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The Associazione Culturale Teatro Immagine Suono (ACTIS), in collaboration with the University of Trieste, invites the students of the University to participate in the 21st edition of the Danceproject Festival ‘Beyond dance towards new horizons... pushing boundaries’.

The project aims at exploring the point of view of the new generations on history, culture and traditions, with particular attention to the Italian-Slovenian cross-border territory between Trieste and Gorizia, also in view of Nova Gorica Gorizia Capital of Culture 2025.

Participants are asked to create theatrical texts, videos or multimedia products, in collaboration with young artists, reflecting on the complex history of the border and proposing original ideas and reflections. The projects may integrate different artistic languages such as theatre, dance, photography, video, performance, installations. 

The Festival also proposes a workshop/laboratory with the choreographer Marina Rossi of the Lelastiko company from Brescia, as well as a series of educational meetings on the history of the eastern border by Prof. Fabio Todero.

The winning projects will be presented in November during the Festival and published on the dedicated website.

Works must be sent by 26th October 2024 by email (also using wetransfer) to, indicating the title of the project, author's name, contact details and consent to the processing of personal data.