Contenuto This page has been temporarily translated using AI. A revised translation by the University Language Centre (CLA) will be uploaded soon. To check the availability of the classroom, refer to the dedicated page for the Building on EasyRoom.Recommended browsers for browsing: Chrome, Safari, Firefox e Edge.The Classroom Booking Service is active from Monday to Friday.Submit classroom reservation requests tel. 040 5587662 Check the availability of the classroom on EasyRoom Request for Space Allocation (ITA only) Student Associations - Request for Workstations (ITA only) Student Associations - Request for Event Rooms (ITA only) Regulations for Access and Use of Spaces (ITA only) Guidelines for the Use of Spaces (ITA only) Ultimo aggiornamento Digital services Online Students Service (Esse3) University email (Office 365) E-learning (ITA only) Course Catalogue Wireless network - eduroam (ITA only) Room booking Password recovery