University of Trieste Celebrates 100 Years: Centenary Volumes (1924-2024) Now Published Read more about University of Trieste Celebrates 100 Years: Centenary Volumes (1924-2024) Now Published Immagine EUT_volumi_centenario_02.10.2024.png Data notizia Thu, 03/10/2024 - 12:00 Categoria notizia University University and society Destinatari canale University Social Responsibility Destinatari target Society Testo notizia On the occasion of the celebrations for the 100th anniversary of the University of Trieste, four volumes have been published that tell the story of the University and enhance its artistic collections.Produced by EUT, the University's university press, these texts offer an in-depth historical and archival rediscovery of the University's rich architectural, artistic and documentary heritage.The volumes, available in digital format and open access on the OpenstarTs Institutional Archive, are1924-2024 - Un secolo di storia dell’Università degli Studi di Trieste attraverso immagini e documenti (1924-2024 - A Century of History of the University of Trieste through Images and Documents), by Tullia Catalan and Lorenzo Ielen, traces the history of the University through photographs and historical documents.Download hereGuida alla Pinacoteca dell'Università degli Studi di Trieste (Guide to the Art Gallery of the University of Trieste), by Massimo De Grassi, offers an overview of the works of art preserved at the University.Download hereL'Edificio Centrale dell'Università di Trieste. Storia e architettura 1938-1950 (The Main Building of the University of Trieste. History and Architecture 1938-1950), curated by Valentina Fernetti, dedicated to the architectural evolution of the University's main building.Download here“Ricorda e Splendi”. Catalogo delle opere d’arte dell’Università degli Studi di Trieste (‘Remember and Shine’. A Catalogue of the University of Trieste's Works of Art), by Massimo De Grassi, a comprehensive catalogue of the works of art held by the University.Download here Abstract Free downloads at OpenstarTs Mostra nel diario Off
Relazioni d'Arte at UniTS: Elisa Vladilo and Antonio Sofianopulo's exhibitions inaugurated at San Giovanni Park Read more about Relazioni d'Arte at UniTS: Elisa Vladilo and Antonio Sofianopulo's exhibitions inaugurated at San Giovanni Park Immagine Progetto senza titolo (22).png Data notizia Thu, 03/10/2024 - 12:00 Categoria notizia University Press releases University and society Destinatari canale University Social Responsibility Destinatari target Society Testo notizia The Art Relations project, inaugurated in June 2024 with the exhibitions of Serse and Manuela Sedmach, is completed with the two exhibition points dedicated to the artists Elisa Vladilo and Antonio Sofianopulo set up in two different UniTS locations in the San Giovanni Campus on Via Weiss 6.The two exhibitions, curated by Lorenzo Michelli, are the final point of a collaboration agreement signed on the occasion of the 100th Anniversary of the University of Trieste with ERPAC – Friuli Venezia Giulia Cultural Heritage Agency, which has given rise to a series of exhibition initiatives culminating in Art Relations.Elisa Vladilo has come into contact with the structure of the San Giovanni Theatre, reinterpreting it in its historical, identity and architectural components to offer a contemporary reinterpretation of a positive nature. The installation Funny Reflections finds its place on the facade of the building, in particular in the glass parts of the windows and doors that are reinterpreted thanks to warm block colours.‘Imagining that these coloured panes of glass could ideally project the light, obviously of the same colour, onto the asphalt in front, we can create a further imaginary game, where skewed rectangles and ovoid circles are created on the ground that precisely reflect what exists on the facade – explains Vladilo herself – All this is part of the usual path of Public Art, in particular of Ambient Painting, that I have been carrying forward for years, where colour relates to space in a dialogue that enhances and reanimates places.’Antonio Sofianopulo, on the other hand, exhibits an apparently light painting and sarcastic in which elements of the natural appear in extremely complex counterpoints.The collection of his paintings ‘RiConoscenza’ is exhibited in the Museum of Mineralogy and Petrography of the University of Trieste, in Building O of the San Giovanni Campus. ‘The salient features of the narrative poetics of Sofianopulo's paintings are discretion, gentleness, tact, subtlety, readiness, elegance, diplomacy, irony. Implied Irony is an obvious value, since the combinations on the canvases can not only hide a criticism and generate a smile, but invite us to think of a craftsman/carver who carries out his work with an infinite series of small touches in order to make it full of indecipherable details and not recognizable at first glance,’ we read in The ethics of the image by