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Promemoria Auschwitz 2025 Project: registration open

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The University of Trieste joins the project Promemoria_Auschwitz for 2025, promoted by the association Deina APS.

The project offers 48 university students enrolled at the University a training course and a coach trip to the former Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp, with the aim of stimulating reflection on the construction of memories and the history of the 20th century from a European perspective. Students from the Universities of Bergamo, Milan Statale, Milan Bicocca, Turin, the Milan Polytechnic, and the Normale University of Pisa are also taking part in the project and the trip.

The project is divided into two distinct phases: the first part is historical training, curated in collaboration with the University of Trieste, which involves attending a series of seminars entitled Building Memory (17th December 2024, 9th and 20th January, 3rd and 17th February 2025); the second part consists of the trip, curated by the Deina association, which will take place from 26th February to 3rd March 2025.

Interested students will be selected based on a letter of motivation (max 2000 characters) that will be assessed by a committee composed of members of Deina APS and UniTS.

To apply, you must fill in the APPLICATION FORM (which includes the letter) by 1st December 2024.

The participation fee is 175 euros to be paid according to the terms that will be communicated at the time of registration. The fee is non-refundable.




Students interested may apply by 1st December 2024
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UniTS on the FameLab podium: PhD student Francesco Dattilo is a winner

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Francesco Dattilo, a PhD student in Environment and Life at the University of Trieste and the National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics (OGS), won the title of Italian champion at FameLab Italia 2024, held in Genoa on 27th October as part of the Festival of Science.

Dattilo was awarded for ‘having clearly and charismatically presented a very recent scientific result, at the same time highlighting the path of discovery by showing how science proceeds and how one can arrive at a discovery even through a failure and a wrong hypothesis’. During his presentation, the young physicist outlined in three minutes the research that recently led to an explanation of the flow and abundance of oxygen in the ocean floor. A challenge that lasted thirteen years, a journey studded with trial and error and concluded with the announcement of the discovery of how certain rocks on the ocean floor cause processes of electrolysis and the consequent abundant presence of oxygen.

‘I am really happy that the message I wanted to convey was appreciated. Beyond the result, it was a wonderful experience, I met a lot of scientists with stories to tell,’ said Dattilo, who will represent Italy in the FameLab international online final on 29th November. Together with him, Federica Moretti, a PhD student in nanotechnology at the University of Trieste, also made it onto the national podium, once again demonstrating the value of the city's research.

In 2024 FameLab Italia, coordinated by Cheltenham Festivals and Psiquadro Perugia, reached the milestone of its thirteenth edition, after having visited 25 cities throughout Italy over the years and involved over 1,000 young researchers. The event was made possible thanks to a collaboration with more than 100 cultural partners including, for the selection of Trieste, the Immaginario Scientifico Science Museum, the University of Trieste, the University of Udine, SISSA and the Municipality of Trieste, as part of the Trieste City of Knowledge System.

PhD student Federica Moretti also on the national podium
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The University of Trieste participates in Maker Faire Rome

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The ‘Maker Faire Rome 2024 - The European Edition’, the twelfth edition of the annual fair open to the public dedicated to innovation, technology and creativity, will take place at the Gazometro Ostiense (Rome) from 25th to 27th October. It brings together innovators, makers, researchers and enthusiasts from all over Europe. In addition to the exhibition of projects and inventions, it offers workshops, lectures and laboratories to acquire technical skills and stimulate collaboration. It attracts students, start-ups, companies and government agencies, families, entrepreneurs and investors, promoting the exchange of ideas and the evolution of technologies.

The University of Trieste is present with a stand curated by the CLab Think Tank - the University's hub supporting the creation of innovative entrepreneurial projects - and two initiatives featuring students from the University: Enactus UniTS and UniTS Racing Team.

Enactus UniTS is exhibiting Hemp-Up, a business idea based on sustainable fashion, with clothes made from hemp. The initiative aims to reduce the environmental impact of the textile industry by using environmentally friendly materials and promoting ethical production. The team will present the project with an interactive workshop that aims to engage participants in their approach to the circular economy and social entrepreneurship.

After winning the SKF ‘Sustainability at 360 degrees’ award for the sustainable approach adopted at every stage of the project, from the choice of natural materials to the optimisation of the vehicle's life cycle, the UniTS Racing Team will present, by means of models, the solutions that led to the realisation of their innovative electric prototype with a flax fibre body, and that were instrumental in achieving this recognition.

The Contamination Lab attends the event for the fifth consecutive time
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133 PhDs toss their caps to the sky!

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The University of Trieste today proclaimed 133 new PhDs, the highest number ever, during the Graduation Day ceremony held in the Main Hall of Building A in Piazzale Europa.

The 36th-cycle PhDs, who celebrated their proclamation with the traditional ‘tossing of the academic cap’, registered a further increase in the international presence – one in five is in fact from abroad – and witnessed the perfect gender balance achieved among PhD students. 

