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Since 2016, the University of Trieste and Immaginario Scientifico have jointly promoted an annual calendar of scientific dissemination activities. The main recipients of the proposals are high school students, but the initiatives also target other school levels, specific audiences such as teachers, architects, doctors, and the general public. These are pathways that range from medical sciences to economics, passing through subjects such as engineering, architecture, mathematics, physics, earth sciences, without forgetting humanities and language sciences.

The initiatives offer the opportunity to experience research activities in university laboratories together with teachers. Among the main objectives of the collaboration are the strengthening of activities carried out within the framework of the Trieste City of Knowledge Protocol and the coordination of a common system of dissemination projects, within which it is possible to organize:

  • Laboratory activities, also on topics suggested by the school environment, with the availability of university teaching staff
  • Individual or group educational visits and internships
  • Conferences, meetings, seminars
  • Activities to enhance scientific communication
  • Research paths of common interest
  • Training courses on informal education

The priority given to schools does not exclude other possibilities of collaboration to carry out:

  • Concerts, theatrical performances, film festivals, artistic performances, sports events, exhibitions, and other cultural events
  • Dissemination contents, including multimedia such as radio and television programs, blogs, social media
  • Debates, festivals, science cafés, online consultations

The activities take place mainly in university facilities, schools, and at Immaginario Scientifico (Magazzino 26, Porto vecchio, Trieste).

For schools
The annual calendar of activities is published at the beginning of the school year on the websites of Immaginario Scientifico and the University of Trieste. All activities are free of charge.
For teaching and research staff
To propose initiatives with Immaginario Scientifico, interested teachers and researchers should contact the Delegates for the cultural and social valorization of their respective Departments, who will coordinate with Dissemination Knowledge
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