Roberto Vidali.The four exhibition points inaugurated between June and October have allowed these spaces to be regenerated thanks to the artists who, through their works, have expanded themes and suggestions linked to the university institution.More info at Art Relations is an initiative organized on the occasion of the 100th Anniversary of the University of Trieste in collaboration with the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, ERPAC FVG, ARDIS and SMATS – University Museum Services.Biography Elisa VladiloShe studied at the Art Institute of Trieste, and at the Academy of Fine Arts, Scenography, in Venice and Milan.Her work is based on installations and site specifics in public and private spaces, through the use of colour in various modalities.She has held various exhibitions in Italy and abroad, and has created various permanent and temporary projects in various spaces including public spaces, gardens, schools, streets, squares, and train stations.She collaborates with various cultural associations and professional studios.She lived in London for 3 years (1997-2000), where she came into contact with some aspects of Public Art; During that period she also participated in Whitechapel Open in London, and the Billboard Site Project in Belfast.She won a grant from the Pollock- Krasner Foundation in New York in 1998, and participated in a residency in Berlin as part of a European project (2001).Echo Surrounding, The Old Port, Trieste (2020), Rhyme of Origin, Cambridge – UK (2014), Melting Street, Pula – Croatia (2013), Melting tower, Villach – Austria (2011), I take the landscape and bring it with me, Nervesa della Battaglia (2010).Biography Antonio Sofianopulo Antonio Sofianopulo was born in Trieste in 1955, the city where he lives and works. He studied art, but his education mainly took place in the family with his mother Renata, a painter and advertiser, and with his great-uncle Cesare, a symbolist painter and student of von Stuck. He began exhibiting in 1977. Among his solo exhibitions, we will remember those held at the ‘M. Merkouri’ in Athens in 1997, in Trieste at the ‘Palazzo Gopcevich’ for the Revoltella museum in 2003, at the Juliet space in Casier, at the Galleria Victor Saavedra in Barcelona in 2006 and at the Franco Toselli gallery in Milan in 2008 and at the Duetart in Varese in 2009, Bocconi University, Milan in 2010, at the Maniero gallery in Rome in 2011, and at the Revoltella Museum in Trieste in 2015, in 2021 at the Duetart in Varese, in 2022 at the Medusa gallery in Koper and in 2023 at the Studio Vigato in Alessandria.Among the collective exhibitions we will remember in 1993 ‘La montagna Dipinta’ at Castel Tevlana and Raffaelli gallery in Trento, ’Equinozio’ at Rivara Castle in 1994, ‘Va' pensiero…’ at the Promotrice alle Belle Arti in Turin in 1997, ‘Bel tempo’ Ludwig ,museum in Budapest in 1999, ‘Mediterranea’ in Dubrovnik in 2001, ‘Da de Chirico a Leonor Fini’ at the Museo Revoltella in Trieste in 2002, ‘A ruota libera’ in the spaces of the Fiera di Milano in 2004, in 2016 ‘Corrispondenze d'Arte’ at the Revoltella museum in Trieste, in 2017 Sala 1 – Rome, in 2018 ‘Soft Revolution ‘ at the Triennale – Milan/ in 2019 Hotel Aquerello Toselli Museo city Milan.The main reference galleries in Italy are: Studio Vigato in Alessandria, Toselli in Milan and in Spain the Galeria Saavedra in Barcelona. His work appears in Germano Celant's latest book +Spazi. One of his works was featured on the Luc Orient music CD ‘La Vie À Grand Vitesse’ from 2012Among others, the following have written about him: Roberto Vidali, Maria Masau Dan, Valerio Dehò, Vittorio Sgarbi, Alessandra Tiddia, Elena Pontiggia and Franco Toselli, Ivan Quaroni, and Francesca Liotta.Antonio Sofianopulo was among the founders of the international contemporary art magazine Juliet, and is the curator of the ‘Costantino e Mafalda Pisani’ museum of the Eastern Greek Community of Trieste. His works are found at the Paolo Pini museum in Milan, at the ‘P. Revoltella’ museum in Trieste and in various private collections in Italy and abroad. Abstract Can be visited for free until 15 december Mostra nel diario On Periodo di permanenza in Magazine Tue, 29/10/2024 - 12:00 - Wed, 27/11/2024 - 12:00
