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Second-level Master's Degree


Duration: 1 year
Campus: Trieste-Milano-Napoli
Language: Italian
Department: Humanistic Studies (lead department) / University Clinical Department of Medical, Surgical, and Health Sciences
Credits: 60
Admission: on qualifications and interview
Available seats (min/max): 8/30

For admission and enrollment procedures, please refer to the Master's Degree Single Call for Applications

Chronic orofacial pain represents one of the most complex clinical challenges in oral medicine. With increasing life expectancy and continuous improvements in technology and disease understanding, we are facing a growing number of patients suffering from chronic, often debilitating, pain conditions. This not only significantly impacts patients' quality of life but also presents unique challenges for healthcare professionals in terms of diagnosis, management, and treatment.

Recognizing the critical importance of specialized and up-to-date training in this field, the Second-Level Interuniversity Master's Degree in "Chronic Orofacial Pain in Oral Medicine: From Diagnosis to Modern Therapeutic Approaches" offers an excellent educational pathway characterized by a multidisciplinary approach and an advanced clinical perspective.

The Master's program aims primarily at achieving accurate diagnostic classification and therapy of chronic facial pain of various origins. Furthermore, students will delve into advanced diagnostic techniques, such as specific radiographic examinations for the orofacial region and psychosocial assessments, to provide a holistic understanding of the patient and their pain. Additionally, students will acquire skills in managing new medications and in the use of unconventional therapies, such as laser therapy, botulinum toxin, acupuncture, transcranial stimulation, and cognitive-behavioral techniques.

Competition results

The results of the admissions will be published in this section.

Master Director

Matteo Biasotto

Phone: 040 3992102

Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche, Chirurgiche e della Salute dell’Università degli studi di Trieste.

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