Climate change: six UniTS contributions in the 2024 edition of “Signals from the climate in FVG” Read more about Climate change: six UniTS contributions in the 2024 edition of “Signals from the climate in FVG” Immagine Progetto senza titolo (87).jpg Data notizia Fri, 19/07/2024 - 12:00 Categoria notizia University ateneo Research University and society Destinatari canale University Research Social Responsibility Destinatari target Society Testo notizia The 2024 edition of ’Signals from the climate in FVG’, the popular publication realised by the technical-scientific working group Climate FVG set up by the regional administration in 2022 and coordinated by Arpa FVG, is freely available. This work, available online on Arpa's website, aims to inform the regional population – and all public and private stakeholders – about climate change, its effects and the actions that can be taken to tackle it in our region. At the same time, the publication also makes it possible to link the local dimension with the global one, through articles that broaden our view to what is happening on a wider scale.‘Signals from the climate’ is therefore not a report on the state of the climate in Friuli Venezia Giulia, but rather a description of the situation, how important it is to become aware of it and act, and how society, public administration and the scientific world are already acting.The ‘magazine’ collects more than 40 articles by 67 authors working at the FVG Climate Group entities: Region, ARPA FVG, University of Trieste, University of Udine, ICTP, OGS and CNR with the two institutes of marine and polar sciences.The year 2023 was the third hottest year ever recorded in the region: the atmosphere and the sea reached above-average temperatures for many months and extreme events of considerable intensity affected several areas of the region. This year, the story begins of the signs of climate change that we detect in our territory and that translate into diverse effects on the various natural systems and productive sectors, calling us to 'act for the climate'. Experts from the various fields – climatologists, geologists, oceanographers, biologists, agronomists, economists, engineers, architects, environmental, public administration and health professionals – from our region accompany the reader on a journey of knowledge that starts in our mountains and winds its way ideally following the flow of water across the plains, to the lagoon and the sea. Returning to the mainland, the articles explore the effects of climate change on plants and animals, both in their natural state and in the agricultural sector.This issue also concludes with some examples of actions taken by public bodies, primarily the FVG Region, for climate change mitigation and adaptation. This edition also hosts a remembrance of Maurizio Fermeglia, former Rector of UniTS who passed away last February, and one of his last popular contributions. A total of six articles are signed by researchers from the Department of Engineering and Architecture and the Department of Life Sciences at the University of Trieste. Mountains and Climate Change: A Fragile Balance in a Vulnerable Environment (p.43)Maurizio Fermeglia (DIA) with a preface by Sabrina Pricl (DIA)The effects of climate change are particularly evident in the mountains, a very vulnerable environment where even 'small' increases in temperature have amplified effects and can compromise the delicate balance that revolves around 0 °C. The consequences are significant, from melting glaciers and permafrost to impacts on ecosystems and mountain activities. Important changes are already being felt by mountain users: hikers, mountaineers, skiers and ski mountaineers.Freshwaters: Changing Perspective to Cope with a Changing Climate (p.89)Elisabetta Pizzul, Marco Bertoli (DSV)Freshwater ecosystems are particularly vulnerable to changes in the environment and climate. A change in the way we perceive and manage them is necessary not only to preserve them, but also to enable them to perform those functions that are effective natural solutions to cope with climate change as well.Transformation of Reclamation Landscapes and New Friuli Deserts in a Framework of Changing Agricultural and Climatic Patterns (p.105)Thomas Bisiani, Adriano Venudo (DIA)The drainage of the Friuli-Isontine plain has shaped the landscape, creating a hydrographic network that today performs important ecological functions. This environmental, historical and cultural heritage is now threatened by new agricultural models and irrigation efficiency methods adopted to cope with climate change. A balance must be found between the needs of agriculture, the environment and the landscape to stem a veritable 'desertification' of the land.Courageous Mice: The Role of Small Mammals in the Adaptation of Oak and Beech Trees to Climate Change (p.153)Alessio Mortelliti (DSV)Up to 90 per cent of plants in an ecosystem may depend on animals for the dispersal of their seeds, as is the case for oaks and beeches, ecologically and economically important trees in Friuli Venezia Giulia. Small mammals, such as mice and voles, perform this vital function in complex and fascinating ways, and some research shows that certain individuals are particularly important in this process.Climate Change and Well-Being: Summer Temperatures in Living Spaces (p.195)Marco Manzan, Atlas Ramezani (DIA)High temperatures, especially when associated with high humidity, can be dangerous for people, especially the most frail. In order to act to protect them, with