EU TalentOn 2024: PhD student Simone Kresevic wins ‘Cancer Prevention and Treatment’ category Read more about EU TalentOn 2024: PhD student Simone Kresevic wins ‘Cancer Prevention and Treatment’ category Immagine kresevic.jpg Data notizia Wed, 02/10/2024 - 12:00 Categoria notizia University Research University and society Destinatari canale University Research Destinatari target Business and Institutions Society Testo notizia Simone Kresevic, a PhD student in the Biomedical Engineering group at the Department of Engineering and Architecture, won two prestigious awards at the EU TalentOn 2024, held in Katowice, Poland. His project ‘Breath for Life’ not only won first place in the ‘Prevention and Treatment of Cancer’ category, but further distinguished itself by winning the final Grand Prize in all categories of the competition.The project proposes an innovative device for the early diagnosis of cancer using a system based on innovative sensor technology and Artificial Intelligence-based analysis. The project stood out in terms of its scientific creativity, feasibility and practical impact. The EU TalentOn is a competition promoted by the European Commission as part of the Horizon Europe programme involving young researchers aged between 21 and 35 from all over Europe. Out of more than 1,200 applications, 108 participants were selected, divided into interdisciplinary teams to develop innovative solutions related to the five European Missions: climate change adaptation, cancer prevention and treatment, ocean and water restoration, zero-emission smart cities and sustainable soil management. Biomedical Engineering PhD student Francesco Bassi was also selected from our University. - Simone Kresevic with his two teammates during project preparation Abstract Biomedical engineering doctoral student Francesco Bassi also selected Mostra nel diario Off
Project ‘Watch out for the sun!’ kicks off Read more about Project ‘Watch out for the sun!’ kicks off Immagine Progetto senza titolo (20).png Data notizia Tue, 01/10/2024 - 12:00 Categoria notizia University University and society Destinatari canale University Social Responsibility Destinatari target Business and Institutions Society Testo notizia ‘Friuli-Venezia Giulia is often referred to as ‘the Australia of Italy’ due to the high rate of melanomas linked to environmental factors,’ began Professor Iris Zalaudek, a regular lecturer and director of the Dermatology Clinic at the University of Trieste, during the presentation of the ‘Watch out for the sun! Good practices for staying healthy while outdoors’.The initiative, promoted by Fondosviluppo FVG and conducted in collaboration with the Immaginario Scientifico Science Musem, with the patronage of the University of Trieste and the University of Udine, is aimed at more than 10,000 students in the second year classes of secondary schools in the region, and aims to raise awareness among young people on the importance of preventing skin diseases.Through a series of interactive workshops, the youngsters will learn how to protect themselves from UV radiation and gain awareness of the risks associated with sun exposure. Specifically, the educational approach is divided into four modules that, starting with cells, will allow students to explore the human body, with a special focus on the skin. Among the proposed activities, one of the practical experiments will offer a visual demonstration of the impact of UV rays, highlighting the importance of using sun cream for proper protection.Unlike other preventive programmes, ‘Watch out for the sun!’ is not based on bans or strict rules, but aims to stimulate applied knowledge, promoting a conscious change in the daily habits of young people who will be able to adopt healthier and more responsible behaviour.Thanks to this project, the University of Trieste renews its commitment to spreading a culture of prevention, educating the new generations to take care of their health from a young age.For those interested in learning more about this topic, please visit the following links:Subjects at risk: Melanoma in breveThe Sun's risks: AIRC - I rischi del sole Abstract The melanoma prevention project will involve 10,000 young people with UniTS support Mostra nel diario Off
‘Beyond White with Chromotherapy’: UniTS publishes ‘The Adventures of Peter Canine’ collection Read more about ‘Beyond White with Chromotherapy’: UniTS publishes ‘The Adventures of Peter Canine’ collection Immagine Progetto senza titolo (19).png Data notizia Tue, 01/10/2024 - 12:00 Categoria notizia University University and society Destinatari canale University Social Responsibility Destinatari target Business and Institutions Society Testo notizia The presentation of the project ‘Beyond White with Chromotherapy’, made possible thanks to the collaboration between the ASUGI (healthcare services of the Trieste and Gorizia provinces), the University of Trieste and the Work Integration Service (SIIL) of the Municipality of Trieste, was held in the spaces of the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery and Odontostomatology of the Maggiore Hospital of Trieste.At the end of the ‘Digital Illustration Techniques’ regional training course, four young people with autism spectrum disorders, selected for their creative talent, had the opportunity to participate in social inclusion internships, financed by the Municipality of Trieste, which took place between February 2023 and January 2024.During this period, the four young people worked decorating the interior spaces of the Department with a series of paintings entitled ‘The Adventures of Peter Canine’, inspired by J. M. Barrie's famous character, Peter Pan, and reinterpreted in