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EU Funding

European funding represents the primary financial means through which the European Union pursues the objective of social and economic integration of its member countries.

European funding is divided into two types:

  1. Direct management funding: these are funds managed directly by the European Commission.
  2. Indirect management funding: these are funds whose management is indirectly delegated to the Member States through their central (national) and peripheral (regional or local) administrations.

Specifically, in the case of direct management funding, the European Commission or one of its delegated Agencies disburses the funds directly to the end-users. How? Through participation in calls for proposals published periodically in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) or on the websites of the respective Directorates-General of the Commission.

In the case of European funding with indirect management, the financial resources from the EU budget are transferred to the Member States, particularly to the regions. Based on operational programs, the regions manage the allocation and distribution of these funds to the final beneficiaries.

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EU Projects
Horizon Europe
European Union Framework Programme for Research and Innovation for the period 2021-2027
Interreg A
To promote integrated regional development among neighboring regions
Interreg B
To promote development across larger transnational territories, involving national, regional, and local partners
Interreg C
It involves all the Member States of the European Union and aims to strengthen the effectiveness of cohesion policy
FESR 2021-2027 Regional Programme
European funding instrument for environmental and climate actions
Program promoting judicial cooperation in civil and criminal matters
Creative Europe
Program supporting the cultural and creative sectors
CERV – Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values
The CERV programme – Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values – aims to protect and promote the rights and values of the Union, as well as to foster open, democratic, fair, and inclusive societies.
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