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Rose Libri Musica Vino 2024

The Rose Libri Musica Vino review in 2024 returns enriched by a program of theatrical proposals designed for the centenary of the University of Trieste and the birth of Franco Basaglia. The initiative, hosted as always in the Parco di San Giovanni, also included walks through history and nature, meetings on greenery, book discussions, children's workshops, and wine tastings. The Cent'anni dell'Università in scena section presented 5 shows dedicated each time to a prominent figure who contributed to the long history of excellence, research, creativity, and ingenuity of the University. The main theaters of the city of Trieste collaborated: Teatro Stabile del Friuli Venezia Giulia Il Rossetti, Hangar Teatri, Teatro Stabile Sloveno/Slovensko Stalno Gledališče, Teatro Miela Bonawentura, La Contrada Teatro Stabile di Trieste. The initiative stems from the desire to enhance a consolidated cultural review, connecting it even more significantly to the territory and using the theatrical medium to reach a wider audience, telling the stories of some of the great protagonists who shaped the first hundred years of the University of Trieste, leaving a mark in the present and paving the paths for the future of the University and the city of Trieste.

Rose Libri Musica Vino 2023

panoramica evento 2023

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The twelfth edition of Rose Libri Musica Vino in 2023 takes inspiration from the word edge, a concept understood as margin, boundary, division that also implies a possibility of encounter and contact. Prominent guests in the book section will include the promoters of ResQ, the ship that has also launched a project in Trieste to support migrants from the Balkan Route. Also noteworthy was the meeting with Stefano Bartezzaghi, professor of Semiotics of Creativity at Iulm University, essayist and contributor to the daily newspaper La Repubblica. The author presented his Mettere al mondo il mondo (Bompiani, 2022), a book that explores the meaning and origin of creativity.

Another important moment of the event saw the presence of a great Italian footballer, the striker Aldo Serena, interviewed by one of Italy's most authoritative sports journalists, the Triestine Paolo Condò.

The 2023 edition of Rose Libri Musica Vino celebrated a prestigious anniversary, the centenary of La coscienza di Zeno - The Conscience of Zeno. An exceptional evening was organised for the occasion, with speeches, readings and music. The famous writer and Germanist Claudio Magris participated with one of his writings to retrace, together with Helena Lozano Miralles, lecturer in Spanish Language and Translation at the University of Trieste, Tiziana Piras, lecturer in Italian Literature at the same University and Riccardo Cepach (Trieste City Council) the history of Italo Svevo's famous novel.

Rose Libri Musica Vino 2022


The 2022 edition of the Rose Libri Musica Vino focused on the theme of caring for the Earth. Over four days, guests at the event questioned what each person's contribution could be to save the planet. From May 6th, for four consecutive Fridays, there were open university lectures, park walks, book presentations, wine tastings in the rose garden, and musical interludes. Among the prominent guests was Federica Gasbarro, an influencer known as the "Italian Greta Thunberg." Also inaugurating the 2022 edition was Zero CO2, an organization dedicated to reforesting the planet, and Giovanni Scaglione, a winemaker who cultivates Moscato in a WWF nature reserve, a unique case in Italy. There was also space for rap music, presented by Nagana and Theo Verdiani. As in previous years, there were workshops for children by MiniMu, the book stand from Minerva Bookstore, lunches and dinners at Il Posto delle fragole, and walks to discover the park.

Rose Libri Musica Vino 2021


After the pause imposed by the pandemic, in 2021 the Rose Libri Musica Vino event returns to the San Giovanni park dedicating itself to the multiple nuances of the word "care". Philosophers, winemakers, musicians, university professors, psychiatrists, botanists, journalists for four days have reflected on the meanings that this concept has taken on over time, in a space that has transformed from a place of pain to a place of beauty thanks to care. The emphasis on the nature of the San Giovanni Park, linked to a deep attention to the human being, is not insignificant. In 2021, in fact, marked the fiftieth anniversary of Franco Basaglia's arrival in Trieste, the one who demonstrated that when you invest time, care, and attention, and bet on relationships, you can create a better living environment.
One year after the start of the pandemic, the reflection on the key words of this edition has taken on new meanings and perspectives. The word care for months has bounced between the walls of homes and hospitals, research centers and universities, workplaces and leisure places, combining perspectives in the scientific, health, or the multiple meanings of common living.
The meetings took place in person, respecting the general measures for the prevention and containment of the Covid-19 emergency. Among the guests were Luisella Battaglia, president of the Italian Institute of Bioethics in Genoa, Andreina Contessa, director of the Historical Museum and the Park of Miramare Castle, Baroukh M. Assael, professor of Pediatrics at the University of Milan, and Mino Petazzini, director of the Villa Ghigi Foundation (Bologna).

Rose Libri Musica Vino 2020

A book to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Rose libri musica vino. This was the choice of the organizers for the 2020 edition of the event, which was suspended due to Covid-19. The publication, edited by EUT and featuring photos by Ferruccio Carassale, was presented on Sunday, December 13th at the Antico Caffè San Marco, in a multi-voice conversation led by journalist Poljanka Dolhar, broadcast live on the Caffè San Marco's Facebook page. Present were curator Patrizia Rigoni, publisher Mauro Rossi, initiative promoter Giancarlo Carena, and some of the authors of the book. The publication stems from the willingness of some of the guests who have attended the event and the Parco di San Giovanni over the years. Twenty-two voices agreed to open their disciplinary windows on reality by telling what they see and imagine: new horizons, additional perspectives, different points of view, starting from the profound transformation of the places, as it happened in the Parco di San Giovanni. The authors of the volume are: Umberto Curi, Bruna Tadolini, Stefano Bianchi, Alessandra Marin, Antonella Tarpino, Stefano Amadeo, Gabriele Centis, Nuccio Ordine, Barbara Schiavulli, Franca Merluzzi, Simonetta Lorigliola, Igor Kuret, Andrew Hornung, Giusi Nicolini, Nadia Curto, Vanni Lughi, Matteo Giraldi, Pierluigi Nimis, Elisabetta Vezzosi, Marco Sara, Paolo Fazioli, Franco Rotelli.

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