a comic strip story dealing with the theme of prevention and laughter being the best medicine.The University of Trieste supported the initiative by producing and publishing a volume collecting all the panels created by the children. The publication, entitled ‘Le avventure di Peter Canin’ (The Adventures of Peter Canine), represents an important contribution to the promotion of social inclusion and the talent of the young people involved and is available free of charge on Le avventure di Peter Canin (in Italian)The project not only spruced up the interior spaces of the department, but had a profound impact on the lives of the young participants, contributing to their personal and professional growth. The wall decorations and the book that was produced are now an asset appreciated by patients, healthcare staff and the community, offering a strong message on the importance of inclusion and creativity. Abstract Il volume è scaricabile gratuitamente Mostra nel diario Off
Wolfgang Metzger Prize awarded to Tiziano Agostini Read more about Wolfgang Metzger Prize awarded to Tiziano Agostini Immagine AGOSTINI_def.JPG Data notizia Thu, 26/09/2024 - 12:00 Categoria notizia University Research University and society Destinatari canale University Research Destinatari target Society Testo notizia Tiziano Agostini, Professor of General Psychology at the Department of Life Sciences at the University of Trieste, received the prestigious Wolfgang Metzger Prize during the opening ceremony of the 23rd Scientific Conference of the Society for Gestalt Theory and its Applications (GTA), held at the University of Milan-Bicocca. The award was presented to him for the book ‘Showing Time: Continuous Pictorial Narrative and the Adam and Eve Story - In Memory of Alberto Argenton’, of which he is co-author.The prize, named after the German psychologist Wolfgang Metzger, is awarded to those who have significantly contributed to the research and application of Gestalt Theory. Gestalt is an interdisciplinary approach that sees the human being as an open system in constant interaction with its environment. It focuses on how we perceive the whole of an experience or phenomenon, rather than its individual parts, emphasising the importance of global perceptual structures. In a nutshell, what we perceive is not a sum of elements, but simply a synthesis of reality.For Professor Agostini, this award represents not only a personal accolade, but also an important achievement for the Department of Life Sciences at the University of Trieste. This is the second time that the Metzger Prize has been awarded to a lecturer at the University of Trieste: the first to receive it was Gaetano Kanizsa, founder of the Experimental Psychology Laboratory in Trieste, together with Riccardo Luccio in 1987.With the awarding of Tiziano Agostini, the University of Trieste reaffirms its leading role on the international academic scene, continuing its tradition of excellence in research on the psychology of perception and experience.. Abstract His predecessor was Gaetano Kanizsa in 1987 Mostra nel diario Off
TRIESTE NEXT: discover the UniTS programme for the whole weekend Read more about TRIESTE NEXT: discover the UniTS programme for the whole weekend Immagine Progetto senza titolo (9).png Data notizia Fri, 27/09/2024 - 12:00 Categoria notizia University University and society Destinatari canale University Social Responsibility Destinatari target Prospective students Enrolled students Graduates Society Testo notizia Trieste NEXT 2024 has officially begun. Over the weekend of 27th - 29th September, the festival of scientific research will bring thousands of science enthusiasts from all over Italy and abroad to Trieste.The 20th edition was inaugurated in Piazza Unità d'Italia by Roberto Di Lenarda, Rector of the University of Trieste and President of the event's Scientific Committee, Nicola Casagli, President of the National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics (OGS), Maurizio De Blasio, Councillor for Education and Family Policies of the Municipality of Trieste, Antonio Maconi, Director of Trieste Next: Festival of Scientific Research, Caterina Petrillo, President of Area Science Park,Pierpaolo Roberti, Friuli Venezia Giulia Regional Councillor for Local Authorities, Public Function, Security and Immigration and Andrea Romanino, Director of SISSA.This year's festival is yet again made possible thanks to the invaluable work of the 150 UniTS volunteers who will ensure that visitors enjoy the scheduled events in the best possible way.Here is the extensive programme offered by the University of Trieste:Venerdì 27 settembre Sabato 28 settembreDomenica 29 settembreQueste invece le 10 nuovissime attività interattive che UniTS propone nel suo stand in Piazza Unità:Stand UniTS Piazza Unità Abstract Scopri il programma UniTS per tutto il weekend Mostra nel diario Off
