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Student Mobility a.y. 2024/25 (second semester) - Erasmus Call KA171 Political Science Area

The call for student mobility ERASMUS KA171 is dedicated to students enrolled in degree courses in Political and Social Sciences. It is possible to apply for the following KA171 project partner universities: 

University of Tirana (Albania)

University of Sarajevo (BiH)

University of Prishtina (Kosovo)

University of Montenegro (Montenegro).


For more information please contact:

Presentation of Universities included in the Call for outgoing students a.a. 2024/25

Presentations by the Universities of Tirana, Sarajevo, Prishtina and Montenegro with useful information about offered courses.

Graduatoria Bando Erasmus KA171 - prima apertura

Gli assegnatari devono comunicare l'accettazione della mobilità inviando una mail a secondo le modalità indicate nell'allegato.

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