Contenuto This page has been temporarily translated using AI. A revised translation by the University Language Centre (CLA) will be uploaded soon. The European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) is part of a broad range of interventions planned by the European Union with the aim of implementing the economic and social territorial cohesion policy and reducing the gap between the development levels of various regions. ETC encourages different Member States to cooperate through the implementation of joint projects to achieve a higher level of territorial integration.Interregional cooperation (Interreg C) involves all Member States of the European Union and aims to strengthen the effectiveness of the cohesion policy by promoting the exchange of experiences, identifying and disseminating best practices. INTERREG Europe Programme 2021 -2027 Interreg Europe is the European interregional territorial cooperation programme involving 29 countries: the 27 EU member states plus Norway and Switzerland.The Europe 2021-2027 programme aims to contribute to the improvement of regional policies and regional development programs, particularly investment programs for growth and employment and territorial cooperation, by promoting the exchange of experiences, innovative approaches, and capacity building through the identification, dissemination, and transfer of good practices in regional development policies.The program is structured around a single cross-cutting priority, the specific objective "better governance of cooperation," which allows supporting actions aimed at strengthening the institutional capacity of public authorities and stakeholders involved in the implementation of territorial strategies. This implies that beneficiaries can cooperate on all relevant topics in line with their regional needs, as long as they fall within the scope of the European cohesion policy, meaning the political and specific objectives:a smarter Europe a greener Europe a more connected Europe a more social Europe a Europe closer to citizensThe managing authority is the French region Hauts-de-France. At the Italian level, the co-chair of the national committee is the Umbria Region, while the vice-chair is the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region.Italian National Contact Point: Umbria RegionINTERREG Europe ESPON Programme 2030 ESPON 2023 is an interregional programme of territorial cooperation that represents an excellent funding and research opportunity for universities and research institutes.ESPON 2030 finances territorial studies selected based on the expressed needs of various European public authorities to meet the specific needs of certain places. The program is structured into Thematic Action Plans (TAPs).Below are the links for more information regarding the calls, budget, and requirements to participate in the 6 territorial research projects:TAP Climate neutral territoriesCoBren - Territorial cooperation for blue renewable energyTANDEM- Territorial Analysis of Decentralised Energy Markets TAP Places Resilient to CrisesTERRES - Territorialising Resilience: Transforming Europe for an Age of CrisisTAP Perspectives for All People and PlacesOVERLAP - Overlapping crises (re)shaping the future of regional labour marketsHouseForAll- Access to affordable and quality housing for all peopleBaroWealth - A Barometer on average income for European regions TAP Governance of new geographiesNo-Stageo - Territorial governance of non-standard geographie ESPON 2030 Programme Ultimo aggiornamento Last update: 05-02-2024 International CERV Horizon Europe Interreg A Interreg B Interreg C POR FESR LIFE Justice Creative Europe