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If you want to interrupt your studies for one or more academic years, for personal reasons other than those provided for career freeze, it is sufficient not to pay the first installment of the fees, without having to communicate it to the Career Office.

We remind you that, according to current regulations, double enrollment in university courses is allowed. See information on the dedicated page.

WARNING: For the academic years of interruption, you cannot perform career-related activities (attend courses, take exams, etc.); to avoid forfeiture from studies, read the information on this page. It is advisable to request the ISEE for each year of interruption as it may affect the calculation of the amount of fees to be paid at the time of resuming studies, as specified in the Fee Notice.

If you wish to withdraw from your academic studies and stop paying your University fees (even those already due), please submit a withdrawal application

You can submit your application at any time of the year.

1.    Log in to the online Student Academic Services (Esse3). From the menu, select Home>Withdrawal application and follow the step-by-step procedure. If you don’t remember your login details (User ID and/or password), please visit the University of Trieste password recovery webpage.
2.    Submit your withdrawal application.
3.    Go to the ‘Payments’ section of the online Student Academic Services (Esse3) and pay the stamp duty which you will be invoiced for during the withdrawal procedure. Only after payment will the Office for Academic Services consider your application and approve your withdrawal request. 
4.    When your withdrawal request has been approved, you’ll receive a confirmation email.
You do not need to return your student's record book or student card.

After withdrawing from your studies:
•    you will forfeit any right to a fee reimbursement;
•    if you are a non-EU citizen, your resident permit for study purposes will be revoked. In order to re-enrol you will have to contact the International Student Services;
•    if you were granted any benefits from ARDiS, remember to seek out information about whether these may also be revoked. 
•    you must return any books or other material you took from the University Library Services.
•    you will be able to obtain a declaration with the date of your withdrawal and the list of any exams you have passed from the online Student Academic Services (Esse3);

If you wish to attend:

  • a course of study at a foreign university
  • a military academy
  • a specialization school, a Ph.D., or a university master's program activated at this or another university
  • a T.F.A. (Training for Teaching Activities) internship activated at this or another university

you can suspend your studies: fill out the form and send it to the Student Career Office of your course of study. You will be notified as soon as the virtual stamp duty is issued, available on your Esse3 Online Services. Notify the Career Office once the payment has been made so that the procedure can be completed properly.

You must return the borrowed bibliographic material from the university libraries.

At the time of suspension, you must be up to date with the taxes and fees due up to the previous academic year, and you must not pay the first installment of the fees for the current academic year (it is non-refundable): only if you have already paid it and submit the application after the deadline for subsequent installments, you will also have to pay these.

To resume your studies after the suspension, please read the information page on Resuming Studies.

Decadence entails the automatic cancellation of your university career and the loss of student status, even if you have paid your fees regularly.

Students enrolled from the academic year 2011/12 
You will be considered to have lapsed from studies if you do not earn credits for five consecutive academic years, unless different provisions are established in the educational regulations of the study programs.

Students enrolled up to the academic year 2010/11 
You will be considered to have lapsed from studies if eight academic years have elapsed since the last exam taken, even with a negative outcome, or since the last year of enrollment (including in the case of a course transfer) or as a repeating student. The situation most favorable to the student will be considered.

You will not be subject to lapse if you have passed all the required exams/educational activities outlined in your study plan and only need to complete the final exam, unless different provisions are established in the educational regulations of the study programs.

After lapse:

  • you can request a refund of any fees paid after the lapse period;you can request certificates of your academic career;you can re-enroll (without fee reductions for merit) and request recognition of exams taken: see the information page on Resuming studies.
  • If you have doubts about your situation, contact the Student Career Office of your course of study; then fill out the form and submit it via email.
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