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Enrolment - First year

PhD students first year enrolment takes place when the payment of the 1st instalment is made. The amount of the instalment is € 176,00, inclusive of the stamp duty and the regional tax.

The 2nd instalment, amounting to € 300,00, must be paid by April 28, 2025 by PhD scholarship recipients only. PhD students who confirm that they are not grant recipients and students on a joint-supervision (see Article 4 point 5) will automatically be refunded any amounts already paid.

Enrolment - After first year

PhD students enrolment after the first year takes place when the payment of the 1st instalment is made. The amount of the instalment is € 176,00, inclusive of the stamp duty and the regional tax.

The 2nd instalment, amounting to € 300,00, must be paid by April 28, 2025 by PhD scholarship recipients only. PhD students who confirm that they are not grant recipients and students on a joint-supervision (see Article 4 point 5) will automatically be refunded any amounts already paid.

  • Login to the Online Student Services (Esse3)
  • Pay the 1st instalment of University fees to confirm the enrolment. You can find the payment slip in the Payments section.

For registrations beyond the deadline, a late fee will be charged according to the provisions of the Fee Notice.


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