a view to climate equity, it is important to assess this phenomenon in homes, especially those without air conditioning systems. A UniTS study analysed indoor conditions of comfort and stress in a multi-family building, considering the current and future climate and also the effect of electric fans. Building and Climate Change: Designing Structures More Resistant to Extreme Events (p. 203) Chiara Bedon (DIA)With global warming, the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events is generally increasing. Many building components and systems, designed to withstand conventional weather events, are deficient for extreme phenomena, such as those recently recorded in FVG. New attention will be needed to adapt building systems, and in particular their most vulnerable components, to make them more resistant to the most intense weather events. Abstract In the dissemination magazine coordinated by Arpa FVG also an article by the recently deceased Prof. Maurizio Fermeglia Mostra nel diario On Periodo di permanenza in Magazine Mon, 22/07/2024 - 12:00 - Wed, 31/07/2024 - 12:00
Better waste management in protected areas: kick off of the Interreg Wastereduce project Read more about Better waste management in protected areas: kick off of the Interreg Wastereduce project Immagine Progetto senza titolo (85).jpg Data notizia Tue, 16/07/2024 - 12:00 Categoria notizia University ateneo Research University and society Destinatari canale University Research International Destinatari target Business and Institutions Society Testo notizia The Wastereduce project, which involves Croatia and Italy as part of the VI European Territorial Cooperation Program Interreg 2021-2027, was presented at the University of Trieste.The green project, lasting two and a half years, involves collaboration between research institutes, local administrations, environmental protection and resource management agencies, non-governmental organizations, and service companies. The goal is to improve waste management in protected areas and Natura 2000 Network sites. The initiative aims to implement joint actions to combat waste abandonment using innovative detection and intervention methods.Eight partners from the regions of Friuli Venezia Giulia, Veneto, and Istria are participating in the project: the Institute of Agriculture and Tourism of Poreč, the consortium leader, the Department of Life Sciences at the University of Trieste, the Istrian Region, the Regional Agency for Environmental Protection of Veneto, the managing body of the natural reserves of the Istrian region "Natura Histrica", the Association for Nature, Environment, and Sustainable Development "Sunce" based in Croatia, ETRA SpA - a benefit company based in Bassano del Grappa (Treviso), and Etifor – Valuing Nature, a spin-off of the University of Padua.Wastereduce, funded with over 1.6 million euros by the European Union, was created in response to recent alarming data provided by the European Community. This data predicts that, in a "business-as-usual" scenario, the amount of plastic waste entering aquatic ecosystems will nearly triple by 2040, rising from the current 9-14 million tons per year (2016 data) to a forecast of 23-37 million tons per year.It is estimated that about 80% of this marine debris comes from land-based sources: waste inadequately managed in landfills, litter left on beaches and coastal areas, river runoff, coastal tourism, and waste directly disposed of at sea (e.g., illegal dumping or accidental release from ships).These materials, especially plastics, cause severe economic damage, impacting coastal communities, tourism, navigation, and fishing. They also pose health risks to humans and biodiversity, affecting public health and resources like drinking water.The project's approach aims to minimize human activities' pressure on protected areas and Natura 2000 sites by proposing solutions to reduce waste dispersal and developing cross-border cooperation mechanisms to monitor and identify critical areas where waste accumulation requires targeted management efforts. Complementary studies in behavioral psychology will be conducted to understand how to promote habit changes among those who use protected areas and may unknowingly contribute to environmentally harmful actions.According to Dr. Barbara Sladonja of the Institute of Agriculture and Tourism of Poreč, the project coordinator, "Wastereduce aims to involve as many local entities, institutions, and individual citizens as possible from the outset, who can actively support societal change towards a more sustainable and low-impact future."The use of advanced technologies, including satellite imagery, will be crucial for necessary territorial analysis to optimize waste collection points. "An important challenge we will face is understanding how the development of artificial intelligence can support remote monitoring systems to control waste accumulation in areas of natural value," says Professor Giovanni Bacaro, Professor of Environmental and Applied Botany at the University of Trieste and project referent for the Department of Life Sciences.Finally, citizen involvement at various levels will be essential for the project's success. Education and awareness actions will focus on citizens, whose feedback will guide new waste management policies by the project partners. These policies are expected to translate into concrete actions to reduce, mitigate, and prevent pollution from waste in our natural reserves, rivers, and seas. Another result will be increased attractiveness for visitors to natural reserves, thereby enhancing the tourism value of the involved territories. Abstract Presented at the University of Trieste, the initiative involves Italy and Croatia with 8 partners from Friuli Venezia Giulia, Veneto, and Istria Mostra nel diario Off
