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Travelling for research: application forms


In line with the research topics, the PhD candidate may conduct part of their research activities at qualified facilities in Italy and abroad, prior authorization of the Supervisor (or co-Supervisor if the Supervisor is not a member of the PhD Academic Board).

Before leaving

Students must send to 

- the pre-departure form signed by the Supervisor/co-Supervisor in which must be specified:

  1. exact period of the travel;
  2. name of the host institution 

This form must be submitted prior to departure. In the absence of such authorization, the PhD student will not be entitled to insurance coverage.

When coming back

Students must sent to the PhD Office the following documentation

- the return form

- an original statement on letterhead written in English and signed by the person in charge of the research activity at the foreign institution; the exact study period must be specified (it must correspond to the former authorization) and date of the statement must correspond to the end of the study period


See the dedicated section for more details 



PhD students who need to certify their Career to Italian public bodies or private companies providing public services (e.g. private Universities legally recognized) are required by law to use self-certification and not certificates issued by us. Self-certifications (or "self-declarations") are already filled out and available on the online university services under: "menu – home – certificates and changes to study Programme". If needed, we can confirm the declarations to the authority which has received the self-certification. 

The following self-certifications are available on the online university services (only in Italian): 

  • Autodichiarazione Anni Iscrizione
  • Autodichiarazione Conseguimento titolo
  • Autodichiarazione Conseguimento titolo con anni carriera per riscatto degli anni universitari a fini pensionistici.
  • Autodichiarazione rinuncia/decadenza


PhD students can deliver their declarations through the following forms (only in Italian):

MODULO DI DICHIARAZIONE SOSTITUTIVA DI CERTIFICAZIONE (the usage examples provided by law are available on the second page)

MODULO DI DICHIARAZIONE SOSTITUTIVA DI ATTO NOTORIO (the usage examples provided by law are available on the second page)

Certificates and declarations

PhD students who need to deliver certificates to private bodies in Italy or abroad, must produce certificates issued by the University.

The following certificates are available in Italian on the online university services:

  • Iscrizione
  • Conseguimento titolo 

PhD students who need the certificates in English or to use them abroad must ask for the certificates by email to the PhD office. In the email they should specify:

  1. which certificate need among the available ones;
  2. the reason why they need the certificate and to whom is meant for;
  3. if they need to use it here in Italy or abroad;
  4. if they need it in Italian or in English.

According to the certificate usage specified, the payment of the stamp duty (€16.00) will be charged on the PhD student career in Esse3 on "payments". See method of payments.
From 38th cycle the Diploma supplement will be available.

Contact us from your institutional email account, or from your private one by attaching your ID.

If you have lost or forgotten the login credentials for the online university services, please ask for them by following this procedure.

However, PhD students who have SPID credentials can use them in order to log in on the online university services. 


certificates to be used in Italy: will be sent by email (pdf format without signature as provided by art. 3 par. 2. of the Legislative Decree 39/93). The certificates are original and numbered and cannot be photocopied;  

certificates to be used abroad: will be delivered in paper format with handwritten signature (if the receiving body or institution requires a legalized signature you must contact the Prefettura – Ufficio Territoriale del Governo di Trieste)

If you ask for signed certificate, you can:

  • ask for a registered mail shipping, at your own expenses, which will be charged online on the "payment" section;
  • collect the certificate personally, or delegate someone to collect it, by having previously set an appointment by email;
  • organize the collection of the certificate by express delivery, chosen and paid by you (we will give you further details);

For the declaration regarding the Indennità di richiesta disoccupazione (DISCOLL) at the conclusion of the PhD scholarship, please ask for it by email to

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