‘Graduation Day,’ says Prof. Alessandro Baraldi, Deputy for scientific research and Doctorates at the University of Trieste, ‘does not only celebrate the achievement of an extraordinary milestone for our young researchers, but it is also the moment when the University wishes to express its gratitude to the PhD students, who represent a fundamental part of our research activity. 

It is a recognition,' Baraldi concludes, ’that will culminate on 2nd December, with the awarding of the PhD Innovation Awards in the centenary year.’

The University of Trieste's initiative – an absolute novelty – will celebrate through the awarding of five prizes to young scholars a century of research, excellence, creativity and ingenuity, rewarding innovation in thought, knowledge, research methodologies and technologies.

The guest of honour at Graduation Day was Marco Gori, Professor of Computer Science at the University of Siena, who delivered a lectio magistralis entitled ‘Intelligent Machines that do not Accumulate Data’, in which he proposed a new approach to artificial intelligence and machine learning that is not based on the massive accumulation of data. 

Gori suggested that, as happens in nature, machines can develop cognitive skills through interactions with the environment, thus avoiding the centralisation of large collections of data. This approach would reduce privacy risks and concentration of power.

Graduation Day with a record number of PhDs. International attendance also grows, rising to 20 percent
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Pictures from Graduation Day

Centenary Visiting Professor

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In the year of the Centenary, the University of Trieste is promoting an initiative related to the activities of Visiting Professors — tenured and emeritus professors from foreign institutions or research organizations — who will conduct educational activities in classroom settings within degree programs, doctoral programs, or specialization schools.

The entire academic community is invited to participate in the series of popular science seminars on various scientific topics scheduled for the coming months.

Series of seminars in English aimed at the entire academic community
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Vice Rector Sergo awarded an honorary professorship at the University of Panama

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University of Trieste Vice Rector Valter Sergo has been awarded a prestigious academic honour by the University of Panama: the Faculty of Business Sciences conferred him an honorary professorship during the Congreso Internacional en Investigación y Ciencias Empresariales, which took place a few days ago in Panama City.

Prof. Sergo received the professorship ‘in recognition of his personal merit, his role as a researcher and his valuable contribution in the field of research and technology transfer, which supported the development of the Italian entrepreneurial ecosystem’.

Sergo, a chemist and lecturer in Chemical Foundations of Technologies at the Department of Engineering and Architecture, works in the field of spectroscopy and was awarded one of the very first industry-funded university chairs in Italy.

In addition, by appointment of the regional council he was the president of BIC incubatori FVG, and vice-president of the board of directors of Rachael, a technology consultancy company in the field of Big Data, in which UniTS, SISSA and SWG own a share.


On the day of the awards ceremony, Prof. Sergo delivered a lectio magistralis focused on the role of science in the decision-making processes and strategic management of companies.

‘This recognition,’ commented Pro-rector Sergo, ’transcends the individual, and is in fact the result of the University of Trieste’s long and dedicated commitment to the field of Science Diplomacy. It is no coincidence that the role of UniTS has been recognised and has been made to grow and mature, first and foremost by the Italian ambassador of Panama, Fabrizio Nicoletti, whose previous post was head of science diplomacy at the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI).’

After the conference and this prestigious award, the Vice Rector's trip to Panama is continuing through meetings with academic authorities, professors, researchers and students of the University of Panama, with the aim of further strengthening the ties between Italy and Panama and promoting new academic collaborations.

Subsequently, from 23rd to 25th October, also in Panama, Valter Sergo, Rodolfo Taccani (Fluid Machinery) and Giovanni Comelli (Experimental Physics of Matter and Applications) will take part in the 9th International Conference on Engineering, Science and Technology (IESTEC), which will be preceded by a visit to the Technological University of Panama, organiser of the event, on 22nd October. 

Panama is of central importance in Italy's scientific and technological cooperation programmes, and Italy will be the invited country of honour at the IESTEC Conference. The role of the University of Trieste therefore aims to consolidate relations with the Central American country, strengthening the exchange of knowledge and the promotion of Italian excellence in research and innovation. 

The collaboration process was launched last February, through the agreement signed between the University of Trieste and the University of Panama.

UniTS's role in scientific and technological cooperation with the Central American country also recognised
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World Mental Health Day: prioritising mental wellbeing in the workplace

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The 10th October marks the 33rd World Mental Health Day, promoted by the World Federation for Mental Health. The theme of the 2024 edition, ‘It is Time to Prioritise Mental Health in the Workplace’, highlights the importance of promoting mental wellbeing in professional settings, a priority supported by the scientific community and activists in the field.

People with mental health problems and psychosocial disabilities also face reduced life expectancy compared to the general population, often due to issues with their physical health. A study conducted by the Psychiatric Clinic at the University of Trieste and lead by Prof. Umberto Albert, President of the Italian Society of Psychiatry (FVG section), revealed that a significant proportion of patients from Trieste’s Mental Health Centres do not regularly participate in regional cancer screening programmes, risking late diagnosis and serious consequences.