Occupational medicine: two new instruments at TREELAB Read more about Occupational medicine: two new instruments at TREELAB Immagine lab_sanson.jpg Data notizia Mon, 08/07/2024 - 12:00 Categoria notizia University Press releases Research University and society Destinatari canale University Research Social Responsibility Destinatari target Business and Institutions Society Testo notizia UniTS TREELAB has been enhanced with a laser ablation (€ 366,000) and a methylmercury analyser (€ 72,000), thanks to a partnership with ASUGI and PNRR-PNC funding for the analysis of environmental and occupational trace pollutants. The laser ablation enables the analysis of metals on surfaces and other substrates, while the methylmercury analyser checks the presence of mercury in water, air and hair. The new instruments add to the laboratory's equipment, enabling in-depth investigations into heavy metals in the region. By collaborating between doctors, chemists and geologists different skills have been combined to strengthen and deepen environmental and workplace investigations.Also thanks to PNC-PRR funding, a further piece of equipment is being acquired that will enable the identification of trace organic molecules and make the ASUGI-UniTS laboratories complete.TREELAB is a collaboration between the Clinical Department of Medical, Surgical and Health Sciences, the Department of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences and the Department of Mathematics, Computer Science and Geosciences. The activities within the laboratories are carried out and coordinated by Professors Francesca Larese Filon, former Director of the Department of Integrated Activities for Health and Safety, Gianpiero Adami, Matteo Crosera and Stefano Covelli, together with their collaborators and technicians. Mostra nel diario Off
Pope Francis signs the UniTS Book of Honour Read more about Pope Francis signs the UniTS Book of Honour Immagine WhatsApp Image 2024-07-07 at 14.48.00.jpeg Data notizia Sun, 07/07/2024 - 12:00 Categoria notizia University University and society Destinatari canale University Social Responsibility Destinatari target Society Testo notizia As the 50th Social Week of Catholics hosted in Trieste came to a close, Pope Francis received a UniTS delegation composed of students, young researchers from the University's ten departments accompanied by their heads of department, the Rector, Vice-Rector Valter Sergo, the Director General and a representation from the governance.The meeting, in the spirit of the theme of the Social Week, "At the Heart of Democracy," aimed to emphasize confidence in the ability of young people - engaged in training in the various disciplines that create universitas - to build a more just and solidarity-based society also through the development of knowledge. The historic meeting, experienced in the UniTS Centenary year, will also be remembered by the Pope's signature on the University's Book of Honour. PHOTO (Credit: Vatican Media)Holy Pope Francis signs UniTS Book of Honour Mostra nel diario Off Fotogallery Firma Papa Francesco nel Libro d'Onore UniTS
Audace Sailing Team again in the lead at the SuMoth Challenge on Lake Garda Read more about Audace Sailing Team again in the lead at the SuMoth Challenge on Lake Garda Immagine IMG_9166.JPG Data notizia Wed, 03/07/2024 - 12:00 Categoria notizia University University and society Destinatari canale University Destinatari target Society Testo notizia The Foiling SuMoth Challenge is a student competition in which the teams' goal is to design, produce and sail the most sustainable and efficient International Moth (IMCA) foiling boat. The recently concluded regatta series in Malcesine was characterised by thunderstorms and unstable wind. The bad weather and unforeseen events put the Audace Sailing Team to the test but... the results were not lacking! The UniTS team's boat, BAI-Flyng Lina 2.0, won Stage 1, the part of the competition where sailors and designers judge the quality of the project in its entirety and beyond. This Stage also includes simulation, concept, design, life cycle assessment (LCA) and communication and marketing activities. BAI-Flying Lina 2.0 proved to be the fastest boat in the fleet, registering a speed of no less than 22 knots (40km/h) and thus also securing victory in Stage 2 where, along with performance, the construction phase is also assessed. Abstract UniTS sailing team wins competition assessing boat design, innovation, communication and realisation + speed test Mostra nel diario Off
