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loghi UE, MUR e Italia Domani

National Recovery and Resilience Plan

MISSION 4 "Education and research"

Component 1 "Enhancement of the provision of education services: from nurseries to universities"

Investment 4.1 - "Expansion of the number of research doctorates and innovative doctorates for public administration and cultural heritage"

Investment 3.4 - "Teaching and advanced university skills"

Component 2 "From research to enterprise"

Investment 3.3 - "Introduction of innovative doctorates that meet the innovation needs of enterprises and promote the hiring of researchers by companies"

NRRP MUR Doctoral Admission Calls

The Ministry of University and Research, through the issuance of D.M. 351/2022, has allocated resources to universities under the PNRR, Mission 4, Component 1 "Enhancement of the education service offer: from nurseries to University" – Investment 3.4 "Advanced university teaching and skills" and Investment 4.1 "Extension of the number of research doctorates and innovative doctorates for public administration and cultural heritage".

For the 38th cycle, the Ministry has assigned the University of Trieste 22 scholarships for doctoral programs in dedicated programs, including:

  • 9 for public administration; 
  • 2 for cultural heritage; 
  • 1 for digital and environmental transitions; 
  • 10 for generic PNRR themes.

The scholarships are co-financed with PNRR funds for a value of €60,000 each.

The remaining funding portion is financed directly by the University or external funders.

The Ministry of University and Research, furthermore, through D.M. 352/2022, has allocated resources under the PNRR, Mission 4, Component 2 "From Research to Enterprise" – Investment 3.3 "Introduction of innovative doctorates that meet the innovation needs of companies and promote the hiring of researchers by companies", for the activation of dedicated doctoral programs, with the contribution and involvement of companies.

For the 38th cycle, the Ministry has assigned the University of Trieste 47 doctoral scholarships for innovative doctorates with an industrial connotation.

The scholarships are co-financed with PNRR funds for a value of €30,000 each.

The remaining funding portion is financed by the company participating in the doctoral project.

The Ministry of University and Research, through the issuance of Decree 118/2023, has allocated resources to universities under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), Mission 4, Component 1 "Enhancement of education services: from nurseries to universities" – Investment 3.4 "Advanced university teaching and skills" and Investment 4.1 "Extension of the number of research doctorates and innovative doctorates for public administration and cultural heritage".

For the 39th cycle, the Ministry has allocated 47 scholarships to the University of Trieste for doctoral programs in dedicated programs, including:

  • 19 for public administration;
  • 3 for cultural heritage;
  • 4 for digital and environmental transitions;
  • 21 for generic PNRR themes.

The scholarships are co-financed with PNRR funds for a value of €60,000 each.

The remaining funding portion is provided directly by the University or external financiers.

The Ministry of University and Research, through Decree 117/2023, has allocated resources under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), Mission 4, Component 2 "From Research to Business" – Investment 3.3 "Introduction of innovative doctorates that meet the innovation needs of companies and promote the hiring of researchers by companies", for the activation of dedicated doctoral programs, with the contribution and involvement of companies.

For the 39th cycle, the Ministry has allocated 117 doctoral scholarships to the University of Trieste for innovative doctoral programs with an industrial connotation.

The scholarships are co-financed with PNRR funds for a value of €30,000 each.

The remaining funding portion is provided by the participating company in the doctoral project.

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