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Presented the Trieste Next Festival in Trieste and Milan

next 2024

Second official presentation, on Wednesday, September 11, at the Urban Center in Trieste, for the thirteenth edition of Trieste Next, the festival of scientific research scheduled from September 27 to 29, 2024. This year, the event will focus on "The Horizons of Intelligence. Knowledge between Humans and Technologies." Following the national preview in Milan on September 5, Trieste Next was presented in the city that has organized and promoted the initiative for over a decade with an increasingly international perspective. Representatives from all the sponsoring and supporting entities of the exhibition were present, showcasing its many facets, including conferences, performances, talks, debates, concerts, exhibitions, workshops, and interactive activities in both Italian and English, which will take place in various locations in the city center.

The program includes over 100 events in Italian and English, 300 speakers, and prominent international guests, including Nobel Prize winner Andre Geim and Oscar winner Nicola Piovani. A grand stage for science: hundreds of scientists will meet the public to reflect on the challenges of our time and the evolution of knowledge.

More than 300 speakers will discuss the achievements of scientific research over three consecutive days and engage in dialogue about the new frontiers of innovation. Trieste Next proposes various languages and formats to address key themes in current scientific and cultural debate, from the human-machine relationship to sustainability, from nutrition to precision medicine.

Many prestigious guests are expected, including notable international figures: Wieland Huttner, emeritus director of the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics and president of the Max Planck Society; Michael Irwin Jordan, Data Science professor at Berkeley University and winner of the World Laureates Association award for computer science and mathematics; Senator Elena Cattaneo, director of the Stem Cell Biology and Pharmacology of Neurodegenerative Diseases Laboratory at the University of Milan; Elsa Fornero, honorary professor of Economics at the University of Turin; William Hasselberger, director of the Digital Ethics Laboratory at the Catholic University of Portugal; Francesco Perrone, president of the Italian Association of Medical Oncology (AIOM); Linda Laura Sabbadini, director at ISTAT; Karina Gibert, director of the Intelligent Data Science and Artificial Intelligence research center at UPC-Universidad Pública de Catalunya; Leticia Cugliandolo, condensed matter physics professor at the Sorbonne University in Paris; science philosopher Telmo Pievani; physicist and writer Paolo Giordano; Jan Olof Lundqvist, senior scientist at the Stockholm International Water Institute; and Eric Quint, former senior vice president and chief design and brand officer of 3M. Also attending will be science communicator Beatrice Mautino, author and voice of the podcast "Ci vuole una scienza," chef and author Lorenzo Biagiarelli, and dietitian Giuliano Ubezio.

After the first edition, won by Francesca Grazioli with "Capitalismo Carnivoro" (Il Saggiatore), the "Trieste Next. Science Book of the Year" award will be presented for the second year at the closing of the event on Sunday, September 29, at 11:30 AM, dedicated to scientific dissemination.

Thanks to collaboration with the AIRC Foundation for Cancer Research and the Telethon Foundation, a focus will be dedicated to innovative therapies for cancers and rare diseases.

Among the innovations of the 2024 edition is the series of meetings "Businesses and AI," which on Friday, September 27, and Saturday, September 28, will offer entrepreneurs, managers, and professionals from across Italy opportunities to discuss how AI will revolutionize work, from planning to communication, from administration to human resources.

Trieste Next for schools is a series of events dedicated to students to introduce them to STEM disciplines and share stories of researchers. On Friday, September 27, during the European Researchers' Night, there will be ocean-themed quizzes, treasure hunts for extraterrestrial life and dark matter, mathematical concerts, and polar expeditions.

Trieste Next—Festival of Scientific Research is promoted by the Municipality of Trieste, the University of Trieste, ItalyPost, Area Science Park, the International School for Advanced Studies - SISSA, the National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics - OGS, and the NEM Nord-Est Multimedia Group / Il Piccolo. The autonomous region of Friuli Venezia Giulia is a co-promoter. It is a project of Trieste City of Knowledge, curated by Goodnet Territori in Rete. The festival also collaborates with the European Commission - Milan Representation.

Generali is the main partner of the event, while other partners include AcegasApsAmga, Estenergy, Insiel, Kioene, and content partners EuroBioHighTech, the AIRC Foundation for Cancer Research, the Telethon Foundation, and the Inail Prosthesis Center.

The updated program is available on the website, with detailed information on locations and times.


There is still some time to participate in the Volunteer Project, which will allow all students of the University of Trieste to experience the event as protagonists. 
The Volunteer Project allowing all students of the University of Trieste to actively participate in the event. This experience will earn participants 1 CFU in exchange for 25 hours of volunteering. To obtain it, simply present the participation certificate, which will be issued at the end of the Festival, to the Student Office of your Department.

Becoming a volunteer for Trieste Next is an extremely engaging activity that allows you to discover how an international event works and the stimulating system of scientific research. Volunteers will support laboratory activities in Piazza Unità d'Italia, assist in welcoming visitors and managing the conference and event rooms, and also engage on social media to contribute to the event's storytelling on digital communication channels.

To apply, simply fill out the FORM .

For those who wish to work in a specific research group, remember to indicate the name of your referring professor in the application form.

For more information, contact the Office for Scientific Communication Support at the University of Trieste:; phone: 040558 6124 or 6143.


Ufficio Supporto alla divulgazione scientifica, Università degli Studi di Trieste: ; tel. 040558 6124 o 6143. 

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