UniTS si illumina di verde per la SLA Read more about UniTS si illumina di verde per la SLA Immagine SLA.jpg Data notizia Fri, 13/09/2024 - 12:00 Categoria notizia University University and society Destinatari canale University Social Responsibility Destinatari target Business and Institutions Society Testo notizia Il 15 settembre UniTS si illumina di verde per celebrare la Giornata Nazionale SLA, istituita per ricordare il primo sit-in dei malati in Piazza Bocca della Verità a Roma, avvenuto il 18 settembre 2006.Da allora, ogni anno, tra la metà di settembre e la prima settimana di ottobre, AISLA promuove iniziative in tutta Italia per rinnovare l’attenzione dell’opinione pubblica, delle autorità politiche, sanitarie e socio-assistenziali sui bisogni di cura e assistenza dei malati di Sclerosi Laterale Amiotrofica. I fondi raccolti nelle piazze italiane, dove è possibile aderire all’iniziativa “Un contributo versato con gusto”, è fornire aiuti concreti per migliorare la qualità di vita delle persone con SLA e delle loro famiglie. Dal sostegno finanziario per garantire l’assistenza domiciliare continua, al trasporto con mezzi attrezzati, dal supporto ai progetti di vacanze accessibili, fino alla consulenza e il supporto per le pratiche burocratiche, legali e previdenziali.GIORNATA NAZIONALE SLA 2024 Abstract La facciata dell'ateneo rimarrà colorata tutto il weekend Mostra nel diario Off
Intellectual property and exploitation of research results Read more about Intellectual property and exploitation of research results Immagine CLab seminari img.jpg Data notizia Wed, 25/09/2024 - 12:00 Categoria notizia University ateneo Press releases Research University and society Destinatari canale University Study Research Social Responsibility Destinatari target Enrolled students Graduates International Students - Degree Seekers Society Testo notizia As part of the activities of SiS FVG, the Scientific and Innovation System of Friuli Venezia Giulia, which coordinates 17 regional research and innovation entities, Area Science Park in collaboration with the University of Trieste is promoting for the second year a series of seminars on the topics of intellectual property and the exploitation of research results, making use of the experience of expert speakers in technical and legal aspects from the GLP group.The initiative, created to disseminate knowledge of intellectual property to students, faculty and researchers at the University, is open to all interested parties.The seminars will be held at the UniTS CLab, 40 F. Severo Street (Former Military Hospital), in Trieste.Participation in the seminars is free of charge, after registering at the following link PROGRAM:Module 1 - Overview of Intellectual Property Rights - Patent FocusSeptember 26, 2024 from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.Speaker: Stefano LigiModule 2 - New discipline of inventions in the academic field (art.65 C.P.I.)October 9, 2024 from 16:00 to 18:00 hoursSpeaker: Lorenzo FabroModule 3 – NDA e Licensing October 14, 2024 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Speaker: Lawyer Erika PolettiModule 4 - Copyright e Creative Commons November 13, 2024 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Speaker: Lawyer Carmela BarilàFor information: Abstract Seminar series at CLab Mostra nel diario Off
1001 Vela Cup in Trieste for the UniTS 100th Anniversary Read more about 1001 Vela Cup in Trieste for the UniTS 100th Anniversary Immagine Progetto senza titolo (16).png Data notizia Tue, 24/09/2024 - 12:00 Categoria notizia University University and society Destinatari canale University Destinatari target Enrolled students Business and Institutions Society Testo notizia The ‘Mille e una Vela Cup’ (thousand and one sails cup) university trophy will be held in Trieste from 25th to 29th September, with the UniTS AUDACE team among the participants with its three boats ‘Lina’, ‘Dedalo’ and ‘Bai - Lina Rossa’.The University sailing team's laser-focus objective is simple: to consolidate the victories of the previous three editions.Hosted by the ADRIACO Yacht Club and organised with the cooperation of the University of Trieste in the year of its 100th Anniversary, the international regatta will see sailboats designed, built and sailed by university students.Only boats made with materials that guarantee a high degree of recyclability and environmental sustainability will be admitted to the competition.During the three-day regatta, the ‘1001VELAcup’ Challenge Trophy and the ‘Paolo Padova’ Trophy will be awarded. The first is contested with boats designed and built by students and with crews formed exclusively by them. The second features crews formed by a teacher and a student.The ‘Mainaldo Maneschi Prize’ will also be awarded for the best boat project, combining the evaluation of the competing projects with the results of the regattas.Seminars and in-depth lectures on design techniques are also planned.1001 Vela Cup Abstract From 25 to 29 september at Yacht Club ADRIACO Link 1001 Vela Cup Mostra nel diario Off