineering works, economic evaluation of the natural and built environment in design and planning, technological design, and environmental sustainability. Activities involve design, theoretical analysis, and advanced experimentation through lectures, seminars, laboratory experiments, and workshops.

The goal of the PhD Programme is to provide PhD students with theoretical and methodological foundations aimed at training in the field of scientific research, tailored to the various components provided by different scientific sectors and the themes addressed in the two curricula. Briefly, the training involves a first-year portion of didactic activities based on basic scientific themes and organizational aspects of research, personalized according to the student's previous study plan and research topic. Furthermore, the state of the art of research in the relevant discipline is analyzed in the first year and the main study topic to be explored in the subsequent years is identified. In the following years individual themes are developed, with the definition of specific fieldwork, ideally including a period abroad at internationally relevant research institutions, administrations, private and public entities. Common aspect of the training includes a multidisciplinary theoretical-experimental approach as a qualifying element of research and interaction with the territory. Therefore, the main educational goal is to enhance the expertise of each PhD student in the international market of advanced research. The alignment of activities with the achievement of this goal is periodically assessed by the Academic Board through meetings and discussion seminars.

The PhD Programme in Civil-Environmental Engineering and Architecture will train diversified professional figures of researchers capable of fitting into multiple areas of the job market: from the business world to research and education (universities, research institutions, etc.), to public administration, to liberal professions, both in the fields of architecture and engineering, as well as in the fields of computer science applied to construction and building, especially for managerial profiles (BIM Manager, Project Manager, etc.). The PhD title is also highly valued in foreign scientific, professional, and corporate environments, offering significant advantages for occupational and career prospects internationally. Potential employment opportunities are therefore expected in sectors that adopt innovative and advanced technologies, including the field of territorial digitization, ecological and sustainable transformation such as municipal and regional administrations, architectural and landscape heritage authorities, highly specialized scientific institutions and research areas, where the PhD student may continue experimentation for further insights.


Alberto Sdegno - Coordinator

Phone: 0432 558267

Department of Engineering and Architecture
Via delle Scienze, 206 - 33100 Udine                             

Elena Marchigiani - Deputy Coordinator


Department of Engineering and Architecture
Via Valerio 10 - 34127 Trieste

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