Catholic Social Week: UniTS presence Read more about Catholic Social Week: UniTS presence Immagine CEI_SS_1280x720.jpg Data notizia Wed, 03/07/2024 - 12:00 Categoria notizia University Press releases University and society Destinatari canale University Social Responsibility Destinatari target Society Testo notizia On 7th July, Pope Francis will visit Trieste, at the conclusion of the 50th Social Week of Catholics in Italy, which the city has been hosting since 3rd July. After meeting the Delegates, and before reaching Piazza Unità for the celebration of the Holy Mass, the Pope will also receive some students and young researchers from the ten Departments of the University of Trieste, accompanied by the Directors, the Rector, the Director General and a governance delegation. In the spirit of the theme of the Social Week, ‘At the heart of Democracy’, the meeting aims to underline everyone's confidence in the ability of young people - engaged in training in the various disciplines that create universitas - to build a fairer and more united society also through the development of knowledge. The University will experience this meeting in the centenary year of its foundation, which will also be commemorated by the Pope's signing of the University's Book of Honour. UniTS is also present in the rich programme of the Social Week: 5th July, 17:30 - SQUARES OF DEMOCRACY OUTSKIRTS: cities seen from the margins (in Piazza Ponterosso) Speakers: Eugenia Carfora, Giovanni Carrosio (UniTS), Mario Vatta LOCAL INSTITUTIONS: democracy on trial for communities (in Piazza Hortis) Speakers: Gregorio Arena, Federica Fanesi, Roberto Louvin (UniTS) FAMILIES: ties, relationships and community (in Piazza della Borsa) Speakers: Mariolina Ceriotti Migliarese, Adriano Bordignon, Renata Longo (UniTS) and Francesco Pavanello 5th July, 15:00 – 17:00 DIALOGUES ON GOOD PRACTICESThinking well to act better: university, research and the third mission (Chamber of Commerce, Piazza della Borsa 14) Speakers: Caterina Falbo (UniTS), representatives from Università Cattolica Milan, LUMSA Rome and Università Europea Rome) 6th July, 17:30 - 5th July, 17:30 – SQUARES OF DEMOCRACY CITIZENSHIP: migration and rights in today's Italy (in Piazza Ponterosso) Speakers: Giovanni La Manna, Abdoulaye Mbodj, Roberta Altin (UniTS) PREPARING FOR POLITICS: participating, debating, deciding (in Piazza della Borsa) Speakers: Giovanni Diamanti, Rosangela Maino, Mattia Zulianello (UniTS) Abstract A delegation from the university will be received by the Pope on Sunday, 7 July Mostra nel diario Off
Governing the digital, ecological and energy transition: two new UniTS master's degrees Read more about Governing the digital, ecological and energy transition: two new UniTS master's degrees Immagine DUE_LM.jpg Data notizia Mon, 01/07/2024 - 12:00 Categoria notizia University Press releases Research University and society Destinatari canale University Research Destinatari target Prospective students Enrolled students International Students - Degree Seekers Society Testo notizia The offer of degree programmes at the University of Trieste is about to be enriched. Starting from the 2024-2025 academic year, two new master's degrees will be opened, characterised by a markedly international and professionalising perspective, entirely in English: Engineering for the energy transition and European Policies for digital, ecological and social transitions, both aimed at training tomorrow's professionals in the field of digital, ecological, social and energy transition.‘Both master's degrees deal with transition processes for which new models and professions need to be developed,’ explains Rector Roberto Di Lenarda. ‘They are also multidisciplinary, because the ecological, energy and digital transition also requires legal and political preparation. They train professional figures with innovative specialisations in demand in the world of work and are complementary, focusing respectively on the energy transition and its integrated governance at EU level.’ Engineering for energyAn international novelty in the form of an interclass course with two curriculums: Sustainable: building design and technology and Sustainable industrial systems, it intends to offer advanced preparation in the field of energy transition in both the building and industrial fields.Students will acquire design skills that are economically, environmentally and socially sustainable and will know how to choose the most suitable technologies, materials, sources and energy vectors. They will be able to integrate building and energy systems with electricity grids, storage systems and sustainable mobility.The fields in which the new figure will be able to move are diverse: freelance professionals and design offices operating in the fields of construction, thermal engineering, energy efficiency, production systems and use of energy carriers and renewable energy sources, companies and private public bodies in the process of adapting building systems and plants, industries for the production and management of energy components, plants and systems, industries operating in the production of building envelopes, companies that design, install and manage systems using energy carriers in the industrial, commercial and residential sectors, companies that provide services in the energy field, companies and public or private bodies that are obliged to appoint an energy manager and research bodies that develop projects related to energy transition.Energy storage devices represent one of the enabling technologies for the transition to renewable energy sources. ELISA, an ad-hoc laboratory serving a multidisciplinary group of engineers, chemists, computer scientists, economists and social scientists, also enriches the Engineering for the energy transition degree course. ELISA complements two existing laboratories at the University of Trieste, dedicated to ‘Photovoltaics’ and ‘Smart Grid and Electric Mobility’, strategically increasing the university's ability to position itself among the most active research institutions in the field of renewable energy sources and sustainable mobility. ELISA has innovative instrumentation and offers platforms for rapid prototyping and hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulations. To