Stigma remains a significant obstacle, limiting access to essential care and negatively affecting its quality. Discrimination and harmful stereotypes within families, schools and workplaces can prevent people from forming healthy relationships, hinder social interaction and block inclusive environments necessary for the well-being of every member of society.

It is crucial that the right to optimal mental health is recognised as a basic human right and that all countries commit to ensuring universal access to mental health services. Additionally, access to better living conditions, safety, food and shelter are necessary for people's mental health and a universal right for all citizens of the world.

The University of Trieste participates in World Mental Health Day by lighting the façade of the Central Building in green, the symbolic colour of good mental health. This initiative is part of a nationwide network of solidarity and awareness-raising that will see the illumination of monuments and important public buildings across Italy, many of them institutional headquarters, thanks to the mobilisation launched throughout the country by the Italian Society of Psychiatry.

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THE 2025 Ranking: UniTS confirms its position

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The University of Trieste ranks once again in the 501-600 range among the world’s top universities according to the prestigious THE 2025 ranking published by Times Higher Education.

The ranking evaluates universities based on five main indicators, each with a specific weight: teaching quality (29.5%), research environment (29%), research quality (30%), knowledge transfer to industry (4%), and international outlook (7.5%).

Compared to the previous year, the University of Trieste achieved higher scores in teaching quality and research environment, two key areas that together represent 60% of the overall evaluation. Specifically, the teaching quality score rose from 31.9 to 33, while the research environment score increased from 25.1 to 26.4.

This achievement reflects the university's strength in the global academic landscape, placing it in the top 28% of the world’s best universities ranked by THE, which reviews only 2,092 institutions among over 20,000 worldwide.

Teaching quality and research environment ratings are rising
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Scoperto nuovo lichene nel Carso triestino

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Una nuova specie di lichene è stata appena scoperta da un’equipe internazionale coordinata dal lichenologo americano Kerry Knudsen a partire da materiale raccolto da Pier Luigi Nimis, Ordinario di Botanica Sistematica a UniTS, su rocce calcaree a Contovello (Costiera triestina).

La nuova specie, Sarcogyne nimisii, è stata dedicata allo scopritore. Sorprendentemente, appare geneticamente più vicina a un gruppo di specie nordamericane che alle altre specie congeneri finora note in Europa.

La scoperta porta il numero totale di licheni noti per il Carso a 604, una biodiversità ragguardevole considerando l’uniformità geologica e la modesta altitudine.

I campioni della nuova specie sono preservati nell’erbario del Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita dell’Università di Trieste, la maggior collezione moderna di licheni in Italia.

Knudsen, K., van Zon, S., Tsurykau, A., Kocourková, J., Hodkoavá, E., Huereca, A. & Malíček, J. 2023. Sarcogyne (Acarosporaceae) on calcareous rock in Europe and North America – Herzogia, 36: 52–71. 








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Un milione di Euro dal Fondo Italiano per la Scienza a Chiara Bedon per “HOPgLAz”

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Chiara Bedon, docente di Tecnica delle Costruzioni a UniTS, ha ricevuto uno dei 47 finanziamenti da circa un milione di Euro dal Fondo Italiano per la Scienza (FIS).

Il progetto premiato si chiama "HOPgLAz" (Holistic post-breakage characterization for optimized safe design of glass under multi-hazard) e avrà una durata di 60 mesi.

HOPgLAz si articolerà su un'intensa attività di ricerca sperimentale e numerica per analizzare le prestazioni meccaniche di componenti in vetro strutturale che saranno sottoposte a diversi tipi di danno, degrado e sollecitazioni. Nel corso di HOPgLAz la prof.ssa Bedon si occuperà di sviluppare anche tecniche sperimentali "non distruttive" basate sull'impiego di sensori wi-fi o contactless e tecnologie low-cost. I risultati avranno ricadute positive sia nella progettazione delle nuove costruzioni, sia nella gestione e manutenzione dell'esistente. 

Con questi finanziamenti, il FIS vuole promuovere lo sviluppo della ricerca fondamentale sul modello dell’ERC, il più prestigioso programma dedicato alla ricerca di base. Si rivolge a scienziati emergenti ma anche a scienziati esperti. Sono coinvolti tutti gli ambiti di ricerca dei principali settori di riferimento: dall’ingegneria alle scienze della vita.

Le proposte complessivamente presentate sono state 1.912 in totale. Le 47 proposte sono state selezionate al termine di un complesso iter di valutazione che ha previsto 3 differenti fasi: valutazione della proposta in termini di curriculum e track records (la curva dei risultati), valutazione del progetto nella sua interezza, intervista. Due delle tre fasi (la prima e la terza) sono state affidate direttamente al Comitato nazionale per la valutazione della ricerca (CNVR). La fase di valutazione della proposta progettuale completa ha visto il coinvolgimento di circa 650 revisori esterni.


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