Contenuto Second-level Master's DegreeMEDICINE, SURGERY AND HEALTH SCIENCESDuration: 2 yearsCampus: TriesteLanguage: ItalianDepartment: Humanistic Studies (lead department) / University Clinical Department of Medical, Surgical, and Health SciencesCredits: 60Admission: Based on qualifications and interviewAvailable seats (min/max): 5/8For admission and enrollment procedures, please refer to the Master's Degree Single Call for Applications. Go to the online registration The Master's program aims to train professionals capable of providing each patient, in the field of breast surgery, with solutions that guarantee maximum oncological radicality with the best possible aesthetic and functional outcome. Modern Breast Units rely on close collaboration between General Surgeons and Plastic Surgeons to provide a wide range of treatments in line with the latest scientific evidence and to ensure the best possible personalized pathway for patients. The Master's program aims to develop the knowledge of specialists, integrating the training path of the General Surgeon with the latest techniques of breast reconstructive and aesthetic surgery, and that of the Plastic Surgeon with the aspects related to the diagnosis and medical and surgical treatment of oncological pathology. Allegati Document Call for applications Master Degrees Document Regolamento e Ordinamento Didattici Competition results The results of the admissions will be published in this section. Competition results The results of the admissions will be published in this section. Master Director Marina BortulPhone: 040 399 4258E-mail: chirurgia-plastica@units.itDipartimento di Scienze Mediche, Chirurgiche e della SaluteZona didattica dell'Ospedale di Cattinara Ultimo aggiornamento Last update: 02-10-2025 2° level Master Third sector Law and Management: social welfare systems between entrepreneurship, volunteering and subsidiarity Teaching in hospital and homebound education: skills, methodologies, strategies Specialist Master of "Management in clinical engineering" Medical Phisics - Fisica Medica Sustainable Blue Economy Andrological surgery and Gender dysphoria Gynecological laparoscopic surgery Oncoplastic breast surgery Sleep respiratory disorders Chronic orofacial pain in Oral Medicine. From diagnosis to modern therapeutic approaches Urological and Andrological Imaging