access the Engineering for the energy transition course at the Department of Engineering and Architecture, students must hold one of the following qualifications: a three-year degree in the industrial or civil and environmental engineering classes; alternatively, they must have gained at least 18 credits (CFU) in the mathematics area, 9 credits in the physics area, 6 credits in the chemistry area, 6 credits in the electrical area, 6 credits in the energy area, 6 credits in the civil area or in architecture - 15 if the student intends to enrol in the Sustainable building design and technology curriculum. The student must also show a graduation mark of 95/110 or higher, otherwise they will have to undergo a cognitive interview. The course also requires knowledge of the English language at a level of at least B2 in the Common European Framework of Reference. European Policies for digital, ecological and social transitionsRunning from next September, the course aims to provide future generations with a multidisciplinary background in the governance of digital, ecological and social transitions.Students, future civil servants in public administrations, project managers and consultants, will acquire advanced knowledge and skills in analysis, management and evaluation of European policies, programmes and projects, together with in-depth thematic knowledge on political, social and legal tools and mechanisms to govern, in an integrated way, aspects related to environmental sustainability, digital impacts, social cohesion (e.g. comparative law of the environment and digital technologies, analysis of open data and big data, participatory design techniques for sustainable and inclusive innovation). This combination of skills will make graduates of the course capable of using the tools and resources of the European Union in the most effective way to govern digital, ecological and social transitions.There are also specific entry requirements for the course in European Policies for digital, ecological and social transitions at the Department of Political and Social Sciences. Students must hold one of the following degrees: a bachelor's degree in the classes of Political Science and International Relations, Administrative and Organisational Sciences, Economics, Social Sciences for Cooperation, Development and Peace; alternatively, they must have completed a total of 24 credits in Law, Economics and Statistics (at least 6 credits of the total 24), Political Science and Sociology. The course also requires knowledge of the English language at a level of at least B2 in the Common European Framework of Reference. Mostra nel diario Off
700 high school students at UniTS Summer Training Modules Read more about 700 high school students at UniTS Summer Training Modules Immagine Progetto senza titolo (79).jpg Data notizia Mon, 01/07/2024 - 12:00 Categoria notizia University ateneo Press releases University and society Destinatari canale University Destinatari target Prospective students Testo notizia This morning saw the start of the first session of the 2024 Summer Training Modules, the orientation initiative aimed at students who have completed their third and fourth year of 'high school'.This year's edition opens with record numbers, starting with an even broader (18 modules compared to last July's 12) and more multidisciplinary training offer, but above all for the number of school students involved: 702 enrolled, almost 200 more than the first 2023 session, with a 40% increase.The initiative confirms its attractiveness for high school students not only from our area: almost 40% of those enrolled come from outside Trieste and 10% from outside the region. Boys and girls from Campania, Emilia-Romagna, Lazio, Lombardy, Apulia, Sardinia, Sicily, Tuscany, Umbria and Veneto, as well as from abroad (Argentina, Ethiopia, India and Venezuela) will also be getting to know UniTS.The opening ceremony took place in the Aula Magna of the H3 building with the participation of Giulio Xhaet, partner and digital strategist at Newton S.p.A, with an interactive speech entitled 'Da grande' (When I grow up).During his speech, Xhaet touched on several topics, including what questions to ask yourself to find your career path and how to increase your skills through personal passions. Abstract First session of orientation initiative kicks off with 18 courses on offer: +40% more students enrolled Mostra nel diario Off
TRIESTE NEXT 2024: volunteers wanted! Read more about TRIESTE NEXT 2024: volunteers wanted! Immagine slidetriestenex2023.png Data notizia Mon, 24/06/2024 - 12:00 Categoria notizia University University and society Destinatari canale University Study Social Responsibility Destinatari target Enrolled students Society Testo notizia The thirteenth edition of Trieste Next, the Festival of Scientific Research, will take place from 27th to 29th September 2024 with a focus on ‘The Horizons of Intelligence. Knowledge between human beings and technologies.’ is once again counting on the ‘Volunteer Project’ to allow all UniTS students to take part in the event as active participants. The experience of being a volunteer at Trieste Next is extremely engaging, allowing you to immerse yourself the event directly, to discover the stimulating system of scientific research in our area and to be inspired by working in contact with scientists and disseminating their projects, involving children and adults. Volunteers will support the activities of the exhibitors and the workshops planned in Piazza Unità d'Italia, collaborate in welcoming visitors and managing the rooms where the conferences and events are held, and act as social ambassadors to help tell the story of the event on digital communication channels. This role requires passion, communication and interpersonal skills, empathy, and a desire to have fun and learn! At the end of the experience, not only will each volunteer be issued with a certificate of participation, but UniTS will also award 1 ECTS/CFU to students for 25 hours of volunteering. To obtain the recognition of the credits you will have to present the certificate of participation, which will be issued at the end of the event, to the Didactic Secretariat of your Department. To apply, fill in the FORM by 8 p.m. on 30th June 2024. For students interested in working in a specific research group, we remind you that there is a specific field in the application form where you can indicate the name of your reference lecturer.Come and be part of our team, we are waiting for you!All info Knowledge Dissemination Office, University of Trieste:; tel. 040558 6124 or 6143 Abstract Applications by 8 p.m. on 30th June Documenti allegati Document VADEMECUM Mostra nel diario Off
Middle East: Italian universities call for ceasefire Read more about Middle East: Italian universities call for ceasefire Immagine guerra.jpg Data notizia Thu, 23/05/2024 - 12:00 Categoria notizia University University and society Destinatari canale University Social Responsibility Destinatari target Enrolled students Society Testo notizia At their monthly assembly, the chancellors of Italian universities listened attentively to the speech by the President of the Italian National Student Union (CNSU) Alessia Conti. Conti represents two million students and expressed their concerns about the conflict in the Middle East.Following the discussion, and in view of the numerous views communicated to the rectors, the CRUI (Conference of Italian University Rectors) wishes to reiterate how the entire university system is united in the demand, now received from many quarters, for an immediate cessation of hostilities and the release of the hostages seized in the inhuman attack of 7 October. The massacre of civilians in the Gaza Strip since that date and the simultaneous destruction of all infrastructures, not least the universities, have now exceeded all acceptable limits. With this in mind, together with President Mattarella, the universities reiterate the urgent need to “put a halt to the chain of actions and reactions and allow a process to begin that will put an end to the massacres and finally lead to stable peace.”“It is essential to avoid fostering escalation with aprioristic deployments,” stressed Giovanna Iannantuoni, President of CRUI, “The situation in the Middle East is complex and must be analysed as such. Real courage entails not giving in to partisan logic and instead taking sides for peace.”Article 11 of the Constitution states that: “Italy repudiates war as an instrument of offence against the freedom of other peoples and as a means of settling international disputes.” Moreover, it is in the very nature of a university to be a free and peaceful place, where even the bitter confrontation between opposing theses is resolved through rational argument, never violence. It is therefore the task of universities to encourage openness, in-depth study, debate and the search for solutions for civil coexistence.With this in mind, the CRUI and the university system commit themselves, as of now, to the following actions:1. To continue to pay close attention to all the ongoing international crises. As sustained by President Mattarella, “the value of human dignity, of the demand for freedom, of the condemnation of oppression, of the rejection of brutal violence does not depend on the territory, the borders between States, or international relations between political parties or movements.”2. To intensify the work of the joint CRUI-CNR-INFN-INAF commission that has just been set up with the task of proposing guidelines on the ethical and deontological principles for the use of the results of scientific research for non-military use.3. To encourage broad public debate and the interdisciplinary in-depth study of international crises and their historical, economic and cultural roots, a move that has already been made by universities in recent weeks.4. To continue scientific collaboration with foreign universities in all countries. Breaking off agreements with universities, in fact, signals the rejection of the importance of places for reflection, critical thinking and constructive confrontation. Science and culture guarantee free spaces for dialogue, even when opinions and visions differ.5. To promote the universities’ UNIMED membership (Mediterranean Universities Union), a consortium which Palestinian universities are members of. Equally, supporting TESI membership (Technical Education Support for Higher Education Students Initiative), promoted by An-Najah National University, which provides financial and material aid to students in the Gaza Strip.6. To call for the strengthening of the Scholars at Risk and Students at Risk initiatives to fund scholarships for teachers, students and female students from Palestinian universities destroyed by the conflict.7. To propose the establishment of ‘Educating for Peace’, a project that allows universities to establish scholarships for Palestinian students. To promote the activation of the ‘Erasmus for Palestine’ programme in European institutions. Mostra nel diario Off