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Past events


Tue, Mar 19 2024, 5 - 7pm
Vai a Corso di Python per il Machine Learning
Corso di Python per il Machine Learning
Presso l'Aula Magna dell'Edificio H3
Tue, Mar 19 2024, 2 - 4:30pm
Vai a GO! 2025 meets the University
GO! 2025 meets the University
Event in Gorizia at the Conference Center at 18 Alviano Street
Tue, Mar 19 2024, 11am - 12pm
Vai a Implicit inflation estimation with individual Taylor GLM
Implicit inflation estimation with individual Taylor GLM
DEAMS seminar as part of the initiative “Knowing the industry: actuarial students meet actuaries”
Tue, Mar 19 2024, 10am - 1pm
Vai a Leaf Seeker
Leaf Seeker
Leaf Seeker, a seminar with Giuseppe Favi
Mon, Mar 18 2024, 3 - 4pm
Vai a Non-life insurance pricing: from risk premium to commercial tariff
Non-life insurance pricing: from risk premium to commercial tariff
DEAMS seminar as part of the initiative “Knowing the industry: actuarial students meet actuaries”
Mon, Mar 18 2024, 2 - 4pm
Vai a CGG Recruitment Event
CGG Recruitment Event
Incontro presso l'aula 1B dell’edificio H3
Fri, Mar 15 2024, 3pm - Sat, Mar 16 2024, 1:30pm
Vai a The role of the Italian and the German constitutional courts in the multilevel construction of criminal guarantees in Europe
The role of the Italian and the German constitutional courts in the multilevel construction of criminal guarantees in Europe
Conference organized by the Department of Legal, Language, Interpretation and Translation Sciences
Fri, Mar 15 2024, 1 - 2:30pm
Vai a Sto Lat! The University of Trieste and ESN Italy at a turning point
Sto Lat! The University of Trieste and ESN Italy at a turning point
Opening conference of the three-day ESN Italy National Platform in Trieste
Fri, Mar 15 2024, All day
Vai a Steel and composite structures - Recent developments and new challenges
Steel and composite structures - Recent developments and new challenges
Conference in the Classroom E1 in Building C1 on the campus in memory of Prof. Claudio Amadio
Wed, Mar 13 2024, 5 - 6pm
Vai a Women's Sense of the City
Women's Sense of the City
Discussion meeting with Elena Granata in Bachelet hall, central building
Wed, Mar 13 2024, 2 - 3pm
Vai a Trasform4Europe (T4EU) event
Trasform4Europe (T4EU) event
Information session on the opportunities the project targets for students, faculty, researchers and TA staff
Tue, Mar 12 2024, 6:15 - 8:30pm
Vai a Trieste mistica
Trieste mistica
Evento dedicato al tema del dialogo interreligioso, con la partecipazione di Luciano Violante, Presidente Emerito della Camera dei Deputati