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The Industrial PhD Programme is run by the university in agreement with a company which carries out research and development activities.

In this type of Programme, PhD candidates must carry out part of their research activities at the company’s premises. The operating methods, the timeline of the employee's overall commitment and the duration of the PhD Programme are established by a specific agreement between the university and the company. 

The admission requirements are the same of standard PhD Programmes (participation in a selection process), but the university can reserve some positions to company staff members. The Industrial Doctorate is a collaboration between the University and the business world, as outlined in the Ministerial Decree 226/21. In this perspective, it is possible to fund scholarships on specific topics of common interest for the Company and the PhD Course, as well as to train its employees within a PhD Course (Executive PhD).

Two supervisors, one from the university and one from the company, assist the PhD student and at least one spokesperson of the company participates as a member of the Academic Board within the PhD Course. 

For more information, please contact the PhD Office by e-mail at 

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